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White Templars

Brother Captain Aruis

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As far as I know, that's right. A number of new chapters were created by GW for the book(let).


Basically, you're free to develop your own fluff, assign traits etc. But when GW ever decides to flesh out the chapter, your work might be for nought, if you want to use it in any official capacity (i.e. official tournaments etc).

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  • 4 years later...
I know this is an old thread, I hope it is ok to post this. I way back when started a Chapter called the White Templars, it was based after the Horus Heresy, and were supposed to be a break off of the Luna Wolves. They were ones who didnt follow Horus into the Chaos, and pledged themselves to cleanse the galaxy of the taint of Chaos and redeem themselves. I have since used the Black Templar Army list, and an Army List for a Crusader Army for 40K. The paint scheme on the ones in the book are a bit different, but mine follow the old traditions of Company and Rank markings. I am hoping that we see some Pre Heresy and direct Post Heresy vehicles made by either Forge World or GW. I used to have the old WWI looking transport vehicles for my White Templars, but time and moving have made them unusable and broken. I would love to find some old model kits so I can add them to my make up.
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BB Ludovic,


I have been playing WH 40K since it came to the US in 1984, and at that time played Luna Wolves. And when the Heresy happened, I didnt want to have my men follow into Chaos. So I had my particular Company, out on a rimward crusade, and the Captain hearing of the Heresy turned to his men and told them of what Horus had done. They at that point pledged to redeem themselves and renamed the Chapter Company the White Templars. I have played them off and on over the years, and I have some old minis in older Power Armour. Though some have broken as well over the years, I have slowly added the newer armour to the makeup. I have also been playing a bit with kitbashing the plastics to make older looking armour. My Chapter Symbol is a different style cross, but the paint scheme is the same, and as I said I use the old style markings of helmet painting and such to mark them as different and old. I was surprised when I saw the name in the HOW TO PAINT SPACE MARINES, and also saw the different marking for Chapter Symbol. I will keep mine the way I started them, but yes I have made a history somewhat for my WT, and it is a good one, well at least I think. Then again I am biased *grins*

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I sent you a PM, but to reiterate, I have been working on a Chapter Codex/History for the past three years. I am hoping to get my newer figures ready to snap photos of, and am having a portrait done of me in White Templar Commander Armour. But I would love to hear any ideas you have, and if you want we can work on it together. I do eventually want to submit it to GW, and hope they decide to pick up on it and publish it.

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