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geneseed and looks


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would it be possible for a chapter DIY of course to have a set of horns from amutaion and yet them to be loyalist...im jsut curious because one of my DIY's is named the sons of arioch and arioch being the demon of vngence i want them to have a demonic visage and what else screams demon but a pair of little horns...so yeah could this be possible for them to remain loyalist and yet have this slight mutation...
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Hmm, tricky one, but if you claim that the horns are like... Metal horns the brothers of your chapter have made them selves and then put on their helmet to look like daemons then why not? Then there should be no problems as there is not acually mutation :)


// Darkie

I agree, if you insist on having them, put them on the helmets. Non helmeted marines could wear horns on some sort of ceremonial headband or something. Have you ever seen the demon horns they sell at medieval fairs? I'm thinking something like that. A chapter with horns and named for a demon of vengeance, though....you sure they are loyalist? If I were an Inquisitor I'd order exterminatus in about 2 seconds.
It depends; if they worked as some sort of anti-chaos chapter, they could use shock and awe tactics, drop-podding in. Most cultists won't rationally think "Oh, Space Marines!" but "Oh, f-". Then these marines charge in, with typically evil battle-cries such as "Your faith has deserted you now!" and hack them apart. Perhaps these marines enjoy using the regalia of chaos marines to disrupt the plans of chaos forces. It would be very odd, but could perhaps work with some imagination. You could well say something along the lines of "Other chapters dis-trust them, but the Inquisition has never found anything conclusive despite regular and intensive searches".


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