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Dark Reavers


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OK, as promised, some basic details that will need tweaking


Chapter Name:

Dark Reavers


Chapter Founding:

24th Founding


Chapter Master:

Lord Commander Jharn


Chapter Geneseed:

Unknown, thought to be Ultramarine stock


Chapter Homeworld:

Before Pennance Crusade, Constantia Prime (largest of Constantia system). Industrial world with high output on mineral ores. Chapter tended to recruit from gangs that live in the Underhive.

Now, during the Crusade, Chapter recruits feral warriors from planets that have been brought back into the guarding light of the Emperor. Their base is now their Battle Fleet.


Chapter Heraldry:

Chapter symbol is white sword on black background.

Black power armour, squad type designated by colour of right shoulder pad trim (red = tactical, yellow = assault, blue = devastator, black = veteran), squad number on right shoulder pad. Helmet colour is company colour.

Sergeants have red helmets with company colour stripe.


Chapter History:

After Chapter Founder, Lord Commander Vangorn, was seduced by the power Fabius Bile could give him through genetic manipulation, Chapter was sent on 1000 year Pennance Crusade past the edge of the Astronomican, into the Halo Zone previously explored by Lord Commander Solar Macharius.

Vangorn had led the Dark Reavers 1st Company onto Bile's Space Hulk The Silent Blade during the Balur IV campaign. During fierce fighting after the boarding, Bile initiated a warp jump to the Eye of Terror, capturing the 1st Company in the process. Lord Vangorn and his retinue were the last to be experimented upon, and Vangorn broke under the torture, Bile offering genetically modified power in return for Vangorn's services by his side.

Vangorn's Honour Guard fought for their lives to escape, but only Brother Raziel escaped, his life-support pod picked up by tradesmen on route to Mordian.

After being returned to his Chapters Apothecaries, Raziel perished under the sheer butchery Fabius Bile's experiments had done to him, but not without explaining what Vangorn had done, and become.

The High Lords of Terra banished the Chapter to 1000 years of fighting outside of the reach of the Astronomican, with only their notably powerful Librarians being the Chapters only contact to Terra itself.


9th Company destroyed during first contact with Hive Fleet Leviathon, surviving members inducted into 1st Company as Veteran Tyranid Hunters.

10th Company disbanded and integrated into existing Battle Companies, giving each one recon possiblities


Combat Doctrine:

Tend to use Scouts to recon the area and force set-up, each battle company has high number of Scout squads.

Librarians are also considered more powerful than most, due to their neccesary ability to keep contact with the dim light of the Imperium.



Non-Codex organisation.

8 Battle Companies exist, each containing 150 Space Marines at full strength.

Companies consist of:

* 10 Terminators

* 10 Veterans in Power Armour

* 50 Tactical Marines

* 30 Assault Marines

* 30 Devastator Marines

* 20 Scouts


Company colours:

1st = Gold

2nd = Terracota

3rd = Dark Green

4th = Ice Blue

5th = Purple

6th = Dark Blue

7th = Turquoise

8th = Orange

(9th Company destroyed, 10th Company disbanded and integrated into others when 100 year Pennance Crusade was undertaken)


Each Battle Company organised in this way so each one can adapt tactically to any battle situation that they may have to face, due to the unpredictability of the xenos in the Halo Zone.



See the Emperor as their saviour from their banishment to the edge of the Imperium. Treat all xenos as enemies, due to their decades of warfare against all sorts of threats to the Imperium.



Very light as you can see, hope to write a proper IA article soon, as well as some test models and unique characters


C & C welcome

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The Dark Reavers... interesting.


There's certainly nothing wrong with your chapter, although I seem to recall something that usually chapters that are on pennance crusades do not usually recruit until they've completed them; that's up to you though. It's possible you could have another chapter watching you to ensure you complete the crusade - the Lamenters were watched by the Scythes of the Emperor, for example.


Also, when the Relictors were sent on their pennance crusade, it appears that their colour scheme was stripped from them - the grey/black is listed in the Index Astartes as 'pennance markings' so it's possible that chapters on crusades sometimes wear almost a prison uniform.


Aside from that, it's very interesting indeed.


Look forward to further work.

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There's certainly nothing wrong with your chapter, although I seem to recall something that usually chapters that are on pennance crusades do not usually recruit until they've completed them; that's up to you though


I thought that was true as well. Their not given anything, new recruits, new vehicles (not sure if this goes for ammo to). If the Emperor truely forgives you, then you survive. If you die, well he didnt forgive you.


Chapter was sent on 1000 year Pennance Crusade past the edge of the Astronomican


Seems a bit long. The Badab traitors only got 100 years (well, the lesser traitors), so 1000 for one man (as I understand) falling seems a little much.


the Lamenters were watched by the Scythes of the Emperor


What a good job they did :)



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:) yay, its liked!


I'l change the details in due time, i did think 1000 years was too long, but then thought 100 years would be a little short


I havent really got any info on Pennance Crusades, just a little from the Relictors and a little from the Lamentors, but i do like the idea of having another chapter keep an eye on them while they're away fighting


Got some test models painted up, as well as some skeletal fluff for Chapter Master, Chief Librarian and Master Chaplain, should be adding them soon


Also, think il be trying to model Vangorn for the small Chaos force ive got building up slowly. I bought the Fabius Bile model when he first came out because i thought he was an awesome character, and over time a little warband has been developing on the far left of my shelf......


But, all in good time

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