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+ Inquisitorial mandate - Forum Rules +


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Please observe all rules of the Bolter and Chainsword as listed on the main board. They can be found here: rules of the B&C.


What can I discuss?

Discussion of any units in the Codex: Daemonhunters, Codex: Witchhunters and Codex: Xenoshunters (when released) are acceptable. Also allowed are discussions about allied Space Marines or inducted Imperial Guard. Note: if you can't take it in a valid Inquisitorial armylist, you can't discuss it here (so discussing a Basilisk for example, isn't allowed).

Painting, converting and artwork: everything painting, converting or artwork-related about inducted Imperial Guard units is to be posted in the *Ordos Inquisition* section of the board, not in the PC&A.

Army list reviews: same thing here.

Basically, everything from the Imperial Guard spotted passed the boundaries of the *Ordos Inquisition* will be dealt with with extreme prejudice.


Tag system

The faces of the Inquisition are many. There are factions within our organisation that deal with the Daemon, the Heretic and the Xenos. There are also those Inquisitors that have access to all of these factions. In order to facilitate the process of retrieving the resources for each faction, a tag system is implemented to indicate what part of the Inquisition the topic is about.

  • [DH] - all things concerning Daemonhunters
  • [WH] - everything for the Witchhunter
  • [AH] - all Alienhunter material
  • No tag - everything that crosses the boundaries of the individual Ordos

Put this tag in front of your topic title, so your fellow Inquisitors can quickly locate the transmissions meant for them.


The =][= has spoken. Defy them at your peril!

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  • 1 year later...

And new, as of now, there is a link to the Army List Reviews forum at the top of Oros Inquisition headed Inquisition Army Lists. This takes you directly to Armies Of The Imperium, which we will share with the Adeptus Mechanicus. Army lists will be shifted in that direction.


All the usual rules apply.

  • 3 years later...

During 2011 there has been a new Grey Knights Codex released, and a new Sisters of Battle White Dwarf Codex released. You will note that any Induction of Imperial Guard units no longer exists in either set of rules. As such, as per the rules of the B&C, discussion of Imperial Guard units is no longer allowed.


The sole "exceptions" are Chimeras as they are a valid Transport Option in the Codex: Grey Knights and Imperial Armour Volume II: Space Marines and Forces of the Inquisition. Likewise an Inquisitor Valkyrie is a transport choice as per Imperial Armour Volume II.


This gives the following units that have a home in the OI:


Any unit from Codex: Grey Knights

Any unit from Codex: Sisters of Battle


The following units from IA Volume 2: Dreadnought Drop Pod, Drop Pod, Inquisitor Land Raider, Inquisitor Land Raider Prometheus, Inquisitor Rhino, Inquisitor Chimera Armoured Transport, Inquisitor Valkyrie, Grey Knights Land Raider, Grey Knights Land Raider Crusader, Grey Knights Thunderhawk Gunship, Grey Knight Dreadnought, Sisters of Battle Rhino, Immolator, Exorcist, Repressor.

The following units from IA Volume 4: Inquisitor Solomon Lok

The following units from IA Volume 7: Grey Knights Land Raider Redeemer, Ordo Malleus Razorback, Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex


Chapter Approved: Zealots deals with an additional unit to Codex: Witch Hunters, so is marginally legal still depending on your own gaming group.


There have been updates to some of these units in various other Forge World publications or on the Forge World website.


Thank you for your cooperation.


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