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Ok guys... Remember me? any way ive got a bit of fluff on a character in my army, The Emperors Hammers. He is not actually a chapter master or very important at all but he was the first sergeant i did and i figured he deserved some fluff. so here you go.


Emperors Hammers brother Heimdall


Brother Heimdall of the Emperors Hammers has a proud history serving his Chapter. He was inducted towards the end of the First War (the Chapters first known conflict) Heimdall was a scout sergeant within a year of his official induction into the scout company. A born leader he took command of over fifty scouts and lead them into the heart of Chaos territory just as the War was drawing to a close.

Heimdall and his scouts were responsible for a vast number of Hammers victorys over the Chaos forces as his men directed the heavy fire onto Chaos positions. Risking their own lives on these missions the scouts were only held together by the inspiring leadership of the young sergeant. When his men returned to the ranks only one man had been lost and Heimdall carried his body over one-hundred miles back to his chapter.


Heimdall was quickly elevated to the rank of Battle Brother and was given command of a devastator squad. Heimdall, though honoured, did not feel himself worthy of such a rank and fought strenuously to try and prove himself. When an Ork fleet entered the sector, Heimdall and his Devastators were on the frontlines, ripping apart the greenskins with ruthless efficiency. Though when the Orks reached the Hammers lines Heimdall had very little control and lost every member of his squad to the greenskins crude choppers.


Heimdall himself was lucky to survive though since he had demanded to be removed as sergeant and to fight as a regular brother. The guilt he feels for his lost brothers and the hate he feels to the orks is so strong that a meer mention of Orks sends him into an un-controlable rage. This was at first a cause for concern but soon the Chaplains taught him to calm his hungry war-spirit and he was inducted into the ranks of the DeathWatch.





At the moment he is not in the Deathwatch however i do have a model of him as a DW member when my friend and i did a joint DW project (i figured it was an important part of his life so i put it in :tu: )


C&C welcome. let me know what you think.




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Great work on the fluff for your sergeant there! : ^_^


If I were you though, I'd embellish the Deathwatch thing a bit. It's a great honour to be selected to join the Deathwatch and a momentous occassion in a marine's life no doubt.


However, the way it reads now, the chaplains of his chapter had something to do with his joining the Deatwatch, while they wuld probably have no say in that selection whatsoever:


An Inquisitor comes by, asks for one/some dependable veterans with mad skills, chapter cadre makes the selection (so perhaps the chaplainry in your chapter has some say here; depends on your organisation really), marine is sent of, if he's lucky, he returns to his chapter after a couple of years and sports his cool shoulderpad for his troubles.


Work that in and you're good to go... :tu:

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Ok cool. will add some extra bits soon. I think the main reason i did fluff for a sergeant instead of a "special" character is coz, quite frankly i dont think sergeants get enough air time so KABOOM Heimdall was born :tu:... So as long as u like it i might do a bit of fiction with the good ol' Heimdall in it..






Oh and by the way Daeothar.. i love your website (the models are sweet and you have some great fluff/fiction there... well done!)

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Any one else have any feed back for me? or is good ol' Heimdall perfect as he is? ^_^


My friend yesterday suggested giving him a nice hardy suit or Termi armour and inducting him into the FIrst Company but i dunno. The thought of him weilding a Thunder Hammer and a Storm Shield and flying into combat is very tempting but as a regular sergeant he is who he is so i have a big choice ahead of me.


Hmmmm Watson i do believe we have hit a snag :P


let me know what you think



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yeh ill keep him as is for now. at least until he earns the honour of wearing the termi armour :D ...


So far i have played three small games with my friend (we are both starting our new army's so they aint to big) and Heimdall has performed admirably. Maybe its because i favour him but he always gets the first kill and has gone up against my friends sorceror and its retinue of five chaos marines and wiped out the all five traitors and inflicted a wound on the sorceror before he went down.


I think he is just very lucky :P and his trophies will be calling for a bigger base soon enough :)




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Thats sounding good there Panthro. Do you have any pics of him? And whats he armed with? You said he was a sergeant reverted to brother before being inducted into the Deathwatch so has he changed wargear a few times or kept a bolter or something the whole way through?


Well done.



++ Eagle Out ++

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Glad to see you took my comments aboard in your other thread about characters etc.


Nice fluff there, you could always try writing a little story extract, like the one on Lysanders profile page in the SM codex etc :rolleyes:


Hope that helps,





P.S - I'm posting a small story i wrote for my Palace Guard in about 2 minutes, so u can read that :unsure:

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