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while you were out (pic heavy)

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Here are some things I've done while the B&C was down. My inspiration kind of dried up for a while and I had a lot of projects so only a few of these are finished. (although I still haven't bought anything new.) Must.. resist.. Grimaldus...


Remember this guy? now he has friends.



The dread I started? now it has been painted:





some chaos lords and one familiar:



^sorry it's sideways...


^obviously WIP

and the familiar...


it's so evil it can afford to smile!


my kill team(somewhat heretical)



and part of the rhino I was working on



thats all for now. C&C welcome.

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I love your sorcerors "friends." Are they finished, yet? Or are they still WIP. I only ask because they all look very much alike. But hey, they are after all automatons, so maybe that's the look you're going for.


I'm not a big fan of the dread, but that may just be personal preference - I never much cared for the chainsword DCCW.


I can't wait to see that Lord of Change / Necron Lord conversion! Churn that one out!

thanks! for the friends: the one to the left is finished, the rest are WIP. I still have to do the gold and other details on them. The Daemon prince is my next project now that my bone giant is finished. As for the fist, I had a bunch of leftover chainswords from the chaos sprue, and in DOW the dreds sometimes spin the fist part bac and forth so I thought: "I wonder how big a hole that would make in something if there were chainsaws attached", came up with big, and went for it. I rather like it, but that might just be cause it's mine ^_^ . what do all you guys think of smiley the familiar?
all righty then. I think I'm just going to turn this into a update-everytime-I-do-something-new thread. I've attached one arm to prince, finished puttying and flocking his base, and spraypainted him. The rhino has been on hiatus for a while, and the half finished rubric squad is getting done after the prince. once my thousand sons and tomb kings are done the marines are going to get some attention. only other project I have envisioned for the future is the fellowship, which I can't post here. you won't see the tomb kins either, but I'm definately going to post pics of the TS and marines anytime something significant is accomplished. The icon bearer for the other TS squad has a banner. Any ideas for what I should paint on it? also, I'll post pics of my other aspiring champ once he's done. I can't remember but I don't think I've done the putty for his base yet, and the prince used up all my remaining putty, So I propbably won't have pics of him until after my next trip to GW.
well, the prince has to take backseat to my second aspiring champion. My local GW is having a painting competition, but no bases larger than 25mm are allowed. therefore, the champ gets done first. I've basecoated him, applied white to all the soon-to-be-brightly-coloured areas, and painted pink over all the bits that will be red.

Thanks Chaoswolf :devil:

For the champion I've done the armour lightning and painted the chapter symbol on his shoulderpads, as well as painting his glove and the freehand decorations. Still no piccies, because I don't have batteries yet.


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