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Death Guard base ideas


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how about a living planet infected with nurgle rot?


eg. pustules popping underfoot, open seeping wounds, tentacles writhing out of oriffices, rotting carcasses, melting rotted tree stumps, bile puddles/swamps, surface "skin" disease (flakey, dry, rash like)...etc you get the idea


now excuse me whilst i puke, the mental image i have is awesome but really, REALLY gross :devil:



DM <_<

okay well you did say

I want something different and suitably nurgly


WWI, eh...?


hmmm.... how about mud, with more mud and occasional rotting corpse impaled on a stand? you could have the board walk thing going on as well, that would look good.


ooh, ooh ooh just thought of an awsome carry tray/diarama!


you could have the tray as a trench system and have the CSM bases modelled like the flooring of the trench (boardwalk, bodies etc) and on top have a vehicle or two rolling over the top. that would look cool :devil:



DM <_<

Could some thing like this be of help ?




though when put with rock look alot better like this




They are made of PVA glue - i have written on tutorial on them - they take about 5 - 10 minutes each, and painting is very simple as well


Or how about some sculpting - this was a quick see what i can do in under 10 minutes





I say WWI/Trench type bases. Get some sort air drying puddy or glue mix or whatever make the bases uneven with little holes here and there. wait to dry. add glue to top and use sand. Paint some sort of brown. Fill little holes which you should have made when you were making the base uneven with that fake water stuff (make sure add a little green and brown to it). Then to finish it off add the odd nurgling,( :) ) bit of razorwire or static grass


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