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DIY Chapter


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Hi this is my first post here I was told to come here if i ever needed help with my marines...well I am indeed in need of some assistance I wanted to check with you all and see if my chapters name has already been used by someone eklse its Sons of Corax


If it has been used I could definetly use some help making a name for my chapter, also some aide in my color scheme would be helpful. The following is my criteria.


I need it to have more than one main color(the standard single tone chapters bore me to quickly )


I don't want it to look too much like anyone elses chapter(especially the codex chapters)


I have ben thinking of a dark blue with white and the accented with gold , or dark blue with red and accented by either bronze or gold


If none of these ideas really work for a raven guard sucessor thats fine by me just help me to come up with some good ideas for a Diy Chapter that fro mthe above criteris I will be hapy to paint




Any help would be appreciated thank you so much in advance


Oh and if im low on punctuation and such my sincerest apologies I try my best to make it easily legible but sometiems i do have run on sentences.

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Welcome to the B&C :devil:


Have you thought about some fluff aside from the colour scheme? Perhaps work on that will help decide what your chapter is like and therefore making a colour scheme would be easier.


As for if its an existing chapter, I highly doubt that it exists however another DIY chapter might have a similar same but it should be fine ;)


If you want to try out some colour schemes I suggest taking a look at the GW army painter




Hope that helps a little

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I need it to have more than one main color(the standard single tone chapters bore me to quickly )
So your going for either a half-scheme like Eagle Warriors. Quatered like Brazen Claws or something wierd like Mentors & Mortifactors


If none of these ideas really work for a raven guard sucessor thats fine by me just help me to come up with some good ideas for a Diy Chapter that fro mthe above criteris I will be hapy to paint


Well, the only thing you've got to have if your a RG sucessor is paled skin as they get older & black hair. Most RG sucessors go for fast attack/infiltrate as this is what RG are.



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thank you for the helpful hints I have used the gw painter thats how i came up with the color ideas that i did. I originally wasn't going to make it a RG sucessor untill I remembered that i have the extremely cool looking shrike model


So maybe it will just be easier not to worry about what chapter it is generated from and just continue to build on the fluff and such.


Any of you have any pointers for developing fluff ??


sorry if im asking stupid questions

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First Answer this basic information


- What geneseed are they?

- What founding were they?

- What is their chapter symbol/colour scheme?

- What is their Homeworld like, and what is the culture of the homeworld? (ie is it a Hive World, a Feral World, a Death World etc)

- Where in the Imperium are they based? (It may help define the kind of enemies they face most often.)

- What is their Combat Doctrine like? (do they prefer Close Combat or ranged fighting?)

- What is their Organisation like (do they follow the Codex or are they a bit different?)

- What is their Belief System?


Then basically expand on these. So instead of saying "They like CC" go on to what kind of close combat people they etc. Then make up a history. Its helpful if you have an idea of what you want them to be like at the end, usually based upon a certain culture.



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well I've been working dilligently on these guys and its doubtful they will be RG sucessors. I'm thinking the color scheme will be closer to the crimson fist s i tested out the colors and it looks good .

The color scheme is blue body legs and helmet red arms and shoulder pads rim of shoulder pad is gold bulbs on back parck are gold and the rest of the back pack is red


anyway what do you guys think ?

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