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black wings fluff

Inquistor McLain

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Well last night I was working on some fluff for the black wings, keep in mind its still a work in progress, as there are still some grey areas/undfinished areas.


Also were there are ()'s it is some thing that I couldn't think of a name, or something that I might change, so if anyone has any ideas for those areas please feel free to leave suggestions.


Also please don't mind any spelling mistakes, I ran it through with word spell checker, but that dosn't always catch things. :(


Well here it is...


Geneseed: Ultramarines

Founding: The Black Wings founding occurred in 900932.M38. It is not know what the exact date was as the records were lost when the Black Wings fortress monastery was attacked, and over run.

Symbol/Color scheme: The symbol of the Black Wings chapter is that of a Black Wing as the name of the chapter would suggest. The color scheme is a halved scheme with black on the left, and a deep red on the right. The company is denoted by the color of the rim on the shoulder pad, and all other markings are as to codex specifications.

Home world: The Black Wings home world is that of Katurin on the Eastern Fringe of imperial space (possibly somewhere else). The home world is a barbaric feral world. The world once had a large populace were the Black Wings could find new initiates when ever they were needed, but after the invasion on hive fleet (name) the plant that was once fertile, and full of lush forests is now a barren death world with little populace left after the attack. As a result the Black Wings are forced to be a fleet based chapter and recruit from a world that they see fit as they pass by.

Combat Docrorine: The Black Wings specialize in close combat war fair. They are one of the few chapters of Astares that specialize in the combat technique that is commonly called

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The armour that all Black Wing brothers wear in some form or another was a predecessor to the wrist mounted storm bolter of the Grey Knights. The Armour that the Black Wings were given at there founding has an under slung bolter type weapon, be it a storm bolter on the terminators, or the standard issue bolter on the battle brothers in power armour. The Armour variant has been dubbed Mark IIV inferus Armour.

Sorry, the grey-knights were the original chapter designed with the storm-bolter variant, and they remain the only ones to this day with it. The underslung bolter idea is quite fun actually, i think it would be cool. But why do they have their bolters equipped like that, tell us more of their history! :D

Sorry, the grey-knights were the original chapter designed with the storm-bolter variant, and they remain the only ones to this day with it.


What I meant was it was proto-type designed by the AM before they made the storm bolter variant, but I may change it as I see your point. :D



The Black Wings founding occurred in 900932.M38. It is not know what the exact date was as the records were lost when the Black Wings fortress monastery was attacked, and over run.
You give a date, and then say the exact date is lost? Giving a year as you have (932.M38) is really quite good considering the patchy state of Imperial bureaucracy.



initiates when ever they were needed, but after the invasion on hive fleet (name) the plant that was once fertile, and full of lush forests is now a barren death world with little populace left after the attack. As a result the Black Wings are forced to be a fleet based chapter and recruit from a world that they see fit as they pass by.


Unless the tyranids were forced off before they could finish, the planet would be completely and utterly dead, with not even single-celled bacteria in existence. So did the Black Wings fight them off? And why have they abandoned their homeworld, a planet they felt a great connection to - especially when the people live in a deathworld? Harsh world = better recruits.


The Black Wings do not have a chapter master of sorts, each company has a company commander that is sent to a council and in its interity that is were the chapter makes all of its decisions. The council is only convened on very rare occasions when the chapter or the imperium is in grave danger and the Black Wings are called upon to help.
So who makes the day-to-day decisions? You know, on those rare days when the Imperium isn't in grave danger. :mellow:



The armour that all Black Wing brothers wear in some form or another was a predecessor to the wrist mounted storm bolter of the Grey Knights. The Armour that the Black Wings were given at there founding has an under slung bolter type weapon, be it a storm bolter on the terminators, or the standard issue bolter on the battle brothers in power armour. The Armour variant has been dubbed Mark IIV inferus Armour.


IIV means... 3, really. I guess you might have meant 25, which would have been XXV. The concern I really have is that the Grey Knights were a second-founding chapter. You can't really precede them.

Thanks for the help Commissar Molotov I know I need to rework it a bit. :mellow:


I have a few free days were I'm not doing much so I'm going to work on it. But thanks for all the help, I've never been that good at writing fluff (or really anything for that matter ;) ) So all the commments I can get are welcome.


I'll try to work out some of the bugs, and have some new stuff/revisions posted by Tusday, maybe Wendsday.




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