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WIP Chaplain


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Here are some WIP shots of my Chaplain that I made out of some spare bitz that I had laying around. I still need to drill the plasma pistol barrel so please don't comment on that.




Front View




Side View #1




Back View




Side View #2


I realize that he doesn't have a Skull helmet of any sort but that is because I lost the one I was going to use as I was converting him. If I find it, I'll paint it up and attach it to his side.

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My only complaint is that his crozius arm looks to relaxed to me, but thats just me.


Its relaxed because he is aiming with the pistol.


I have made a few modifications to the Chaplain and I think it looks better.




New head, changed around Rosarius and added something just before the chainmail as well as a bullet hole.




New backpack.




Wondering if I should exchange the plasma pistol for the bolter. Y/N?


Thats it so far. Will update once he is fully complete.

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I have a WIP of the chaplain painted.








I don't know how I should go about painting the band around his right leg or the part directly above the chainmail.

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I drilled the barrel a little while after I posted the pics, so thats done. How would "Chaplain" style face paint look, do you think? By chaplain, I mean the guy from Spawn.


I believe you're referring to Chapel,and if you're still thinking about doing that,please do.It'll look awesome.


He's definately looking good so far,and I love the Backpack.;)




That was the sound of me nicking the backpack idea. ;)

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The shoulder pad is from the Khorne Berzerker box, as are his legs. It was in fact Chapel that I was thinking of, though at the time I couldn't remember his name it would seem (got the chap part right). I think I will continue with that idea and so he will get the bare head back. He'll have darker skin than the rest of my marines in order for the skull face paint to look decent.
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I have some more updated pics of the chaplain. He needs his backpack and a head as well as some basing and then he is done. I'll get that done tonight or tomorrow and have pics up by tomorrow night at the latest.







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Its not much of an update, though he is almost finished, but I wanted to post what his head is going to look like, sans face paint atm.




Its only slightly darker than the rest of the chapter's flesh but it should be enough to get the face paint to work on him.


*If it looks a bit blurry, I appologize, I'll have full pics of him completed tomorrow.

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He's finally finished. The helmet will be glued to his side and he is complete.







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