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These..are Old!...and slightly corny, my marines actually have chins nowadays



El Horus...It was his fault!













My fave...












As I said...old pics, but C&C is still good :jaw:

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On Olympia the Emperor found the Primarch from whom the Iron Warriors had been fashioned - Perturabo. Dark and melancholy, with a mind like a razor, he was warlord to the Tyrant of Lochos and, like his Legion, was a master of siege craft.
The young Perturabo was discovered climbing the sheer cliffs below the city state of Lochos. Aware that this was no ordinary child, the city guard brought him before the Tyrant of Lochos, Dammekos. Intrigued by the strange, dark child, Dammekos took him into his household as if he were his own family.


The twin references to 'dark' in Index Astartes: Iron Warriors are used by some to suggest Perturabo was dark-skinned. Others use 'dark' to suggest he was a troubled child.

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On Olympia the Emperor found the Primarch from whom the Iron Warriors had been fashioned - Perturabo. Dark and melancholy, with a mind like a razor, he was warlord to the Tyrant of Lochos and, like his Legion, was a master of siege craft.


The young Perturabo was discovered climbing the sheer cliffs below the city state of Lochos. Aware that this was no ordinary child, the city guard brought him before the Tyrant of Lochos, Dammekos. Intrigued by the strange, dark child, Dammekos took him into his household as if he were his own family.
The twin references to 'dark' in Index Astartes: Iron Warriors are used by some to suggest Perturabo was dark-skinned. Others use 'dark' to suggest he was a troubled child.


I take it that Perturabo was dark-skinned, probably like people from around the Mediterranean. (Several of the Primarchs seemed to have looked like the inhabitants of their adopted homeworlds. Olympia sounds very Greek-themed, ergo...).

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