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Red Hunters IA

Grand Master Dorby

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Ok, I just wrote this up, and thought I might post it before I head to bed to get some C&C. It's still in the early stages though.. so any input is welcome..




The long and glorious history of the Red Hunters Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes begins in the 34th mellenium, during the 8th founding. Dark were the times, with the Ork Waagh Skarsnit invading Imperial space in the Segmentum Tempestus. Several Ork empires up sprung up in the Segmentum over recent centuries, and Imperial forces in the areas affected were finding the struggle hard and many highly industrious worlds had been lost. On Mars a new founding was being readied for guard duties around the Occularum Terribus, but when word filtered into Holy Terra of the growing problem in Segmentum Tempestus, half the new Chapters were changed in their destinations to Segmentum Tempestus to help control the growing ork threat.


The Red Hunters were one of these chapters, and 50 years after the initial decree from the High Lords declaring the change of destination the Chapter was ready for combat. The Adeptus Mechanicus granted the Chapter two battlebarges, the Spirit of Vengeance and the Emperor's Sword, and four strike cruisers. Brother Captain Jacobel of the Imperial Fists Chapter was selected to lead the new Chapter.


The area where the Red Hunters were to be deployed had recently been devestated by Ork attacks, and the Red Hunters were swift in their vengeance. Moving from world to world with speed that befits only a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, they eradicated the Ork presence within the Vithua system within months of their arrival. Eventually, the Chapter decided to build a Fortress Monastary on the ice world of Vithua VI....


Vithua VI is a Class II ice world in the Segmentum Tempestus. The tempeature of the planets surface never rises above -10C and thus makes a perfect and deadly training ground for the Red Hunters. The constant snow storms of the planet mercilessly howl against the walls of the Fortress Monastary and the slow moving but deadly frozen oceans crack and break under the extreme conditions.

The Chapter itself recruits from the nearby Deathworld of Vithua IV. Vithua IV is a world covered completely in forest. Deadly varieties of plants hide amongst the vegetation, and Giant reptilian creatures crash through the jungles. Living in small isolated settlements survive primitive humans. Their lives a constant struggle against the jungle and it's inhabitants. At the request of the red Hunters Chapter, several new species of dangerous creatures and plantlife have been introduced into the ecosystem. Early reports indicate that the populace has adapted to the new deadliness of their world. From the strongest of these people are the recruits of the Chapter taken.



Over the years the Red Hunters combat doctrine has strayed from the teachings of the Codex Astartes. The use of Heavy weapons can be seen prevalent in Red Hunters forces, the chapter prefering to destroy their enemies at a distance. If the enemy reaches the lines, the Assault Squads will deploy, cleaning up any enemies and allowing the Heavy weapons to continue firing. The Red Hunters use very few transports and bikes due to the difficulty of training with such equipment on their homeworld. The exception to this is the use of Whirlwinds for supreesing fire and the use of Land raiders. Often units of scouts are deployed with Sniper Rifles in order to pin down enemy units while the Devastators pound the enemy with the Missile Launchers that have become a trademark of the Chapter.



The Red Hunters are organised along the lines of the Codex Astartes. Over the years though, the prevalent use of Heavy Weapons within the Chapter has led to the 1st company being composed of mainly Devastators, and these fine warriors are often seen leading Red Hunter forces.


Unlike the majority of the Adeptus Astartes, the red Hunters have a fervent belief of the Emperor's divineness and have come to blows several times with other Chapters. A great number of brother Marines recieve Chaplain training, and it is not uncommon for 2 or 3 Chaplains to be attached to a Battle Company.



The Red Hunters wee founded with Ultramarine Geneseed. Adeptus Biologis reports have shown no deviancy in the Geneseed and it is considered Pure.



"We are the Sons of the Emperor, and we deliver His Judgement"

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Its very well written, but I think you've missed out on two major hooks you could use for the chapter -


Hunter - You've got some of this, but mabye have them do more precise strikes. Stalking their prey, then one-shot killing it


=][= Symbol - They have the Inquisitors symbol on thier shoulder pad, you have failed to say why. If you do a search for the first thread about the group Liber thread, you can see our ideas on the Red HUnters


You have them trained by Imperial Fists, but use Ultramarine seed. Usually both are the same. So Ultraseed = Ultras/Successor training



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As Ferrata says - usually (we surmise). If it's different, say why it's different. Were the Red Hunters created during a founding for use with the Inquisition and the Ultramarines disliked it? Something else? Who knows, you can easily extend it to make something interesting.
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well, I was thinking the use of the Inquisition symbol in the badge was an honour marking granted to them by the ordo Xenos for major contrubutions to Deathwatch Killteams in the area or something along those lines, and the reason I chose and Imp. Fists as the 1st Chapter Master despited their Ultra Geneseed was because the Imeprial Fists are stationed on Terra, and so a relatively quick (in galactic terms) would require a leader chosen from nearby, not the Eastern Rim.... but as said, its only a quick draft...
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I Did The Hard Work, So you dont have to ^_^


Well, the veterans would have been sent for when the chapter was in the initial stages of creation, so would have reached Mars before they left. Also, the Fists dont have that large of garrison on Terra (I believe) so they would not want to lose 20(ish) men from their garrison there



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I'm going out on a limb here, but I picture the red hunters to be zealous loyalist of the ordo malleus, and hold even the greatest contempt for their more radical brethern, the Exorcists and Relictors, to name a few. Just as the Black Templars, and their hatered towrds psykers. And even the thought of chaos would drive them into a mad rage. But That's just my take on them, as they really have no background on them.
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