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Brothers of the Caduse

Apothercary Krakus

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I am using purity above all trait. It is a Apothercary based army.

Caduse is the name of the medical icon (the sword with the snake wrap around it)


Chapter Colors are: main armor ice blue, pads white with red trim, chest eagle red, bolters boltgun, knee pads red.


Most of them have studs on there shoulder pads. to make look more battle worn.

insignia on the shoulder pad is a red apothercary helix with a snake going around it.


I am all so thinking of changing the name:

Sons of the Caduse


Followers of the Caduse


but I might just stay with the Brother of the Caduse name.

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I was under the impression that the medical symbol was the caduceus (or the Staff of Asclepius)?


I'm unsure why you're creating a medical-based chapter - I hope that you're not going to create 'nice marines' like some sort of flying space hospital, rushing to treat people in distress.


Apothecaries are not like doctors from ER. They can patch up injuries, administer pain-killers and the like, but their main duties involve executing dying marines and then sawing those dead marines open on the field of battle to extract the progenoid glands.


As I said a few days ago to another person - marines are not 'nice'. Every facet of their biology is perfectly tuned to creating a killing machine. They can spit acid, they can crush a man's skull with their bare hands. They are brain-washed and psycho-conditioned into vicious killers who will kill on command for an Emperor they've never seen. Whilst some of them might be 'nice' - Ultramarines and Salamanders for example - even those marines are ferocious killers who wouldn't hesitate for a moment to kill if it was required.


If you were creating a chpater with a lot of apothecaries because they zealously guard the purity of their gene-seed (Purity above all) then perhaps you're on more solid ground, fluff-wise. My Castigators are religious nut-jobs who detest mutation, and are extremely stringent with the rituals regarding the creation of new marines. Perhaps your chapter is something similar.


I hope I helped. ;)

I know all about apothercarys and space marines. Thank you for correcting me on the spelling now there Brother of the caduseus. I am E.M.T and was trying to make an army that was different than anyone would make. I thank you for the info and when i put the whole story up can you look it over. Now i have a name for my primarch Asclepius Caduseus. What do you think????

Ah, a good friend of mine serves in the US Army as a combat medic - he was an E.M.T for a while. It's certainly cool you're transferring that to your chapter.


Asclepius Caduceus would be a good name for your chapter master. (Not your primarch - there were only twenty primarchs).


It's possible to create a chapter different to most other chapters without contradicting most established fluff. You just need to decide why your chapter has a lot of apothecaries. Is it like mine - that they're paranoid about genetic purity? Is it because they're trying to save lives? Is it something else that I've not considered? It's possible that your chapter's apothecaries are trained rather more extensively than most - and could give more extensive treatment - but you'd need a reasoning behind it.


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