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'Records Missing'

Commissar Molotov

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Regarding the lost primarchs. On pg 8 4th ed C:SM you can see that the 2nd Primarchs "second found chapters" entry looks shorter then "Excommunicate Traitoris" and the 11th primarchs looks much longer.


The problem is I could see their records being expunged if they went heretic or failed in a non-public way before the Heresy, and it was expunged to cover up the incident (It is a bit harder to cover up the fact that half the Legions turned traitor and laid siege on Terra), so second founding chapters wouldn't have been created.

I have seen a lot of plausible excuses to the Primarch: Unknown that I will begin to consider it as a possible for those seeking DIY advice.


While responding to the Salamander 2nd Founding thread, I thought up another possible reason for the history of a chapter to be blurred.


Is it possible that chapter created using the geneseed of one Primarch be trained by a chapter of a different lineage. I can easily see it as possible. To use the Salamanders as an example, as a Chapter they continue to reamain below 1000 battle brothers. They may be reluctant to release a squad or more to bring up a new chapter in a later founding. Yet they have no know problems with their geneseed (the Salamanders traits are due to their heavy gravity homeworld). Those of the Ultramarine lineage are in vast numbers as it was the largest loyal legion after the Heresy. They would not have near as much trouble sending marines or even have a Chapter based on training new chapters (Mentors?). So Ultramarine genestock begins to train Salamander stock. Would the new Chapter have traits of it's parent or that of those who trained them. I would yield to the later. Now add to it the trainers rituals. They revere Guilliaum yet the new Chapter is meant to revere Vulkan. Who's to say the new marines won't get confused and mix the two together. Now advance this down through the Millennia and you have a chapter with an identity crisis.

GW is silent on many of the mechanics of how fledgeling chapters are created, so when we deal with our own DIY's the 'training cadre' has arisen as a working theory as good as any other.


This is a link to a recent discussion of a chapter from geneseed lineage X training fledgeling chapter from geneseed lineage Y: Link.


This is my view taken from the thread on it...


To me, it would make sense that the chapter who's geneseed was selected for the creation of the new chapter would also be the one who was given the honour of training the fledgeling chapter, or at the very least it would be one from the same genestock. I can't think of a reason why they would intentionally select the ultramarines (or a successor) to mentor a whitescars geneseed chapter... Honour is very big in the Astartes and I can see it as an insult that the Whitescars were not seen as good enough to train their own flesh and blood.


Also, if you do go with the idea that the training cadre becomes the Chapter's first master and senior officers and doesn't ever return to it's parent chapter then you have the problem of two geneseeds mixed into the apothecary chapter genebank.


So I can't see that it would be done intentionally, but if you have a really good reason to do so that can't be done another way, and can come up with a convincing enough rationale that doesn't come over as it was done on a whim, then go for it.


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