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Fortress ...

Race Bannon

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I presented my DIY IA several days ago. After some discussion on the board I put thought to paper and something kept bugging me...


Who typically constructs the fortress monasteries of the Adeptus Arbites?


If it's the Ad Mech then do they ask the new Chapter Master what he wants? (That doesn't make sense to me btw.)


Does the Ad Mech use a template? Dare I say an STC? Well, how does that explain the diversity?


Planetary denizens?


The Chapter itself?


I guess this is a minor detail that takes away from the "oooh" and "ahh" from the stories, but I was wondering what the members of this fine community think!



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I imagine it will be some great fortress of note already present on the planet converted for use by the chapter by their own serphs and tech marines, some chapters wouldnt want the adeptus doing their nosey in the monestry and it would allow them to build lots of secret vaults for geneseed etc.
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they couldnt use a standard template, because by its very nature a fortress is designed to use the most advantageous local suroundings to the fullest for protection...not every place is the same sooooo.......


i would imagine the new chaptermaster does have a great deal to do with the construction plans.

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Even as I typed the idea of a template I thought ... nah, but left it to see what would happen.


If the prevailing idea that a new chapter is created by "volunteers" from a parent chapter then that would mean the members from X Chapter influences what Y Chapter's fortress will be like?

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I don't think there are any concrete references on it in the fluff...


You could have it built by the Admech, perhaps a core unit with scope to be extended as the chapter grows.


It might be tunnelled out of a mountain or excavated deep into the ground... that always seems to be popular due to it's remoteness and defensibility (Crimson Fists, Space Wolves)


It might be based on some imposing fortress that was on the homeworld before the planet was selected as a homeworld.


I personally like the idea that the bulk of the work is done by the chapter serfs or specialist servitor construction crews under the supervision of the newly ordained Master of the Forges... If a chapter takes many decades (at least) from the High Lords making a decision to being the full thousand warriors, then this gives them plenty of time to build what they need.






... As long as they don't get the same guys to build it that are doing the new Wembly Stadium, or they will be in deeeeep trouble! :devil:



+++ Edit:

If the prevailing idea that a new chapter is created by "volunteers" from a parent chapter then that would mean the members from X Chapter influences what Y Chapter's fortress will be like?

Sounds good to me... just another way that the parent chapter can stamp it's character on the fledgeling chapter. As long as there are enough differences to make it distinctive from the parent, as kids are never exactly like their mum and dad. :D +++

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If it's the Ad Mech then do they ask the new Chapter Master what he wants? (That doesn't make sense to me btw.)


En suite bathroom and extra wardrobe space :devil:


I can see if being done as a present if the chapter has good relations or has done something/saved another chapter/Adeptus Mechanicus project.


I think most however would be making use of something already existing on the Planet (As mentioned by Aurelius). I could see them getting Aspirants to do the legwork, perhaps part of their training, or getting the local populace, if the chapter has strong ties, to do it.


My DIY chapter just used an already existing religious centre and expanded it - getting lots of slaves to build it bigger.

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They could work of a current fortress, which would probably be in the best locations for a fortress. Then either Serfs or the New Marines would start building it, kind of like male-bonding by building a fortress :D


En suite bathroom and extra wardrobe space

Imagine Changing Rooms 40k where Azrael and Grimnar decorate each other's bedrooms.....the horror :devil:



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Actually, I think that Chapter Fortresses, either planetary based or space based, would be built by chapter serfs... whom we all know to be failed marine canidates at various stages of the gene seed and organ implantation proceedures and rituals. For each marine in a chapter (and there is about 1,000 of them in each chapter), there has to be at least 40 or 50 failures for each one that survives the processes to completion. This does not even take into account Servitors, the brain-wiped and programed former humans that have been assigned to servitude for their sins. Properly programmed servitors could do most of the brute labor, and the serfs the majority of the final stage work. I think each Chapter's Marines themselves would add the final decoration as a sign of their devotion and piety.


Agree or not, this is the forums after all,

and these are just my ideas.



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For each marine in a chapter (and there is about 1,000 of them in each chapter), there has to be at least 40 or 50 failures for each one that survives the processes to completion.
Well, since every space marine has two progenoid glands, of which each have the genetic material to make one complete set of marine implants, at least half of the new recruits that start the implantation process MUST survive for the time it takes for their progenoids to collect another full sample of geneseed (10 years as a full marine I think). Combine that with the fact that many who fail in the implantation die from complications and you don't have many left...

Most serfs are simply normal humans working for the chapter. A great honour and they are probably better off than most in the imperium, though they are most likely worked pretty hard.


IMO the fortress monasteries aren't built immediately on a chapters founding, at least not all of it. Many chapters probably start off fleet-based.

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For each marine in a chapter (and there is about 1,000 of them in each chapter), there has to be at least 40 or 50 failures for each one that survives the processes to completion.
Well, since every space marine has two progenoid glands, of which each have the genetic material to make one complete set of marine implants, at least half of the new recruits that start the implantation process MUST survive for the time it takes for their progenoids to collect another full sample of geneseed (10 years as a full marine I think). Combine that with the fact that many who fail in the implantation die from complications and you don't have many left...

Most serfs are simply normal humans working for the chapter. A great honour and they are probably better off than most in the imperium, though they are most likely worked pretty hard.


IMO the fortress monasteries aren't built immediately on a chapters founding, at least not all of it. Many chapters probably start off fleet-based.


Agreed on the space-based chapter start, and the life of a serf. As for the 'failed' marines, I'd expect most to die of complications, but enough to survive to make up a labor squad of superior abilities to serfs. These failures might even be the rought equivalent of a 'squire' to aide the marine in 'arming' himself with armor and weapons.


Just a thought,



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If an implant fails to develop properly, it is likely that a Marine's metabolism will become badly out of synchronisation. He may fall into a catatonic state or suffer bouts of hyperactivity. In either event, he will probably die.


Those unfortunates that do not die almost invariably suffer mental damage, degenerating into homicidal maniacs or gibbering idiots. When a Chapter is at full strength these misfits may be put out of their misery. However, if the Chapter is short of Marines they are often allowed to live, and may be placed within their own special units. Those who display uncontrollably psychotic tendencies can be recruited into suicide assault squads.


It raises the potential for a DIY chapter badly under-strength that uses failed initiates in a combat role. Perhaps either using inducted Sisters of Battle (SoB rules but male models, obviously) or Inquisitorial Storm Troopers in a Space Marine army (for the lowered stats) or Blood Angels rules (for the Death Company).

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For each marine in a chapter (and there is about 1,000 of them in each chapter), there has to be at least 40 or 50 failures for each one that survives the processes to completion.
Well, since every space marine has two progenoid glands, of which each have the genetic material to make one complete set of marine implants, at least half of the new recruits that start the implantation process MUST survive for the time it takes for their progenoids to collect another full sample of geneseed (10 years as a full marine I think). Combine that with the fact that many who fail in the implantation die from complications and you don't have many left...

Most serfs are simply normal humans working for the chapter. A great honour and they are probably better off than most in the imperium, though they are most likely worked pretty hard.


IMO the fortress monasteries aren't built immediately on a chapters founding, at least not all of it. Many chapters probably start off fleet-based.


IIRC the Space Marine novel correctly and the 2nd ed Space Wolf codex you can "fail" at being a marine after you have been poached by the chapter but before implantation. So there would be significant numbers of candidates that failed whatever psychological and physical tests the space marines would perform before implantation. They tend to just poach suitable candidates without much in the way of thorough testing, mainly they just grab anyone who shows great combat skills.

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If I remember my Space Wolf novels, most of those who fail the initial training/testing also die B)

It's mentioned in the Iron Hands novel (by the same name) that they use failed initiates as servants though. They are looked down on since they have 'proven' their weakness by failing, and Iron Hands don't like weaklings. It's likely that not all chapters do their recruiting the same way. I would imagine that the Ultramarines recruit from orphanages or military schools for example, since their worlds are basically civilized.

This is perhaps a little off topic though :jaw:

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