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IW army W.I.P.

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Hi im fairly new to the bolter and chainsword and marines in general really :o . And my first marine army will be a Chaos Iron warriors army, the idea for the army (which was looted from feuer_faust) is to simplify the chaos look and get rid of the excessive spikes and arrows look I think this will suit iron warriors as they arent fanaticall chaos worshipers and there for should recive less chaos "gifts". Im using a mix of loyalist and chaos parts for this army and plan to get rid of all trim and spikes and rely on painting and conversions to make them look evil instead of OTT look normal chaos marines have (not that there is anything wrong with that).


So far Ive done three marines. They are basically just standard marine parts filed down, with the exeption of the marine in the middle who has had his helmet filed down so there is only his eyes left and then I added a strip of plasticard to make a sort of grey knight style helmet. The one on the left is done but the others just have the metalics down. I think im going to try something different to the norm with the eye lenses and paint them black and have a little red dot. This should hopefully add to the souless robotic feel iron warriors have.





I plan on doing something special with the raptors for my army and they are next on my list of things to do. I basically want to give them a new look as I dont like the current ones. Im going to use loyalist jump marines as a base and smooth over the top of the torso so its a solid sphere and carve a hole in the chest and put a weird robotic head of my own devising there and also add talons to there feet, this should give a bird like apperance im going to medel them swooping down on some fleeing imperial guard to make them look a bit more dramatic aswell. Ive done a concept pic of what I invision them looking like (excuse its crappyness, im crap at drawing as you can tell)




let me know what you think.



P.S. If anyone has a 500pt IW army list drawn out I would love to steal it <_< . I want this army to go with a bit more focus, im not a gamer but I think the restictions of creating an army to a list adds to the challange and gives me a bit more focus. Ive had a go myself but I found it too confusing so please help me out. Im looking for a fairly elite list with few tanks. Cheers.

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Steal mine. Steal mine. :o


Please dont go the usual way for IW. static shooting, max oblits, max HS, max pie plates. I find mobile fire power alot more fun, and with the new rules, effective. This is sort of based off my list but I dont play 500 pts much so yeah.


[insert Commander Name Here]

Lt, Kaigun, PW

85 pts


Obliterator (never leave home as an IW without atleast 1)

70 pts


8 CSMs, 2 plasma guns, MoCU

140 pts


8 Havocs, 4 HBs, MoCU

180 pts


This leaves you with 25 pts left over, some possibilities are:

  • Terminator Armour for your Lt
  • 2 Hounds (mostly useless but extra bodies cant hurt, besides the conversion possibilities are pretty cool)
  • Give an AspC with PW and Kraks/visage/another mostly useless 2 pt upgrade

The plasmaguns should be able to handle any tank you'll be up against in 500 pts. and if not you got your handy dandy swiss army gun. Your Lt and CSM squad should be able to take care of anyhting power armoured while the heavy bolters give you some really good supporting fire. 12 shots is a lot espescially in this small of a game. To be honest I dont really like this list, in 750 pts though you should be able to fit everything else in. which is:

a vehicle, either a dread or a vindi to support your main attack.

another squad to bulk up the main attack



Personally I dont like these new de-chaosified marines people are trying but to each his own.


Sorry to ruin your idea but ATM, IMO (enough short-forms for ya? :P ) the raptors are <_<

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@Deathskullork: After a bit of thinking I came to the conclusion that although I wouldn't like those marines if

they were of any other chaos marine legion they actually fit pretty well as iron warriors. Nice work. I would

recommend that you do something with the gold trims though...maybe blacklining or inking to create a border

between the gold and the metal. Other than that I think it's good. :jaw:

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A few updates. I decided not to put heads in their cheasts because it looked crap but I did add talons. Here is a pic of the raptor champion I decided against adding guardsmen to their bases because I dont like race specific trophys etc and I felt I could still make them look dramatic without them. Ive put a guardsman in front of him so its easyer to understand the pose.





I also made a random champion using a space marine veterain. I filed off all the iconography and purity seals and added a new armour plate to the front and made a blocky looking backpack from a cadian comms unit to match the old mk power armour.



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Not to be critical of you but the 3 marines and the raptor you did at first look kinda bland, but as you said you want the painting to be the main focus. The two later marines however i like a LOT <_< . Especially the lieutenant, though consider a bigger backpack or a servo pack as he doesnt look as imposing as he could.
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a couple of updates.


my lieutenant fully painted (apart from the base I havent decided what to do yet)





and the 3 marines finished



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