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The return of the Lunar Wolves

Marshal Draziel

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hello all


Since, i, as many others, have been bitten by the new book "Horus Rising" I have made serious thoughts about introducing a "lost" squad or detachment into my own templar force...



question is - can one use pre-heresy models/ chapters, in other armies? as long as they just keep to the normal codex?


The fluff would be, that they got lost in the warp, before the uprising, and then took a time travel - and inserted into this timeline.. would that be frowned upon or what?

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I can already tell you how this is going to go. I didn't use the time travel hook, I went with "out of communication due to warp storms so didn't get the message to turn coat" for the Loyalist Emperors Children that I've been playing for several years now. I've gotten some rather interesting reactions to them when they've come up in discussion. Loyalist traitors are NOT looked well upon in this neck of the woods and the "lost in the warp" hook is one of the quote big no-no's unquote for DIY chapter creation. Take cover and prepare to return fire in the defense of your honor and the redemption of your soiled name.


Your might have gathered that I have no problem with this idea. I think the Lunar Wolves have the second best color scheme of the original chapters. Being Horus' own chapter it's more of a stretch that they didn't "go to the dark side" but getting time-shifted via the warp before Horus went bad might be a legit way to get it to fly. While no members of any traitor legion would have an easy time explaining they were still loyal, this is the legion that would have the hardest time doing so.

well, there is the example of one of the 10+ companies of the original Death guard, that fled from Istvan, and became inducted into the Imperial Fists! This is GW fluff... (or Black Library, I'm not sure)



I wanted the Lunar Wolves, because, they really look like the "essentials" of ordinary marines, without being utra smurfs :D

question is - can one use pre-heresy models/ chapters, in other armies? as long as they just keep to the normal codex?
Your models, your game.


The fluff would be, that they got lost in the warp, before the uprising, and then took a time travel - and inserted into this timeline.. would that be frowned upon or what?


We see quite a lot of that. At least here. And there is question of how the returned guys would keep themselves armed and equipped. As imperial authorities would, erm, shoot. And prehaps then ask later. Also, how would they react once they heard of their primarch betrayals ? He was their father literally after all.

I think... since I wanted to follow the main character in the BL novel, Horus Rising, I am going with the "oh so honoured" and "we serve only the Emperor" The main character, captain Loken would be my natural selection, since he seems to be the most fair and just - and Emperor worshipping... ^_^


I know, Horus is the "sort of" father - yet, some of the marines might have frowned heavly upon his choises, and thus, chosen their own path, or in other way - abandoned Horus, because of his betrayal...



I'm not saying it's goona be easy.. :ph34r:

Betraying the betrayer? :ph34r:


Most players will admit that 'loyalist traitors' will annoy them. You could do a pre-heresy army; quite a few people have done that to great success. It's just that the traitors are traitors and the loyalists are loyalists. That said, it's a big universe, and many things can happen.



well - The one reason. is because, Sigismund, first captain of the Imperial Fists meets up, with said captain of the Lunar Wolves :angry: But I see your point..


Though, now, I'm actually considering making a company! (30+marines + vehicle support)

Personally, I think you would have more freedom and be more accepted if you did your own DiY chapter based upon the Lunar Wolves. You can copy their scheme, as many chapters have the same scheme. Change their symbol to something else. You can then have any story you want and still fit in with GW-fluff.



If you read the sticky about creating a DIY chapeter, one of the big points is not to get lost in the warp etc. It's just too cheesey. I would say do a pre-heresy lunar wolves army but I've also read the book and I wanna do it first :P



[That bit with Sigismund and Loken is brilliant]


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