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True-scale Chaos Champion

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Good mornin' (or something, I overslept today)! :)

I've spent the last couple of days making a model to lead a possible Lost and the Damned army (inspired by the old Realms of Chaos book). I didn't have him planned out at all, but after seeing the picture of the Night Lord in Codex: CSM (on the page with the NL rules and stuff) I nicked the pose.


All I have left to do now is to detail the torso and his lower leg armour, and his shoulder pad needs a bit more work as well, put the gun in his hand and a close combat weapon in the other.

Only probelm is to choose what weapon to give him... Pics in the link below.


Champion of Chaos - here's the pics, by the way.

I could really use some tips on how to detail the lag armour as well, because I have no idea of how it'll look. The torso will have four cables going into the center of it, like one of the CSM torsos.


On the site you might also notice a grot with a flaming weapon and eyepatch; he'll be one of the many mutants in the LatD army (if I ever do it :ph34r: )...


C&C, and tips for weapons and details, most welcome!


Cheers, Moribund.

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nice work so far . i like the stretched skin over the shoulder pad

as for the de chaos thing i am personally in the chaos armour is warped category as most of the artwork in the codex is adorned with grotesque faces and spikes and without these the models just look like renegades or normal space marines (who are by nature butchering warriors) :ph34r: but this is about your model so its your choice :) keep us updated i will be interested to see the outcome

He'll be more Chaos-like when I'm done with him; all details are left to do, as said before.

I'm quite fond of the scythe as his weapon, although I'm afraid people will associate him with Nurgle. His armour will be painted in dark colours, probably some kind of metal colour (Boltgun + Codex Grey base, shaded with base + Tin Bits and Black Ink, highlighted with Chainmail) with another natural colour for the trims (any tips?), and details in red; he'll probably look like a Son of Horus but with metal instead of grey...

Very pale skin with red around his eyes will make him look very much more Chaos than he is now.


very nice, dude :ph34r:


how long does it take to make one of those?

keep us updated :)


Thanks! It took about two days, working maybe three-four hours per day to get to the stage where he's at now, but it took much longer considering all the wait-for-the-greenstuff-to-dry time.




EDIT: Modded the backpack slightly, to make it look a bit more Imperial, but still with that Chaos touch; I never got those arm thingies anyway...


Looks great so far.


What do you use to get the GS that smooth?

My fingers and GW's sculpting tool. I tend to finish off large smooth areas with my fingers, just a rubbing motion, as if filing them. Just make sure you have lubrication!





Just noticed how my post could be misinterpret'd, seeing words like large smooth areas, rubbing motion, fingers and lubrication brings mental images to my head... ^_^

UPDATE: I've got some more pics of him up, including a size comparison to a normal Marine, to show off him with his real weapons and such.

Still need some help with the details on his greaves, though...


And I got some more pictures of models I will use as Mutants up, they're just some old stuff I found in my old Warhammer drawer.

Hope you get how to navigate on the site! :ph34r:




Cheers, Moribund.

Update! <--- that's the link, btw...


I finished detailing the legs and the torso, and built a scenetic base for him. Also, I started to thikn about using him as an Aspiring Champion in bigger games, and so, I tried out how he looks with a power fist. Kind of nice, isn't it?

Although I do want it to be interchangable with a power weapon arm (aka. the scythe, at the moment), and I don't have any magnets at hand (I'll try to see if anyone at my local store has some), so I thought that using a pin from the body and into the arm could work. If you don't glue it you can swap around. Only issue is the wearing. Eventually the hole in the marine will get bigger, and so the pin'll just fall out...


Anyways, it'll have to do, if I can't get any magnets. I know I can order them, but they come in packs of a couple of hundred, and I need three... :devil:

So if anyone got another idea for making the arms interchangable, I wouldn't mind a tip!


Thanks! Moribund.

that looks really good! I love how you did the whole torso, especially the bendy wires. As for the magnets, if they aren't too expensive you could buy the hubndred pack and have a bunch in your bits box, waiting and waiting to be used in other projects!

I'll see what I can find, how long shipping takes, and what it costs! :devil:




EDIT: 100 magnets goes for $6, which seems okay, but then I saw the shipping costs were at $17.50. If I want to make a fuctional deal there, I have to order 500 of them...

Well, I'll try to find someplace located in Europe, the one I checked was K&J magnetics, in the US.

I'm not really fond of NMM really, it wouldn't fit the rest of the army (see the traitor test models on the same page as the Champion). Though, it would look nice, considering I will try out the "painterly" style of painting black on his armour.

I'll see how much metal will be on him, if it's a small amount, I'll probably try NMM! ^_^


Cheers, Moribund!


EDIT: I found a magnet seller in the UK, but for the same amount of magnets (though K&J had a better size...), the UK store's price came down to

I faintly remember that you could try to get them in Germany somewhere (magnets that is)... Lost the link though. perhaps one of our German Bretheren can shed some light on this ?


Nice model by the way, keep it up !









Well, I checked those websites, too, and K&J Magnetics' still got the best offer, considering the pages you posted had no magnets as small as I need it...

Thanks for the links, though! I actually got a bit of that German! :)


Thanks, Moribund.

It'll be a while until I can continue the work, as I have an audition to rehearse for (I'm applying for high school this year, and as it is a music school I'm applying for, I need to know Jaco Pastorius' Portrait of Tracy by next week; not an easy task I say... :) ).


And, with the end of term coming up as well, I need to improve my Social Studies grade in order to be really sure that I can go to the high school I want.


Oh, the pain! Oh, the agony!

But still, wish me luck; updates will be up sometime next week, probably after Wednesday!


Cheers, Moribund!


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