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Finished DIY


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Ok fellow fraters, after much work with my DIY I am now set,


But first a little look of how it came to be as it did:


At first I wanted a traitor marine DIY,


But then I realized that I though that a Renegade but still loyal DIY was much cooler, and so I made total new fluff and IA for them and though of useing the 13th Company army list,


But then I realised that I wanted to have a fully Loyal one so that I could take part in all these Deathwatch topics and so, and I also realized that I wanted to have Dreadnoughts, and cooler psychic powers,


So then I started to work on a DIY Chapter with the army list taken from the Codex instead,


and this is how it turned out:


(Bevare! Loooong!!!)


Index Astartes: The Forgotten Reapers



The Forgotten Reapers.


Current Location:

At the fortress world of Eresius just outside the boarders of the Maelstrom.



Assumed to be 21th, Cursed Founding.


Chapter Master:

The Current Chapter Master of the Forgotten Reapers is an 800 years old Space Marine with the name Darkisius. The Title bestowed upon him is Arch Lord and he is the Lord of the 1st Conclave,


Chapter Heraldy and Standard:


* Banner is not the best I know, I gotta make a model and paint it up so that I can get a real banner :P



The history of the Forgotten Reapers is shrouded in mystery. Much of the history has been lost and forgotten. But the biggest mystery of the Chapter is how they where founded. Becouse they was found during the 38th millenium, as a planet in the Maelstrom was re-conquered by the Destroyers, multiply huge storing facilities was un-covered. They stores was half hidden in the earth and at first the Destoyers thought the facilities to be armories and tank storing, but after finding out what they really contained they immediatly contacted with Inquisition and the Adeptus Mechanicus. What they had found was exactly 1264 Space Marines of an earlier unknown Chapter in statis prisons. They Inquisitor who investigated the discovery immediatly ordered the representatives of the Adeptus Mechanicus to unlock a few of the marines so that they could be interrogated, and so that the Inquisitor could get an answer of why the Marine Chapter had been locked up there. A total of 15 marines was unlocked and questioned. But the interrogations didn't gave any answers, as no one of the marines could remember anything, nothing accept that they had been created to guard the boarders to the Maelstrom. Just days after that the interrogations where compleated the true armories where founded, alone with stores filled with power armours enought to fit out the whole Chapter. But just a few weeks after the discovery the foul power of Chaos fell upon the planet in the form of some major Black Legion forces numbering a total of 900 Chaos Marines, the Inquisitor, the representatives of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Destroyers numbered only a total of 300 and even with the 1700 Imperial Guard troops that had been detached for them they was outnumbered as the might if a Space Marine is god-like if compared to a normal human. The Inquisitor realized that they couldn't win as it was now so he saw no other choice than unleashing the new Space Marines that had been found. The Inquisitor and the representatives of the Adeptus Mechanicus when into the faciltes and unlocked around 950 of the Marines. And though being locked up for a very long time the new Marines woke up and immediatly understood their mission, without the Inquisitor having to tell them. And infront of the Inquisitor the new Marine troops assembeled and almost 2 hours later they where fully equipped and ready for war. The Chapter was placed out in the ruined city they had been founded in. The Imperial Guard forces was placed on the walls and there they founght until the Black Legioneers breached the walls, and then the Destroyers where put in. The Destroyers fought well but eventualy had to fall back, and then as the Black Legioneers though it to be clear, poured in, and it was then the unnamed Marines where unleached upon them. During the fight to breach the walls and the fight to drive back the Destroyers the Black Legioneers had lost an estimated 400 marines, and now the dark forces found them selves outnumbered by a Space Marine army, that had showed up from what to them seemed as nowhere, whos skill was horribly fatal for the Black Legioners and was roughtly twize the size of them. The unnmaned Marines made the work short with the Black Legioneers and the battle showed that the Marines had special training in form of useing their bolters as bolt pistols in the aspect of fireing them with one hand, and at the same time hacking and slashing with a chainsword in the other, thus making short work of the Black Legioneers.


A few days after the battle more facilites where found and 3 unmanned Dreadnought suits where discovered, as well as more supplies and a stock of Tactical Dreadnough Armours. Some days after that a Log which showed how the Chapter was organisazed, Non-Codexal, was found together with a Log which told of battle honours awarded to the Chapter. Later there also where found a Gene-seed stock much deeper down than the others, and protected by many feets thick adamantium plates. Soon, as the whole Chapter had been waked and equipped, about 7 % of the Gene-seed was taken from the store and sent to the Adeptus Mechanicus on Mars to check it. And there, is was found out that the Chapter had to be of the 21th Funding as the Gene-seed was a mix of the ones from the Primarch Corax and the Primarch Roboute Guilliman. The Gene-seed was sent through some of the hardest tests the Adeptus Mechanicus could provede and miraclous the Gene-seed passed all of them. This is something uniqe which only earlier have been succesfull done by the Black Dragons, another 21th Founding Chapter. The Flaws found in the Gene-seed of the Forgotten Reapers have been seen as an unusual growth which makes them taller than the standard marines, leading to that all their power armours have been modified so that they would fit them, this growth have also led to that the Chapter has much less Terminator Suits than the other Chapters. This unusual growth have also led to an growth of thicked bone plates al over the bodies of the Marines which in turn leads to that many of the Marines have flexibility problems. The growth of there extra armour plates have also led to an enourmous increase in weight which makes the Forgotten Reapers incable of useing Jump Packs. After reciving the results of the Gene-seed tests the Inquisitor Lord sent a message to the High Lords of Terra and requested that the High Lords would confirm the Chapter as founded and given a Name. After a few weeks a message was sent back to the Inquisitor; The plea would be approved, the Chapter would from now on be one of the Adeptus Astartes, and then, becouse of the special circumstances of the founding of them, the Chapter was namned the Forgotten Reapers. Soon after this main event in their history they where given a Planet close the Maelstrom which became their base of Operations, along with the Battle Barrage Excido Ensis. And since then the Forgotten Reapers have patroled the boarders to the Maelstrom that are close to their system, the Eresius system, and helped in alot of smaller issues. And like most other Chapters also the Forgotten Reapers have representatives in the other Adeptus Astartes organs, like the Deathwatch, and are regulary helping in crusades and always strive to show that they are pure, as some Chapters dislike to fight along them as they are of the Cursed Founding.


Home world:

The orginal world which the Forgotten Reapers was found on have since long been destroyed by the forces of chaos, but the planet given to them by the High Lords, Eresius, still lives on in the shape of a never resting fortress world in the centre of the Eresius System. Requits are drawn from the nerby 4 planets of the Eresius System:


Ichosius and Daniesius, Ferral worlds, Most requits are drawn from these two worlds.


Denaisius, Forge world. This is the planet who supplyes the Chapter with weapons, armours and a few vehicles.


Kalisius, Hive world. This planet is the one which the Chapter keep contact with the rest of the Galaxy.


Combat Doctrine:

The Combat Doctrine of the Forgotten Reapers varies abit from Conclave to Conclave but mostly focus around that they Marines of the Chapter shall kill their enemy in mel

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1987 Space Marines

Why so many marines? Why did a cursed founding chapter grow this large? It doesnt seem to add anything to the chapter but just dilutes the good stuff. I would drop this and say around 987.


The visible "flaws" of the Forgotten Reapers' Gene-seed are that they grow taller than most marines, they have a strangely pale skin, their life span have been increased by many centruries and that they grow thicked bone plates unter their skin

All their flaws seem to be positive, something bad is needed. Being tall and paler skin is nothing really. The longer life and thick bon plates are both good for warriors and would likely to become the template for marines. Something is needed to stop the HLoT going "We'll use these from now on" . Either think of some drawback to them or drop the cursed founding.


These are the only two flaws in the story I've found. There are several things which are spelt wrong or could be worded better, so if you want that help I'll pm it you. No point saying it here.



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HOLY ****! Fastest reply so far on any of my Topics! Demands victory dance!


Why so many marines? Why did a cursed founding chapter grow this large? It doesnt seem to add anything to the chapter but just dilutes the good stuff. I would drop this and say around 987.
I don't really know myself why they are so many, sick isn't it? ;) :P Ahem, Well, I wanted them to be alittle odd :P


All their flaws seem to be positive, something bad is needed. Being tall and paler skin is nothing really. The longer life and thick bon plates are both good for warriors and would likely to become the template for marines. Something is needed to stop the HLoT going "We'll use these from now on" . Either think of some drawback to them or drop the cursed founding.

Hmmmmmm..... Dang..... Help please? Can't think out anything >_<


// Darkie

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Hmmmmmm..... Dang..... Help please? Can't think out anything >_<


You'll probably want something that doesnt affect the physical being of them, so you dont have to do any extra modelling. But it needs to be something undesirable. mmmmm.....


Maybe something along the lines of


*blank mind*


They all could have split personalities :P or really short memories :P


Ferrata, still thinking

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Ah, yes, yes, ;) Split Personality :P


"The only flaw that so far have been detected is a flaw that means big problems for the Chapter, and everyone stupid enough to go too close, as there are a malufaction error in the bodies of the Forgotten Reapers, at the age of 500 and more they are getting a big chance of getting the Reaper Syndrome which splits their personality and sometimes turns them into total freaks and madmen." :P


// Darkie

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I like the fluff. I disagree that there has to be something wrong with the marines (except that all cursed founding chapters have/had major flaws). Maybe the loose mobility as they grow older. Thickening of the bones to too great of an extent would cause joint problems. Lack of pigmentation in the skin makes them unable to stand sunlight (or flashlights of death :P ), being taller would cause a reduction in the number of TDA suits available to the chapter. It's not a matter of having flaws, it's the extremes of the benefits that effect the chapter. Like the black dragons.


But you have to have drawbacks. otherwise fluff is just an excuse for cheese. LOL. Besides think how cool the librarians would be if they were carried to war on palaquins (SP), or connected to penitent engines, because thier bones had locked (the mind stays strong).


Just some random thoughts.


Better days.

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Einsatz makes some good points, it was late at night, I wasnt thinking :)


By doing what Einsatz said, you could have a reason for a large amounts of dreadnoughts in your army. The pale skin isnt a drawback (raven guard) but the thickening of plates could be. I cant see jump packs working to well under extra weight



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Very cool. I like that alot. just one thing ;)


It seems you went to the other end of the spectrum. By that I mean, you could be hurting yourself by limiting your assualt abilities (unless you infiltrate).


What about the assault marines/ vets/ command squads requiring bionics (to replace joints). Limit the termies or the assault squads, but not both.


It's your army! Build them how you want and use your own fluff. I would limit one of the squad choices but not both. Too many limits will make the army difficult to win with, which will lead to a desire to replace the army.


Better days.

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It seems you went to the other end of the spectrum. By that I mean, you could be hurting yourself by limiting your assualt abilities (unless you infiltrate).
I'm going to use the "See but don't be seen" and "Trust your Battle-Brothers" Advantages and the "Flesh over Steel" Drawback. And also, I like footslogger armies B)


What about the assault marines/ vets/ command squads requiring bionics (to replace joints). Limit the termies or the assault squads, but not both.

I've never really likes Bionics, but they can be used as normal, I though that Bionics was special made for those that was going to use them?


I would limit one of the squad choices but not both. Too many limits will make the army difficult to win with, which will lead to a desire to replace the army.

Terminators isn't so limited, just need alot of special building so that they fit in the fluff and a 0-2 limit put by myself :devil:


// Darkie

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