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Void Knights Notable Divergance Chapter


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The Void Knights Chapter






The Void Knights Chapter is notoriously fierce in it's desperate charges and heroic last stands. It fights ferociously in close combat


Take the Fight to them


The Void Knights fight geared towards close assault. They find a mix of bolters and bolters and close combat weapons to work better than using asault squads and tactical squads


No mercy, no respite


The Void Knights are used to fighting terribly outnumbered. They give no quarter and expect none.


Eye to eye


The Void Knights' homeworld was destroyed in a catastrophic accident. They now recruit from the worlds they defend. With attrition levels high, they are locked in place and do not have use for much fast scouting vehicles and hit and run tactics


Chapter History


The Void Knights were founded of Ultramarine geneseed. The first Chapter Master, Commander Ra'argen Valkoth, organised the chapter into a proficient force, breaking the enemy in bloodthirsty charges, while hosing their counterattacks with missiles and lascannon fire. They seemed destined for success- until the Chapter Master and the entire veteran and reserve companies vanished during a routine warp jump. Left were the scout company and barely 3 full battle companies. Attrition wore down the chpater until only a handful of rookies remained. Just two companies remain at large today. The 3rd, and probably last Chapter Master, Len'arek Vor, has placed his soldiers into training schemes with various chapters, most notably the Space Wolves. A variety of other Chapters have joined the training schemes, taking the remainder of the chapter under their wing.


Current Status


The Void Knights remain battle ready, preparing for the next time they will meet heretics and xeno scum, ready to eradicate the enemy. Rumours of various Ork Waaaaaaaaagh!'s have not been confirmed. The remaining warriors number 237 battle brothers, plus support staff.


Chapter State






Battle Barge "Deathsword"

12 Thunerhawks


Ground Forces


Chapter Master Len'arek Vor

Chaplain Vas'r Ruakath

Apothecary Sehen Laskar

68 Tactical Marines

15 Assault Marines

15 Devastators

10 Scouts

10 Terminators

6 Rhinos

3 Razorbacks

1 Land Raider

1 Predator






Strike Cruiser "Void Shadow"

7 Thunderhawks

15 Drop Pods


Master of Sanctity Vor'anth Kavaar

Captain Len'arth Vasakr

Apothecary Za'kar Rath

53 Tactical Marines

20 Assault Marines

5 Terminators

10 Devastators

3 Rhinos

1 Whirlwind






1 Thunderhawk


Ground Forces


Captain Fi'kar

11 Tactical Marines

5 Assault Marines

5 Devastators






Most notably the Space Wolves. Both are settled in the same Segmentum...




Their archenemy is Fabius Bile, who they fought on Paramar V and Bray. The Paramar V task force was almost completely obliterated by Bile's cloned warriors.









There. My friend's chapter. Whaddya think? A lot of the fluff was made by me so I'm his "fluff manager". What are your thoughts

Waaaghs is only 3 a's :) ;)


Not bad but if they lost their first company how do they still have access to terminators?


Also whats this training scheme and involvement of other chapters as I found that confusing so perhaps elaborate on that point ;)

The Void Knights fight geared towards close assault. They find a mix of bolters and bolters and close combat weapons to work better than using asault squads and tactical squads
I'm guessing you either made a typo here or put the wrong trait. You mention nothing about bolt pistols and ccw


Attrition wore down the chpater until only a handful of rookies remained. Just two companies remain at large today


If they were down to a "handful" of marines left, I would say thats about 20 marines (which is a big hand). If they were this low they wouldnt be built up. It would be "go find death". Maybe have a few more marine survive the warp incident, so they can actually build themselves back up.


I'm not sure about these training schemes. Is it like the DW but with chapters?



The Void Knights fight geared towards close assault. They find a mix of bolters and bolters and close combat weapons to work better than using asault squads and tactical squads


I'm guessing you either made a typo here or put the wrong trait. You mention nothing about bolt pistols and ccw




Typo. It should read bolters and bolt pistols and close combat weapons


Not bad but if they lost their first company how do they still have access to terminators?


Also whats this training scheme and involvement of other chapters as I found that confusing so perhaps elaborate on that point B)


Thanks for spotting the glitch with the termies. The 1st company was wiped out though they partially replaced it. Only partially tho.


And yes, the training scheme involves mock battles, conflicts in which a couple of void knight squads are involved as allies of much larger armies. (Like with his 750 pts of void knights and my 2500pts of wolves) :devil:


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