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Help with chapter traits

Battle-Brother Brizzle

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I am a new marine player looking to start a marine chapter of my own creation.


The chapter I am creating is an Imperial Fists successor which originated in an attempt to replicate the lost organs of the IF's gene-seed. This failed attempt has resulted in battle-brothers who are excessively zealous, obsessive-compulsive, and suffer from insomnia.


I wish to pick chapter traits that reflect these aspects, but are also effective on the table top. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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The geneseed of a marine chapter is a sacred link back to their primarch (in this case, Rogal Dorn) so it would be a massive, and potentially 'blasphemous' step to tinker with it... There is some evidence that the Adeptus Mechanicus played Frankenstein with geneseed for the 21st (Cursed) founding, but I would beware the whole modified geneseed as it has become the new trendy way to give a DIY chapter 'originality'.


However, saying that, you have avoided the most common pitfall of tinkered geneseed by having it yield a fairly major side effect, rather than turn them into perfect killing machines that make the Grey Knights look like wusses, so bonus points there. :blush:


Overall, I would keep the disadvantages, but have them simply due to slow degradation of the geneseed over the millennia, or if you are determined, due to the unspecified and heretical tinkering of a Chief apothecary from the chapter's past... it might make an interesting plot-hook to explain the view of the Adeptus Mechanicus when they started recieving degraded geneseed tithes from the chapter, and how the chapter now strives to prove itself despite the damaged geneseed and link to their primarch...


This is sounding pretty good... :)



Oh, and Black Templars rules when they are released might indeed be worth a look rather than traits.


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