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Name for chapter?

Chaplain Chazzicus

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yo it be my first post on bolter and chain sword and i was wondering on a name for my marines chapter (either use blood angels of black templar rules).


I already have a few ideas (they are a crusade chapter)-


-Blood crusaders

-Hell marines

-Sanginuis bloods


if u have n e ideas plz let me know


thanks!! :huh:

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Welcome to the B+C. If your doing a DIY army, you'll want to come visit us over at Liber, the home to all DIY Chapters.


As for names, we had this thread lately.


As for the names you have thought of, the first one is ok. The 2nd is rather Chaosy and the 3rd would be better as something like Sons of Sanginuis.



k thanks i did like angelic templars da most i think it sounds cool.


my fluff is that my chaplains lead da companies not da captains chapter master is chaplain chazzicus. they do pretty much da same thing as templars (hate everythin else, cruse around galaxy liberating worlds from all sorts of places (i have had a perfect winning streak gainst tau))


so u get the idea my chapter likes chappies n does the whole crusade thing if u got any more names plz tell us (or fluff ideas are welcomed too). :huh:


thanks in advance!!!

Perhaps instead of Angelic Templars, you could consider Celestial Templars? Angels tend to be confined to the Ecclesiarchical religions, while the Marines have no real gods. Celestial would also suggest that they stalk the stars looking for the enemy.

ooooo :huh: i like i like very cool (u get the idea) i shall have to think bout that one any way keep em comin..


p.s. i thought of some more fluff regarding my primarch...


its one of thos expunged legions!!


call me lazy but i think its pretty kl.


p.p.s. does n e one know the names and primarchs of those legions.

ok guys ill now remember about the legions and try to make a few ideas from dorn and sanginuis


p.s. sorry abaout all of the text talking im used to it so dont kill me.


any way as usual any ideas for my chapter fluff and name remember my chapter like chaplains and has a chaplain chapter master with his assistant epistolary Yonos

(pronounced yo-no-s) any way i come up with ideas by the minuite and im sure you do so plz share them with me.


p.s. check out my other post



It'll help if you tell us some stuff so that we can suggest other things.


An Index Astartes Article generally has the following categories:



- Why the Chapter was founded, what happened in the very early days of the chapter. Who was involved in their creation. Mention some of the chapter's influential figures. A Chapter Master that shaped the chapter to his will, for example.



The chapter's homeworld and base of operations. Ideas about the type of world and the people that live there. Why they're good recruits for marines.


Combat Doctrine

How your chapter fights on the battlefield.



How your chapter is organised. Does it stick to the codex? Is it totally different? Why have these changes come about, and what purpose do they serve?



What your chapter thinks about things. Perhaps its' view of the Emperor, their primarch, other chapters, other branches of the Imperium. Perhaps, if necessary, their view on aliens or chaos.



Which primarch they're descended from, and whether their gene-seed has any peculiar mutations.


Come up with some ideas for these, and we'll be able to give our thoughts on them.



i already told u about the chaplains instead of captains leading the companies, librarians are pretty scarce besides 1 (the second in cammand of the chapter epistolary ynos).


chapter is lead by chapter master Chaplain chazzicus.


like blood ravens thier geeneseed is rather unknown people suggest could be imperial fist (BT) or blood angel but thats just down to the name.


the army preferes infantry to tanks as they see tanks as "unreliable" and likes to have numbers of ranked infantry to assault enemy strong-holds.


the "black visions" are a unique "ability to the chapter" on the eve of battle they gather in prayer and thos with visions will be gripped by the red thirst and will be organised in to the death company (like BA) but on some occations one of the battle brothers will be gripped by such painful visions that they will be chosen by Chazzicus himself and taken to the relic holding place (forgotten what its called) and will be given the Emperor's champion equipment, like the BT (the sword, armour and all that jazz).


the chapter sees all xneos, withes, daemons, mutation and corruption as unacceptable and will continue to hunt the enemies of the imperium until their chapter is wiped out.


so thats what i got so far as usual any suggestions wlcome!!

people suggest could be imperial fist (BT) or blood angel but thats just down to the name.


Not if they get a "red thirst" :D


Maybe they get a vision of their own death. BUT instead of filled with glory in battle (ala Klingon) it is filled with pitful, pathetic, or dishonorable visions. They are so distraught by the image they become "unhinged" and they begin to seek ANY means to not fall victim to such a sad demise.


So they become members of the Dark Company! (duh duh duuuuh)


Only one Librarian? What if he dies? Who will take his place? Drop him to the custodes of the Black Ship! Use Have Faith In Suspicion drawback.


Hunting down Xenos to the last man? Use Never Despair advantage


Don't trust vehicles eh? Use Flesh Over Steel drawback.


The traitors within, without, and beyond need to suffer by the holy hand of the Emperor and YOUR Chapter is the sword He weilds! But even His hand was gauntleted against Horus! Use Uphold the Honor of the Emperor advantage.


If your gaming friends are ok with you using these traits AND the Death Company rules then go for it! ^_^


Just my thoughts.

well ya see i make diy chapters as well all the time i was really just thinking about a name and some fluff i like your idea though. my best name suggestions so far are (remember they are a crusading chapter):


Angelic crusaders

Celestial crusaders

the Emperor's angels

the sword of the Emperor


as usual welcome to any suggestions


ok, this is one of my earlier posts edited a bit


i already told u about the chaplains instead of captains leading the companies, librarians are pretty scarce besides 1 (the second in cammand of the chapter epistolary ynos). (organisation / origin)


chapter is lead by chapter master Chaplain chazzicus. (organisation)


like blood ravens thier geeneseed is rather unknown people suggest could be imperial fist (BT) or blood angel but thats just down to the name(origin).


the army preferes infantry to tanks as they see tanks as "unreliable" and likes to have numbers of ranked infantry to assault enemy strong-holds plus, they dont like all this new fangled targeting equipment (in tanks) and would much rather rip the enemies head off with a chain sword (but this is by no means KHORNATE) (organisation).


the "black visions" are a unique "ability to the chapter" on the eve of battle they gather in prayer and thos with visions will be gripped by the insane hunger to slay all those who are willing to defy the Emperor's al mighty will, and will be organised in to the death commandos and given special armour and weapons that agment thier pain receptors and muscles to elevate his resiliance and strength to even greater heights (like BA death company) but on some occations one of the battle brothers will be gripped by such painful visions that they will be chosen by Chazzicus himself and taken to the relic holding place (forgotten what its called) and will be given the sacre equipment of the Emperor's champion, like the BT (the sword, armour and all that jazz) (gene-seed).


the chapter sees all xneos, daemons, mutation and corruption as unacceptable and will continue to hunt the enemies of the imperium until their chapter is wiped out (beliefs).


(you may notice that i have decided to not include witches in my post anymore because the Emperor is a witch himself!!!)


although thay despise the "faulty" inquistion if ordered so by a brother space marine of high status (brother captain stern from the grey knights for example) to fight along-side a race of xenos (but nothing else) they will, reluctantly, do so (views on other chapters, xenos, inquisition ect.).


on the battlefield the "insert name of chapter here" death commandos are a whirling melee of destruction they rush from enemy to enemy in a whirlwind of death, these squads are backed up by heavy weapon totting tactical squads to thin enemy numbers before the assault (combat doctrine).


although the usual scarceness of tanks there are usual a few in the army to thin emeny numbers. although a rare sight out of the blood angel chapters and its succesors thier is one Baal class predator in the chapter presented to chazzicus by dante at the end of a great battle fought against the vile traitors of the world eaters legion, it was a very bloody batlle but with a combined push from the geene seed heitend warriors of the death company and the heitend armour preformance death commandos the world eaters were finally beaten and dante gifted us the Ball pred, as we gave them a great thunder hawk of our chapter(legends, combat doctrine).


the homeworld of the chapter vaios (located in the galactic north east, east of the eye of terror) is waste land. A tragic accident happened there long ago involving the inquisition and all records of the event are kept in the highest security vaults of the inquisition and the sole survivor of the accident is chazzicus him self and his memory is fuzzy of the incident. so instead of a home world the chapter (like many others) follow thier own agenda and travel the galaxy in fortress monastry and thunder hawk searching out the enemies of the imperium (home world).


the orginisation is by no means codex astarted (stupid guilliman and his glory-hogging ultramarines) it is organised into great crusade companies each lead by four chaplains one master os sanctity, one reclusiarch and two high priests or the chapter. the chapter preffer hand to hand than shooting but wil gladly hold the assault back to give time to thin enemy numbers out. on most accasions Chazzicus him self will lead the force to inspire more individuals to greater hereoism, and because of this the chapter has many geat warriors and they are often asked to join other millitants (such as deathwatch and grey knights) but many refuse as they would rather stay with thier chapter to uphold its honour until death (organisation again!!).


"In the name of the Emperor. your skulls are OURS" (battle cry)


well guys as you can see i have covered a LOT in this post but i still feel that it is missing something and i want a few suggestions any comments & critisisms are welcome as usual :)

Not a bad start. It needs a large amount of work, but let's give it a go:


- Chaplains lead the companies, but why? What made this happen? Can Chaplains do it, if they're busy trying to head the spiritual affairs? Are there multiple chaplains for each company?


- Why are Librarians scarce? Why does the chapter have Librarians if they hate witches? Why does your chapter master have a witch as his advisor?


- Why are the records missing? A lot of people use the "records destroyed" excuse as just that - an excuse. It's not (and shouldn't be) a convenient get-out clause. Any chapter without knowledge of its' primarch and parentage would be adrift. Legacy and honour are two important things to marines. Those without knowledge of their history would do what they can to find it out. Missing records should have a large impact on a chapter. From what you say the chapter seems to just shrug it off.


-> Why do they see tanks as unreliable?


-> Black visions don't seem that unique, considering the other chapters that gather and have visions. Mortifactors, for example, meet on the eve of battle and hallucinate. The Black Templars' Emperor's Champions are overcome by visions. The Blood Angels desscend into mad hallucinations as they slip into the Black Rage. It seems like you're jamming the Blood Angels and the Imperial Fists together, and I don't see what your chapter gains out of it.


The relic holding place is the "reliquary".


- Brother-Captain Stern is not of high status. He is, as suggested, just a brother-captain. He is not of high status, you just know him becaue he's a special character rules wise. Your chapter also wouldn't know who the Grey Knights are, as they're kept secret. I don't see why the Grey Knights would order your chapter to serve along aliens.


The Ultramarines are not "glory-hogging" in any sense in the 40k universe. You're allowing your perception of Ultramarine players to colour your perception of the Ultramarines chapter.

a few of your points seem ok i just wanted an excuse to use BA death company as i play BA and want a different reason. if you read my last post youll see that the record are KEPT IN A VAULT not lost and the reason the chapter hates the inquisition is that THEY are keeping the records from THEM (and newer reqruits dont know much about thier past, and none ask because they are qwuestioning chazzicuses authaority by doing so only the higest officials may "querey" to chazzicus but he has always not told any one as he fears it may scar the chapter... (cool story line huh as most of you said "its good to have a little bit of mystery to the story line")


the chaplain leading thing...

-there are a great number of chaplains in each company as chazicus devised this plan to stop any corruption from ever happening as if any member of the chapter is corrupted in any way at least one chaplain will see it.

-also the chapter is very spiritual and always gathers in prayer to the Emperor before battle.

-anything else you guys can think of is also welcome.

-every company/crusade has a captain and is at the same rank of leardership as the chaplain/so both coherently lead the force.


librarians arent scarce i just forgot to change the bit about librarians as i thought they are pretty cool and wanted to use them some time. (plus the Emperor is practically a librarian so thats cool).


the dont like tank thing is explained in my last post (much like SW, correct me if im wrong) they dont like to rely too much on technology. dreadnaughts are an exception as they are a flled warrior gifted with a new way to fight.


sorry about the captain stern thing i just need an excuse to fight along xneos coz i expect to do it a lot (my chapter has a current, lets say drifting alliegence with some tau and eldar).


thank you for the "reliquary"!!!


now the chapter visits many worlds for its recruits and conduct the black trials to introduce them into the chapter (cadia and the like is often chosen after thier success at defending thier plant from 13 black crusades)...


so if theres any thing ive missed let me know and remember...


"in the name of the Emperor, your skulls are ours (except if your a marine coz then your just cool :) )

like blood ravens thier geeneseed is rather unknown people suggest could be imperial fist (BT) or blood angel but thats just down to the name(origin).
A tragic accident happened there long ago involving the inquisition and all records of the event are kept in the highest security vaults of the inquisition and the sole survivor of the accident is chazzicus him self and his memory is fuzzy of the incident.


Two different issues, Chazzicus. If you'd read my post, you would have realised which one I was talking about.


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