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Name for chapter?

Chaplain Chazzicus

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nah thats a bit wierd and whats with the smiliy at the end i want something angelic and gothicy at the same time.


p.s. commisar molotov i see your point i still need to decide the origins and stuff and just a few little off topic questions:

-who are the relictors primarch (or geene seed used to creat them)

-is it alright to mix geene seeds? (coz if so i may do it).


from the latter of the above i know im probarbly going to get a constant moaning at but what the hey its just a question!!!!

who are the relictors primarch (or geene seed used to creat them)

-is it alright to mix geene seeds? (coz if so i may do it).


The Relictors gene-seed is a mixture of Dark Angels and Ultramarines. However, their IA article does not explicitly explain whether the gene-seed itself is genetically mixed, or if both DA and UM marines are in the chapter.


However, it's not really acceptable to mix gene-seeds. Nearly every person with knowledge of the fluff will shout at you:



wow both my questions went a little hand in hand although i want my "celestail crusedrs" to have a darker side i guess i dont want them that dark (relictors) or to have constant bad luck (lementers i think...)


so all in all i still need an origin as i cant just decide i like some of the traitor primarch but that geene seed is unacceptable so its between:

-Rogal dorn

-appeals because of BT, the time they fought the iron warriors just after the heresy where they ran out of supplies and won through determination alone, and my chapter do like the occasioanal shooty DIY force instead of using BA rules.



-how cool does sanginuis look i mean angel wings and all!!!, death company as starndard fluff, i already use BA rules, and the chaplian theme fits in nicely.



-lots of jumpacks like my army, i like to try and get some speed on my enemy, lack of tanks (like my army), reliance on the humble tactical marine (a vale i am employing in my games now) my chapter is on a crusade to rid the imperium of its enemies after ivanstann 3 i think raven guard and thier successors would want revenge more than any one.



interesting..., i guess it would be cool to be one of the only salamanders successor chapters but my army doesnt really go with any fluff of the salamanders though so unless any one else has a really good reason vulkans a no go.


Ferrus Manus-

-NO. too much bionics not in my fluff what so-ever, and tech marines are cool but i find a bit useless in my army.


Roboute Guilliman-

i dont want to be another vanilla chapter already adding to the 3 5ths of chapters already being ultra marines.


Jaghati Khan-

i often use bikes so maybe, dont know all that much about white scars so probarbly not, Jaghati kinda went to comograggh (dark eldar planet and has never been seen again...).


Leman Russ-

no although i do like a few things about space wolves and will collect them one day now is not the time of the sons of russ for me. (although they like close combat like me).


Lion El'Jonson-

DA fluff is not like mine at all if i wanted DA i would be collecting them (although the codex cover has to be some of the most inspiring pictures ever) plus a bit to termie/ land speeder/ shooty oriented for me.


so there are my options, what do you guys would be best.


p.s. i will take heed of any suggestions. :D

Well, combat doctrine doesnt come from the seed, only the genetics do. So things such as pale skin (corax) or the curse (ba) come from the seed. Combat doctrine stems for the veterans who taught them, then a bit of what happened in the early years.


Roboute Guilliman-

i dont want to be another vanilla chapter already adding to the 3 5ths of chapters already being ultra marines.


Go look at the Mortifactors and come back and say that ;)



I read your summary of primarchs. You seem to have the wrong idea. Whilst gene-seed will give you certain characteristics, which may lend themselves to combat doctrine and the like, they do not define it. Just because the Dark Angels are shooty, not all Dark Angels successors are. Nurture has a far greater impact than Nature. That is why a Dark Angels successor might be shooty - because their Dark Angels trainers taught them to be. There's a difference. ;)

ok i thought that it did define thier combat doctrine so thats cool B) . any way now i have a name so i need to get each bit don a little bit at a time (home world, doctrine ect.) so if i can have help with that it will sure be cool :) .


p.s. who are the mortificators??? :D

p.s. who are the mortificators???


The Mortifactors are an Ultramarine successor, who in my opinion are pretty cool (both mortie's and Ultras). The Morts are extremely death obsessed, and the Ultra's are a bit off with them because of it. See not all Ultra sucessors are vanilla (look at my chapter. Actually you cant, but, yeah)



p.s. who are the mortificators???


The Mortifactors are an Ultramarine successor, who in my opinion are pretty cool (both mortie's and Ultras). The Morts are extremely death obsessed, and the Ultra's are a bit off with them because of it. See not all Ultra sucessors are vanilla (look at my chapter. Actually you cant, but, yeah)




Well, to be fair, Ventris and co were rather more shocked when they found that the Mortifactors didn't mind breaking the codex whenever they felt like it.

Eheh. <_<


The best thing to do is not to approach it one section at a time. The best chapters have a decent theme running throughout them, one that is expressed in all facets of who and what they are. Make notes on all sections simultaneously. Look for inspiration where you can, carry out research, and try to get all the sections growing at the same time.

ok guys i thought of something its a bit wacky but i think its pretty cool:


-ok each great crusade (like a wolves great company but crusades) is lead by a master of sanctity.


-each great company/ crusade has a geene seed from a different primarch (so each company/ crusade is prepared for a certain type of battle style), this gives me some options for army selection.


-my thoughts for the no. of companies/ crusades is about 5 (plus support companies).


-first company: veterans of a thousand battles all over the galaxy. this company was given the the sacred seed of the angel, sanginuis ("as he soars across the galaxy on mighty wings of faith, he purges it of all corruption..."). they ue blood angel rules and are mainly infantry but are usually given support from the armory if needed.


-second company: deadly masters of deep striking, disruption and stealth, (no its not alpharius), this company was given the seen of the mighty raven, corax ("black as the knight the raven soars from location, chronicalling all it see's with its accurate eyes and waits for the opportune moment to strike...") they use the raven guard rules, with a bit of tweeking from me (maybe see but dont be seen).


-third company: masters of the artillery, the gun ,the machine and the defence. this company was given the seed of the resoluteful master of mortals (need to work on a name) rogal dorn ("all guns were let fly, the walls breached and the enemy said 'be ye gods' and he replied 'no we are but men'...) these use imperial fist rules (lots of tanks) (i need to work on some traits, maybe the devastator squads as elites one).


-forth company: masters of the lightening strike, speed and precision attacks. this company was given the seed of the great khan, jaghati khan. ("fast as lightning he attacked, he was a blur of white thunder as he went from location, to location he left us no chance, befor we could attack its was already over..."). uses white scar rules (maybe the ones from index astartes or traits if i have to).


-fith company: the masters of combat and the fury of the beast, this company uses the seed of the great warrior, savage and wolf, leman russ. ("with a savage barbaricness of a wolf, he stormed the line rushing from combat to combat making a fools of all other competitors...") used space wolf rules (i like 13th company rules best i think ^_^ )


reserve companies:

-sixth company: armoury, all of the chapters tanks and thier crew all of whick have been given the seed of the mighty gladiator, robute guilliman to stop any interfering with the technologies.


-seventh company: apothacarium, all marines are healers and it is these marines that will send detachments to each other crusade to aid thier fallen brethren, also made from guilliman.


recruits subjects from most planets, recruits ar monitered to see what style they are best suited for (good aim; put in third company, want to spill blood; depending on skill 1st of 5th, ect. ect.)


fortress manastry patrols the galaxy wth the whole chapter well equiped with space crafts (battle barges n the lot).


about 250-400 marines in each great company/ crusade.


well what do yoiu think???

-ok each great crusade (like a wolves great company but crusades) is lead by a master of sanctity


Good Idea


each great company/ crusade has a geene seed from a different primarch (so each company/


Bad Idea, Very Bad Idea. I think you should drop this, and we should never talk of it again. Why? Because it would never happen. Why would they have a chapter made up of different seeds where they could get mixed up and contaminate each other.



meh, worth an idea i just wanted few things sorted (by the way did u like my things about the primarchs e.g. the little description of them). any way i want each comnpany to specialise in a different thing so i needed a good reason, anyways i got the home world and reqritment bit sorted. (if the scout shows a certain flair for shootin into 3rd company ect just wont be a geene seed thing). i want a strong reason for blood angel rules coz i play them all the time but i often use traits (well i used to). but with BA i have two wins and a drw on my hands so im pretty confident i can use em).


any way i just got to do an overhaul of my last big thread (not one about companies but one about everything).


as usual any suggestions welcome for the background on the crusaders of the red grail :)

I did like the descriptions of them, just dont use different seeds.


Just say each Company Captain is urged to be unique and follow what ever kind of warfare he prefers, so over time certain companies become more assault based/shooty etc




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