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I was recently inspired by Aerion the Faithful and Tue Kaae... the former for drawing this, and the latter for his now-(in)famous sculpt of Aerion's "Aequo Anima." I thought I'd be fun to take a whack at converting my own version of "Susurrare," though it reflects my preference for hard rock/heavy metal Slaanesh over subtle/alluring Slaanesh.




I'm posting now because I'd like to mount a speaker on him somewhere (so his microphone can be a Doom Siren), but I'm not sure what to use or where to put it. Any thoughts about that, or how it looks so far, are welcome! (E.g., his foot is wonky... working on that...)


BTW, I need a name for this guy's band. They don't exist yet, but I'm going to write it on the Daemonic Groupie's Daemonic Cutoff Shirt. I was thinking "Noxx," but I bet y'all can do better than that... :jaw:

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Why is the a nudy lady dancing in the background? :jaw:


Nice Work, but i don't think you've got the head quite right. I always saw Fulgrim as having a slender face with High Cheek bones and the like. If you sort the head out you've got a pretty nice model.


I'd also say ditch the crazy can-can dancer, it looks out of place.


Overall nice job



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Mounting the amp, hmmmm. How's about mounting it in the way =I= mount their psycannons? All the wires can lead to some crazy looking backpack.


The only real input I have about the model would be the groupie. She needs some high heeled hooker boots to go with the cut off shirt. As she stands now, she looks a little too "clownish" and not enough of a seductress.

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Wow, both to Aerion's drawing and your model...

...except for the daemonette. I have to agree, she does detract from the look. Maybe if her foot was on the amp? Or you could redo her one can-can leg kneeling on top of the amp?

Maybe, you could redo her legs with the lower half of one of those inquisitor death assassins (forget the name exactly). The ones where their legs are together and their swords are raised over their heads. Although the punky t-shirt look is a really nice touch.


Hmm, if you could get ahold of some DE female slaves, you could recreate a KISS 'Love Gun' album look!




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Thanks for the comments so far! I'm glad people seem to like (most of) the dude, and I look forward to improving his lady-friend. But before I lay a finger on her, here are two pics to consider:




Here he is, without the groupie. I kinda feel he's missing something, since the Daemonettes are so important to Aerion's image. The groupie-nette was a compromise between not having them, and having versions of them I could actually model. :)




Here's an earlier, more complimentary picture of just her. I agree the leg needs changin', but I'd like to keep it in the air so I don't have to make his base any bigger! :P High heels are available, as well as a pair of dainty bare feet. Here are some options I'm considering:


1) Have her cross that leg behind the other

2) Have the leg just swing behind her

3) Make the base bigger & and swap in Death-Cultist legs (then do Archangel's idea) :P

4) Straighten her leg & angle the foot forward, making it more of a kick and less of a "can"


By the way, my dude's sword came from an old, cheap GW box just sold as "Wizards." And I still need band names! :)

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Hey there, Foolio! I hadn't seen this or i would'vr replied earlier. I'm really glad to have inspired you onto doing this model, that looks very good so far. The changes you've made are understandable, and well executed; so no complaints here :P . I do have to agree with what's been said about the daemonette though, and i think i may have come up with an idea that could fit your base and yet give the lady a more 'alluring' look. I was thinking that you could replace her legs with a sort of 'dragon' or serpent tail, and have her wrapping it around him. This would make for a really dynamic pose and overall composition, and i think it wouldn't detract from what you're aiming for (in fact, it would look a lot like the illustration you're basing the mini on :) ). If you could have two daemonettes instead of one, that would be even better... but hey, i just drew the darn thing. You're making the model, so it's up to you...


Keep at it, mate! I can't wait to see it finished!


Aerion the Faithful

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i never thought of slaanesh as heavy metal what so ever, leave that to khorne. slaanesh would be closer to EBM or experimental german industrial. the illustration is good, except for the face... thats where it really takes away from the picture. the armor is detailed well and the spirits in the background are nice but the face looks like the artist got lazy or just couldnt get it right so went with a terrible angled style. thats the only thing that takes away from the picture.
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Thanks everyone!


@gork and mork: Fear not, it really is a right hand. It's just hard to tell from that shot.


@Aerion: I really love the serpent idea, but I'm having trouble making it work. My first attempt didn't turn out, but left her with an open, vampy skirt... which might be okay. I'll clean it up a bit and re-post. BTW, a second "lovely assistant" is in the works...


@Shinohai: Sorry to hear you don't dig Aerion's (freakin' awesome) style... but there's quite a precedent for Slaaneshi metal! Have you seen the "Metallica" & "Kiss" Rhinos & squads? Does anyone remember who painted those?

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Well, I've been trying to make something work, but I'm starting to wish I'd left the lady's "marching" legs intact. :( I started with Aerion's snake-body idea, which turned into a skirt, which is turning into a nightmare. On the plus side, my dude has a speaker now. I'll let these speak for themselves... :wub:




If I can get some serious help on GS techniques, I'll keep going... otherwise, I think it's time to cut her down to a fresh pair of Dark Eldar legs. Or I might replace her with one of these:




Thoughts? Please? :)

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Sussurrare (double "S", the title is incorrect) is the Italian for "to whisper", and the daemonette in your conversion looks more like she is shouting than whispering... you could try to fix this easily turning her in aerion direction, so that her mout is covered by her hand.



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OK, thanks for the latest replies. The skirt is looking much better, but I've decided to give her to another member of the band (a guy screaming, wailing on his guitar, and doing the "evil fingers"). I've raided my FLGS for floating scantily-clad types, and hope to bring this guy much closer to the original art.


++EDIT: As always, pics will come when I've got 'em...++

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I don't really see much "fulgrim" in it, but the whole "thing" has a slightly "funny" feeling over it.

if you want to be real vruel: a chained Sister of Battle.

It took me a long time to realize this was a picture of Fulgrim, so... :D


My piece really is intended to be more funny than cruel. Everyone does "bad," "wicked," "sexy" Slaanesh--I'd like to try "absurd" or "funny." Metal seems like a perfect fit, what with grown men, wearing outrageous costumes, makeup & hairstyles, wailing on their instruments and (generally) screaming about Slaaneshi themes. There's a dark side to it, and a very serious side... but also a silly side, which can be fun. :angry:


Still, good thoughts from everyone!

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