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Druss, don't worry about the hair...it looks a lot bigger then it is... :jaw:


FaeLi-N, I figured it out before glueing, sitting there it allows the marine to still use his hand to hold the bolter and such, and in combat he uses it as if un-armed, swinging the fist for stabs, raising his arm for blocks.


Grim, the power weapon is the sword-arm as for the harness the back pack he has is just a placeholder, he'll get the standard Techmarine pack eventually


Please feel free to correct me if I worked it out wrong.... :P

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Well, you have to remember that in order to point, his hand is artificially 90 degrees out...the usual position for a hand with that position of wrist is back of the hand being vertical, therefor, should he try to use a bolter, the magazine would keep banging againt the chainsword...


Unless he uses his bolter gangsta styl

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Well, you have to remember that in order to point, his hand is artificially 90 degrees out...the usual position for a hand with that position of wrist is back of the hand being vertical, therefor, should he try to use a bolter, the magazine would keep banging againt the chainsword...


Unless he uses his bolter gangsta styl

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