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WIP colour scheme


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Hello all


I've just started to create a DIY Chapter, to be named either the Praetors of Legatus/Tentark not sure which yet!


This is my WIP colour scheme for them(model needs a bit of finishing off). My problem is that I don't really know what colour the weaponry should be, I was thinking bleached bone might be ok, I just don't think the black works to well, any suggestions would be appreciated I'm at a bit of a block with it.


Anyway here's the pic



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Looks all good to me :D


If you keep the bone colour as dark and gritty as on the what's-it-called on his left shoulder pad it should work.

That's the Termiator Honours, right? Could be the Crux Terminatus though, can't remember for the moment... ^_^

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh :huh:


I am of the ilk: "Orangey and Purpley colours should be used more".


I like the scheme, and I like the blue, although it would be cool if it was SLIGHTLY darker (i.e. didn't highlight to white, and was a bit more the darkness of the fist)


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