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DIY Chapter - Razor Wings - WIPs


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Here are some wips for my space marine chapter "the razor wings".


I had stopped painting for awhile but now that I am getting back into it I am really starting to enjoy it like I used to.


Anyway, here's the deal, I am not looking for a golden deamon winning army. All I want is a space marine army that looks like it belongs together. I am not a great painter, i know my limits.


This is the first squad. I am almost done. I tried to use decals to go for a neater look but I can not get the GD decals to stick! I don't know what I am doing wrong. I must be decal illiterate or something. So, I have to settle for the crappy freehand, which I hate. I am going to try some solvaset and see if that works for me.


I have always loved land raiders so, since i had one sitting in a box i figured to have a go at it. It still has to be shaded and touch ups done plus more assembly. I learned a lot painting it so if I ever do another one, I will paint everything the proper color on the sprue before putting some of the things together. oh well.


Comments and suggestions are welcome but if your comment is "learn to paint better." than keep it to yourself.



























I have started the scouts and the assualt marines yesterday. i will try and get pics of them up in the next few days.



here are more pictures























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I really like the color scheme a lot. It looks very striking together, good job. The only thing I can suggest is to keep your hands a little more steady, and maybe use a smaller brush for the eyes and small things like that (purity seals, grenades, etc.) They really arent bad at all, keep it up!

I agree with all of the above. So I'll add my own two pennies. I know you aren't looking for GD quality, but the smallest things can make a big difference.


The blacklining on that Sergeant looks great. Very neat and gives the model depth. Do that on all of the minis, and throw in a layer or two (or 5 if you're anything like me :P ) of highlights and you'll have some groovy looking marines there. They're still WIP so you can clean up any slips of the brush and the like.


When it comes to the bleach bone sections, try to make the lines of brown showing depth thinner. For example, the picture of the termi with the lightning claws, the lining on his right fist between the fingers looks great. If you can get that sort of effect across the board, that's win win.


And lastly, if you want, try adding another layer of blending or two to the lightning claws on the termi, that'll make the colour transition much smoother.


Keep at it, post the finished pics when they're ready.


Oh, BTW. A power fist holding onto an assault cannon is a waste of a smashy-smashy object. :P :blush:

I think they're brilliant - and you're well on the way to an eye-catching, cohesive, memorable force that'll stop people in their tracks. Your foot-troops are awesome, your Land Raider looks a bit blotchy, though. That's fairly normal - Red isn't a high-pigment paint, as I understand, so you need to work hard to get it looking good.


I do like them though. The bright, bright, heraldic-style red is reminiscent of the Howling Griffons, and will certainly distinguish the Razor Wings from the Blood Angels.


Make sure to hop over to Liber Astartes to show us the fluff! :blush:

Here are some WIPs of my Scouts and Assualt marines. They are in the very early stages of work so keep that in mind.


Thanks to all those people who have given me suggestions and tips. I do appreciate them.











A suggestion about the scouts, not badmouthing or saying they look bad, they look good as they are. But have you considered changing the arrangement of the colour scheme so that the cloth parts are painted bleach rather than red, and the armour/boots etc is painted red instead of bleach.


Just a suggestion, if you're happy with them as they are, that's what counts. ^_^

Great army, keep going. There is nothing like playing with an army you painted yourself. I had forgotten this until recently when I finally got an army painted up complete after several years of playing with primed models.


I do have a few comments though. I really like the black lining on the seargent of your tactical squad. You achieved it by Thining down some black ink and applying it to the model right? It was thin enough to not effect the color to much and just pool in the creases to provide black lining? That is what I do more or less, a quick spray of testor's dullcoat and the shinyness is gone. However let me suggest an alternate mix that I use that I think might improve your results even more. Mix 2 part Black ink, 1 part Brown Ink, and 8 parts water together. Then add a bit of floor wax, just a drop or two. The floor wax acts as a tension breaker(allows you to put the ink where you want it to go better) and helps the ink go on smoother with little to no streaks. I use future floor wax personally. Then apply this mix to your models liberally. It has several effects.


1) Weathers the model, makes the model appear to not be fresh from the presses

2) Blacklining, Black lines your models simply, the black between the plates enhances the model and makes it pop

3) Enriches the colors. your models are primarily Yellow, Red, and Bone. The brown ink in the mix I have found adds great depth and rich ness to these colors. Usually it is in the mix just as a weathering effect, however with reds, Yellows and Bone/off White it adds depth very well.


I'll post an example if I can find one, I've been painting Warmachine lately so I'm not sure if I have a non-final inked example I can compare to an inked one that is power armored and legal here.




here are some further wips of my Scouts.


After doing some more painting on them, i am glad that i didn't get another unit of them. There is alot of detail on them and I don't think I have the skill to show it all off.


Anyway, here is the wips.










I will hopefully have some pictures of the assualt troops soon aswell

  • 4 weeks later...

Well I finally got around to taking some pictures of my assualt squad. I have 9 of them plus the chaplain joins them. Anyway, here are some pictures. Oh, btw, i got the decals to stick to the flat surfaces but still no luck on the curved surfaces, even with solvaset.













They look really good. I really like the paint scheme you came up with. The two colors contrast each other very nicely.


I like what you have done with the assault squad. The inclusion of the rocks on the bases is good. I also like the sgt. looking like he is launching himself off of the ground.


Good job.

Oh, btw, i got the decals to stick to the flat surfaces but still no luck on the curved surfaces, even with solvaset.


Not suprising. I think GW decided to be evil when it came to getting those to work. But the minis look good. What I would say to you though is to use a darker shade of grey when highlighting black, and then make a thinner highlight in a lighter colour along the edges of the model.


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