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DIY Chapter founding issues


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Im thinking of creating a Space Marine Chapter (finally, after 10 years of Imperial Guard!) and am thinking of designing a Chapter stationed as the last line of defence of the Segmentum Pacificus, more specifically the edge of the Astronomican and the Halo Zone.


I still have the old Imperial Guard Codex of 1995, and theres lots of info on Macharius and his crusade, but no specific dates. If i was to create a Chapter using this fluff, what number founding would be the most appropriate?


Long time lurker on these forums, just wanted to add im a big fan of everything thats being developed on here, keep up the good work everyone!


*More Chapter details to follow*


(if anyone wants to know who Lord Commander Solar Macharius is, here's a little linky thingy)



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I'm a little confused.. I'm guessing you either want a crusade similar to Macharius's or you want to say your chapter was on it? If the latter if you know what millenia the crusade was you'd just have to pick a founding date earlier than that.


Link to Confirmed Founding Dates

I cant seem to find any dates, but I did find this


in their glorious crusade against the outer dark at the opening of the 41st Millenium


Thus the date is going to be around 40,000. The 26th Founding was in 40,736, so too late. Your probably going for the 25th, maybe 24th for founding for that purpose (post-crusade).



The start of the 41st millennium was a time of spiritual and physical

rebuilding for the Imperium.  A great conclave was held on Gathalamor, at

Mount Amalath, where military, religious and political leaders and dignitaries

gathered in their thousands to swear once more their oaths of loyalty to the

Emperor and Mankind.  It was this gathering that spurred Macharius to his

conquest of nearly a thousand worlds, and during this time there was a swell

of optimism within the Inquisition that everything was once more proceeding

as the Emperor had planned, in contrast to the widespread pessimism that

pervaded before and after the Reign of Blood and Plague of Unbelief.


Your chapter needn't have been created specifically in the wake of Macharius' crusade. It's possible your chapter was slightly older, perhaps created before the Age of Apostasy. Part of the Mount Amalath agreements was to bind the Imperium tighter together. The Age of Apostasy and the schisms that caused - perhaps your chapter can see how all these various organisations in the Imperium need to work together, for a higher purpose? Perhaps not 'friendly marines', but marines that cooperate with other Imperial factions and try to facilitate that cooperation in others?

I'm not sure marines would be "assigned" to do that...


OK, OK, maybe "govern" wasnt the best word to use


My idea for the Chapter is to have their homeworld stationed in Segmentum Pacificus, and to be mobilised against xenos threats that happen in that area.

Sort of a vanilla equivalent of the Ultramarine's on the Eastern Fringe.


All the fluff is based on a friends campaign logs he gave to me when he decided he was bored of GW, so theres plenty of material i can use for "defining moments" that will add character.


I just want to make sure i dont get torn to shreads when i get round to posting some fluff. I've seen you guys in action, and i bruise reeeeeeeeal easily.........

Just have a read of the DIY chapter guidelines and you shouldn't go too wrong. Also take everything with a pinch of salt. You don't have to change on our accounts.


Some people here come across as rather stern but most are just trying to help you out ;)


And dont worry i've got a load of Plasters if you need them

That gives me plenty of time to wrap myself in cotton wool


Cotton Wool??? Is that all you've got??


*Runs to Armour*

*Comes back with Flamer*


Ready?? ;)


If your fond of your fluff but cant take a bit of critisim, you'll do just fine. Sometimes some people use harsh words when they could use better words, but they dont mean to be nasty. Their all nice little puppy huggers really



Your chapter needn't have been created specifically in the wake of Macharius' crusade. It's possible your chapter was slightly older, perhaps created before the Age of Apostasy. Part of the Mount Amalath agreements was to bind the Imperium tighter together. The Age of Apostasy and the schisms that caused - perhaps your chapter can see how all these various organisations in the Imperium need to work together, for a higher purpose? Perhaps not 'friendly marines', but marines that cooperate with other Imperial factions and try to facilitate that cooperation in others?


The Imperial Fists mentions that they were supposed to be above the petty concerns of the Imperial political machine, and would do what was right, fostering the kind of cooperation CM mentions above.


Perhaps they could be Fists successors, taking this as a strong central theme?


Looking forward to the fluff. :P


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