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Beginner's small SW Army (Pic heavy)


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Hi everyone !


It's almost a year now that I stumbled over B&C by coincidence and got interested in the hobby.

I bought myself some minis and started painting them (and experimented a tiny tiny tiny bit with Green Stuff).

I'm a very slow painter so that is what I got finished till now.


C&C is very welcome for a have much to learn I guess !


Wolfpriest and his two Fenrisian companions






Pack of Blood Claws





Rhino Transport of the BCs (Thanx to Nephilim for the great SW Tank painting tutorial!)






Close-up of the Gunner





Hope I'll getting faster and will soon be ready to play my first game


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Those look very nice. Especially for first models.


A couple of things.... I would suggest that you drill out the bolter holes on the plasma pistol on the rune priest and on the storm bolter from the rhino. Also, think about adding some snow or something to the fenrisian wolves bases. There is a whole lot of grey there, and I think you should try to break it up some.

Also, trim the mold lines on future models. It's a small step, but it adds another dimension to the models.


Keep up the good work.

Thanx for the credits and great advice !


yeah, highlights are still somewhat of a problem to me.... don't really know where to set them so it's just disposal at the moment. will try to blend them more on future models.


for the thing with the drilled out bolterholes and molds... don't have the proper tools for that yet. guess would be worth it to spend some money on that (recognized that while conversing models in the scout squat i'm workingh on at the moment :D ).


will post more pics when more models are finished


so long


What I do for high-lights is this. Grab a little of watered-down white, and paint the corners VERY CAREFULLY. That is, instead of painting with the tip of the brush, I place it on its side. If you don't push it down too hard, you can just run it up and down the corners.


After that, if you think they should be a little less high-lighted, just grab some very watered-down Space Wolves Grey and drop some carefully on top of the borders. The water should pull the paint a bit down, and leave the high-lighting relatively un-touched, but... softened.

Hi again !


I tried myself on some greenstuff conversions, and here are my far from finished scouts.

They still need much work, and so I ask for advice again. And of course they still need to get their wolvy look!







so long


I'll start with the scouts you just posted. I have no idea what is going on with that fourth scout? Is he sitting down? Anyway, the GS on him needs some cleaning up to make it look a bit better.


Scout number 3, I'm assuming that he's shooting his bolt pistol gangster style...... :wink: That's just a sin. Some people might think it looks cool but, it's wrong. Plain wrong. However if you insist on doing it, I won't stop you.


For the other minis, as has been said, mould lines and undrilled weapon barrels are a big detraction in quality.

And lastly, the highlights on the priest look a lot better than the highlights on the rhino. A layer or two of blending from darker - lighter colours would do a lot to make the highlights look less garish on the rhino, while another layer or two of highlights (maybe upto a shade or so lighter) on the priest would help with him.


Nice work though for early attempts. If only I had been that good when I started, :)

begginer. my arse.



I second this response. VEEEERY nice models there mate :wink:



Now, now..I'm pretty sure he meant he was a beginner to SW, not the hobby as a whole :)


I really like what you've done with these, especially the weathered effect on the Rhino.

... but is was meant that I'm a beginner on the hobby...


@ cypher: Thanx for the advice !

The last scout was meant to be somewhat sliding and shooting on the move.

And what's the best method to remove the mold lines ?

About the guy shooting gangster style... I just wanted to convert the mini a bit and had no better ideas :D

Scout 3 looks as if he's meant to be sliding down a hill or something, taking potshots at whoever pushed him! :D However, I think there's a bit too much GS used for the shoulder joints, looks a little out of proportion IMHO

Scout 2 is very good as well, as if he's been taken by surprise and is going to cut or protect against his assailant.


As for mould lines? A sharp knife to scrape them away is always a good method, as is a needle file or two for the big bits.


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