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Shadow Scorpions

Master Jeridian

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A small number of you may remember my DIY Chapter, the Shadow Scorpions....


OK, so no-one does. Anyway, they where my first and are still my primary army in 40k for the past 6 yrs; yet during that 6yrs I've never finished their fluff. I've re-done and repackaged it but always need to tinker with it.


So here's the most up-to-date Index Astartes on them:


"I stood upon the ice-fields of Macragge and witnessed the carnage reaked upon our battle-brothers, the Ultramarines. I stepped into the depths of that silent fortress and bore witness to the unspeakable horrors within. I led nine of the veteran Deathwatch, each a trusted and experienced comrade, into that slaughter- I led only one out. There amongst the dismembered corpses of my battle-brothers and the Ultramarines I vowed to hunt these vile beasts to extinction. The choice is simple, their annihilation- or ours!"

Captain Simus Jeridian,

Speaking before the Behemoth Commitus 746.M41

In the year 745.M41 a new and terrible foe made its presence known on the distant Eastern Fringe of the Imperium. The Tyranids devoured entire worlds without mercy or warning as they smashed into the galaxy in a vast armada of bio-ships code-named Hive Fleet Behemoth. Eventually the Tyranids were brought to battle above the homeworld of the Ultramarines Chapter- Macragge. They fell upon the planet's polar fortresses in their millions as vast starships traded blows in orbit.


The Ultramarines finally destroyed Hive Fleet Behemoth with the aid and sacrifice of Battlefleet Tempestus above Circe as ferocious combat continued on Macragge. The battered but victorious Imperial ships returned to Macragge to find slaughter on a massive scale. The 3rd Battle Company pierced the shadowy depths of the northern polar fortress to find the entire 1st Veteran Company massacred and a great horde of Tyranids waiting in ambush.


All of this is common knowledge to those within the Imperium deemed worthy of noting- and already legend across the Imperium. Known only to the Holy Orders of the Inquisition and the highest leaders of the Imperium were the actions of the Deathwatch- elite fighting arm of the Ordo Xenos. As news spread of the attack on Macragge a Deathwatch Kill-team was dispatched to accompany Battlefleet Tempestus in aiding the Ultramarines.


Such was the urgency and surprise, an Inquisitor was unable to rendezvous with the armada and Captain Simus Jeridian was given command of the Kill-team. Present at the naval battle of Circe, Jeridian and his Kill-team aided ratings in repelling boarding Tyranids. They accompanied the 3rd Battle Company to the northern polar fortress and here lost eight of their number in the battle that ensued. Captain Cranchess, then second-in-command of the Kill-team, writes:


"As we ventured deeper into that slaughter an atmosphere of urgency gripped all present. The lower generatorium loomed before us and within it alien corpses piled six high around the motionless Terminators of the Ultramarines 1st Veteran Company- all dead, shoulder to shoulder. Even as the 3rd Company filed into the vast chamber a distant scuttling could be heard.

In moments all hell broke loose as innumerable dread beasts burst forth from every darkened corridor, every vent and crevasse. Amongst such cramped confines a battle of sword and claw ensued within a single volley of gunfire. As battle-brothers fought and died under the torrent the leader-beast [later classified Hive Tyrant]made itself known. Brother Jeridian was first to engage the monster as it rose to its full height- I feared him dead as it hurled the warrior into the air. He rose again to slash at its legs but again it retaliated, smashing his helmet from his head.

As the beast closed for the kill the Ultramarines Dreadnought hurled its bulk into it tearing an arm from its body. I dragged Simus from the fight as Brother Fabian [3rd Battle Company Captain] joined his armoured comrade in slaying the creature. With its death shriek the attack faltered and the smaller beasts fled to be cut down with gunfire and flame. Only then did I know that eight of the Kill-team, all veterans of the most horrifying wars, lay dead amongst Ultramarine corpses."


Officially, of course, the Kill-team was never there. The Ultramarines are among the few able to ignore Inquisitorial controls, however, and marked upon the war memorials erected on Macragge are the names of the eight fallen Kill-team members.


In the aftermath of Hive Fleet Behemoth news of the terrible attack travelled across the Imperium to the High Lords on Terra itself. Many believed this assault to be merely the vanguard of a much larger invasion force, in which case the Imperium needed to prepare quickly. Considering the lumbering nature of the Imperial administratum new decrees and actions where implemented rapidly. Tithes of Imperial Guard where doubled across the Eastern Fringe, the Adeptus Mechanicus churned out weapons and war machines at ever increasing rates and warships gathered from across the Imperium- yet some believed this was not enough.


Several within the Ordo Xenos arm of the Inquisition lobbied the High Lords for the creation of a new founding of Adeptus Astartes Chapters to combat this new menace. The forming of such Chapters is only granted by the Emperor himself, through the High Lords, and so is not a matter taken lightly. After much discussion at the Behemoth Commitus a compromise was made- a single Astartes Chapter would be founded. They would specialise in hunting the Tyranid menace and lead the fight, passing on their knowledge and experience to other Imperial forces.


Captain Simus Jeridian and Captain Valno Cranchess, both present at the Behemoth Commitus, where placed in command of the fledging Chapter. Charged with recruiting others with experience against the Tyranids, admittedly very few, the two began a pilgrimage across the Imperium. They returned three years later with a diverse group of Astartes leaders from many different Chapters; these would become known as the Founding Fathers to the Chapters initiates.


The first initiates to the Shadow Scorpions Chapter where gathered on a feral world within a system close to Terra. For the next decade they would train and prepare endlessly. Not just the initiates but the Founding Fathers too, new strategies, new war machines like the Shadow Dropship all had to be tested. Representatives from the Inquisition and the Administratum visited the training grounds regularly during this time to check on the progress whilst the Shadow Scorpions gathered ships in orbit and received weapons and war machines from the forges of Mars.


Finally, in 761.M41, the Chapter boarded its ships and set course for the distant Eastern Fringe and the gathering storm.


Comments welcome. The only brush with 'official' fluff is the Battle of Macragge which is the key to the whole Tyranid Hunters thing.


The second installment, for my DIY Chapter's Index Astartes.



Combat Doctrine


The Shadow Scorpions way of war is a highly mobile, aggressive surgical campaign aimed at wearing away the enemy's ability and willingness to fight whilst receiving the minimal amount of casualties. To catalogue the Shadow Scorpions many tactics and abilities is to recite the vast tome of the Codex Astartes by which all Space Marines wage war; a time-consuming and thankless task. It is smarter, therefore, to list and explain the few circumstances where the Chapter breaks from the traditions of the Codex Astartes.


Command Structure


Most Space Marine Companies are led by a Captain who dispenses commands to his squad Sergeants, who make tactical decisions based on their orders. The Shadow Scorpions include an intermediary level of command in the form of Lieutenants. Each Company has three Lieutenants, under the Captain, who command a detachment of the Company called a Manus. This allows the Company to be broken into three independent strike forces, greatly increasing the number of missions and area of combat the Shadow Scorpions can perform.


Considering the Chapter's primary method of war is the orbital raid where compact, efficient attack forces are more useful than numbers these Manus' allow the Shadow Scorpions to perform dozens of strikes simultaneously throwing the enemy command into confusion and indecision. Their arch-nemesis, the Tyranids, also employ vast swarms roving across large areas; a normal Chapter would struggle to protect such large areas whilst retaining command structure whilst the Shadow Scorpions can split into numerous Manus-sized strike forces to patrol and engage the enemy.


The possible downside to this approach is that Manus' can be overwhelmed if left unsupported or forced to engage the enemy for too long due to their small numbers. A cunning opponent could try to isolate single Manus' and eliminate them, but the Shadow Scorpions are well aware of this and plan accordingly.




Most Astartes Chapters have the ability for high mobility and use it to outmanoeuvre and isolate their enemies. The Shadow Scorpions take this to its extreme point preferring not to defend static trenchlines or become engage in protracted sieges.


Whilst on the ground the Shadow Scorpions make extensive use of Rhino and Razorback APC's with support from a vast array of fast-moving units from Bike Squadrons and Land Speeders to Predator tanks. These patrols, often of Manus size, probe the enemy lines searching for weaknesses. Weak points are assaulted, fuel dumps are sabotaged and breakthroughs quickly exploited. If the enemy proves too strong or numerous in one area the Shadow Scorpions quickly relocate to support breakthroughs elsewhere. By bypassing strongpoints and attacking weaker and isolated enemies the Shadow Scorpions wear down the enemies ability to fight, demoralise the enemy troops by appearing in areas considered safe and shatter any cohesive enemy command structure by dividing and isolating strongpoints.


The enemy will often surrender or retreat before the Shadow Scorpions can assault these strongpoints; further reducing the Chapter's casualties. The Tyranids do not practice static, defensive warfare however and their terrifying ability to ambush and swamp ground troops, even highly mobile ground troops, has devastated Astartes forces in the past. For the Shadow Scorpions, therefore, permanent ground forces are often a secondary means of warfare. Primarily the Chapter prefers to remain orbital, that is aboard their ships, only venturing to the surface during battle.


By using Shadow Dropships, Thunderhawk Gunships and, in rare cases, Drop Pods the Chapter is able to drop directly onto a target and destroy it. With this ability the Shadow Scorpions strategy of isolating strongpoints and attacking weak and isolated targets becomes even more effective. They do not need to break through enemy lines to attack rear unit and supply bases. Enemy ground formations are unable to attack Shadow Scorpions forces or predict and surround advancing forces as the Chapter strikes and withdraws before retribution can be served.

In a joint Imperial campaign the Shadow Scorpions can also respond to attacks on other Imperial forces in a similar way, supporting them or striking at the rear of the advancing enemy force.


There are several downsides to this strategy however. If the enemy has air superiority, strong anti-aircraft support or a sizeable naval presence the Shadow Scorpions are likely to suffer crippling casualties during transport whilst ground troops risk isolation if trapped on the surface. Enemy ships and orbital defences are therefore the first target in a campaign; mercilessly destroyed or boarded before any attack on the world is begun.


Cunning enemy commanders may also try to bait the Shadow Scorpions into attacking seemingly weak targets that turn out to be heavily guarded or provide dummy supply bases and fake units, such as wooden tank shells, to distract Chapter strike forces from the real enemy force. Without a permanent ground force these enemy troops can occupy towns and cities, destroy war factories and slaughter citizens if left unchecked. This is a dangerous game as the Shadow Scorpions are experts in their field of warfare.



A vital part in attacking isolated and weak enemy positions is to locate them in the first place. Orbital surveillance by the Chapter's ships can only go so far as most experienced enemy commanders will conceal their bases and troops, often underground, providing dummy airfields and targets to confuse. Terrain such as jungles, forests and even the ruins of cities are near impenetrable to ship sensors.

The Scouts provide the reconnaissance of most Astartes Chapters but being the youth of the Chapter they are most wisely employed with a Chapter ground force within the vicinity. The Shadow Scorpions are no exception, most ground forces have a small group of Scouts attached who move ahead of the armoured formation spotting enemy positions and finding the best route through terrain and minefields; the odd sabotage or raid is of course encouraged.


Yet the Scouts can always retreat or call in the nearby strike force if attacked. In order to spot locations for the orbital forces a unit must survive within enemy territory for weeks undetected and can expect no aid if discovered, clearly requiring more experience and skill than the newly indoctrinated Scouts. To this end the Shadow Scorpions have formed a veteran unit unique to them- the Scorpion Commandoes. Held at a level of awe similar to the Terminators by the Chapter, Scorpion Commandoes are the epitome of stealth and infiltration, values discouraged and disdained by most other Chapters.


Tyranid Hunters


The Shadow Scorpions where founded as a response to the Tyranid threat and as such are honour-bound to fight them. Every piece of information on combating the Tyranids is sought out and gathered. The weak points in a Tyranid creature's anatomy, the likely pattern of attack, the elimination of synapse creatures- all are meticulously studied and memorised by every Shadow Scorpion. They are at the forefront of new strategies and tactics to combat the Tyranid menace, among the first Chapters to board dormant hive ships and detonate warp charges.


This determination to face the Great Devourer and defeat it is sometimes a double-edged sword. On several occasions the Shadow Scorpions have refused to withdraw from a world in the path of the Tyranid hive fleets when it might have been more strategically wise to do so. At Churoninx this policy succeeded in repelling the Tyranids much to the embarrassment of the Imperial high command that had ordered a complete retreat from the doomed world.



Comments welcome.

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GW literature makes no mention of any other chapters being involved in the battle of Macragge. I would normally ask you not to try to add them to the events when GW hasn't stated any other chapters were present.


However, you've done a good job of having a small, insignificant part in the back-story of Behemoth that doesn't contradict standing fluff.


There's not actually that much wrong with your chapter as-is, which could be why you haven't received much in the way of comments. I would consider that the Shadow Scorpions would probably have been trained closer to their probable battle-site - along the Eastern Fringe.

I normally feel a little ill when someone name-drops their DIY into major events:

"My Chapter killed Abaddon...".

But I couldn't resist this hook. It explains why the Chapter's leaders hate Tyranids so much.

The problem with Tyranids is their so light on history. You where either at Macragge facing Behemoth in 745.M41 making your Chapter 250yrs old, or you have to wait until Kraken 998.M41 making your Chapter 1yr old.


If I wanted a 'history' with Tyranids I'd have to grasp onto every thread.


I guess it makes sense to train on the Frontier but then again you have to ship those 1000sets of gene-seed across the galaxy. It's safer if those gene-seed are in fledgeling Marines rather than cold storage. Plus your only a few sectors from Mars and all your mail-order equipment- vital to start a Chapter.

There's not actually that much wrong with your chapter as-is, which could be why you haven't received much in the way of comments.


Yup, if this was a trainwreck im sure you would have everyone come out from under the stairs to have their prod ;) So its a complement in a sense I suppose ^_^


Well in the new Nid codex there is a section mentioning Forgotten fleets. Perhaps you could use that although the info on them is not entirely complete im sure you could go along the same kind of line


Tiamet M35


- Specious found on planet - virus bombed. Genestealers introduced from here as they clung onto the ships to Ymgarl


Ouroboris M36


- Some Tyranids drawn ahead of the main fleets by warp currents and ended up near the EoT


Collossus M38


- Fleet discovered. Tyranid in nature attacked mankind


These were not fully evolved Tyranids though and may not be what your looking for but its an idea if you want to move away from Macragge (Fighting and encountering advanced Tyranid guard or sub species - would add a nice twist ;) ). Also how about fighting a different splinter fleet?


I liked the veterans taking over command of the new chapter and them specialising in fighting nids :tu: Good stuff so far just thought i'd throw in some additional ideas if too many people or yourself dont like the macrage thing

The inclusion of the Forgotten Fleets is GW realising that there's very little to connect Tyranids to 40k. Just 1-2 yrs in fact out of 10,000yrs of Imperial history.


But it served my purpose anyway, by being such a young Chapter it allowed my character (Capt Jeridian) to be the original Chapter Master and still be 'alive' in the current year.


I especially liked the report of a Tyranid Fleet that was mostly peaceful refugees; who turned ugly when attacked. Was it a nod to the Zoats, or whatever they where called?

I noticed the sneaky reference to your persona in the fluff :) hehe :P


The reference to Macragge is pretty good though. Its not like they battered a primarch and the other uber stuff that appears. Its nice and subtle. Plus it also fits in with the Imperiums history of forgotting/re-writing things ;)


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