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Shadow Scorpions on Mocheskan

Master Jeridian

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Thought I'd better put my money where my mouth is after my rant on Chapter Traits and the decline of self-written fluff.


The Shadow Scorpions are my DIY Chapter, founded in response to the 1st Tyrannic War and led by the wise and fearless Captain Jeridian of the 1st Battle Co. This specific tale retells the battles over the agri-world of Mocheskan, through the eyes of Lieutenant Corias, of the 1st Battle Co. Beta Manus.


Here's his army:



And here's his story:


The Command Rhino grumbled to a halt, gravel and dirt crunching under track. With a hiss the rear access hatch whirred down, warm interior air turning to cloud in the cold morning chill.


Lieutenant Corias strode down the ramp as it thudded down on the ground, Marines of his Beta Tactical Squad II jogging out around him in quick succession, spreading to cover the forests to their right and hills to their left. He continued at a calm pace, turning to the small hills- magnoculars in hand.


Behind the Rhino, in a long, jagged procession purred other transports and tanks of the Shadow Scorpions force. The gunners and weapons eyeing the roadsides for any danger.


''Over there, brother-Corias,'' Tactical Sergeant Jonas beckoned as he crouched just beneath the crest of a hill. Corias quickly reached him, kneeling to peek over the hill.


Beyond the hill, a valley swept down into the distance, the rushing of a river at it's low point barely audible over the howling winds. Corias followed the line traced by his Sgt's pointed hand, past the river and patches of trees to the other side that rose almost as steeply. His enhanced eyes strained to maximum as he caught movement on the far crest of the valley.


He brought his magnoculars up, the images leaping into view.

Sleek, hovering craft rushed metres from the hillside- maneouvering with inhuman speed around trees and contours.


''Eldar,'' he muttered, turning to his Sgt. Jonas read his mood.

''Brother-Corias, we must reach the Kartongh firebase with these supplies','' he reminded, with a tone of already having lost the argument.

''Vile xenos defile this land, brother-Jonas,'' Corias replied, waving an arm theatrically in the direction of the distant skimmers, ''this cannot stand!''


With one sweeping action Corias stood, marching to his transport- opening a force-level comm.link.

''Brothers, prepare yourselves for battle!''


He jogged up the access ramp, the Tactical Marines of Beta Tactical Squad II quickly filing in after him. Hydraulics slammed the hatch shut as the Rhino engine growled its anger, fresh smoke pumping from its exhausts.


As one, the convoy spun on the spot, crunching and spitting rocks and dirt from the road. They aimed at the hillside in an armoured line. Like a bold cavalry charge, or a race start- Corias' force burst into life, smashing off the road, up the hills and slamming down the other side beginning a mad charge down the valley towards their quarry.


Little realising the Eldar waited for them, had seen this event in a thousand futures, had laid the bait...

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I did have many close up pics but purged them all to start anew. Besides if you could see close ups, you'd realise how mediocre the painting is.



Corias gripped tightly to his restraint bar as the Rhino jumped and rattled down the valley side. He held his Scorpion Blade now, the intricate and powerful weapon resting by his side.


''Brother Waylas, lay Castellan mines before us, upon the enemy,'' Corias barked into his comm.link, giving orders to all the troops and tanks under his command in quick succession. This was Corias area of expertise, lightning war, fast and shocking attacks'- not for him the drawn out war of attrition or the cunning patience of a baited trap.

The Eldar, he pondered, as the Rhino continued to rattle and his battle-brothers muttering prayers where drowned by the roar of engines.

He had faced them rarely in his career, but as expected had studied all information the Imperium had about them- to better know his enemy.


''Targets have changed vector, they're inbound,'' his Rhino driver noted over the comm.link. If Corias was unsure of his blitzkrieg methods against an equally mobile foe, it was too late to reconsider.



This was not going well.

Corias had formed his convoy into a protective wall, behind some ruins. He lost contact with the Vindicator minutes ago and didn't hold much hope for its occupants. Time to do the honourable thing.


"Brothers, to battle!", he bellowed as the Command Rhino's doors whirred open once again. Choking smoke from burning wreckage swept in, swirling around the Shadow Scorpions as they marched out. The cacophany of battle drowned them, deafening gunfire, explosions and impacts- the alien whoosh of hovering vehicles making attack runs cutting through the din.


Corias took in the surroundings with the lightning reactions of a super warrior high on adrenaline. He quickly gathered that the battle was not going their way by the wreckage and the Shadow Scorpions cowering amongst them, firing sporadically at targets too fast and too strong to damage. In such trying times, he fell back on predictable and familiar actions.


"With me!" he screamed, raising his Scorpion Blade high into the air. Through the ruins they ran, the lethal shurikens of their foes slicing through plascrete and armour with equal ease. Bolts of lethal plasma raining down like a high-speed hailstorm.

He was aiming for the ruins of a firebase, from there he could make his next move.


A brief glance to his right brought the disturbing sight of numerous Eldar vehicles swurving to bear on him, the wreckage of Shadow Scorpions tanks beneath them. He kept running, the terrifying sound of another volley of alien fire clipping close on his heels.


"Emperor's Blood!" a Battle-Brother gasped behind him. Corias turned to see yet another Eldar vehicle rise majestically over the firebase- a huge, pulsing crystal upon its turret. It swivelled to fire at him- mere metres away the death crystal crackled, an internal fire growing in intensity until it was too bright to stare at.


A searing flash of an energy beam, the alien craft tried to remain upright with a blackened hole through it's cockpit. It failed, smashing down on the firebase with a numbing crunch. The shockwave knocking Corias and his squad to the floor.

As he lay, face down in the mud he braced for the inevitable hail of fire to end his life.


Nothing, he dared a peak up. The Eldar where gone, their only goal to delay the Shadow Scorpions from reaching Kartongh firebase. They had certainly achieved that- most of his tanks would require at least two days repair forcing them to shelter in this cold, isolated valley fearful of further attacks.


Corias punched the mud- cursing the vile Eldar, he would hunt them down eventually.

... The shockwave knocking Corias and his squad to the floor...


I think you meant to write 'ground' instead of floor. From the text as written, the squad had not made it to the firebase yet, so no flooring beneath them. A very minor point however. Good writing. I hope to see more of the Shadow Scorpions in the future posted here on the B&C.


As for the 'tabletop' quality of painting for the models... so what? My DIY chapter is only painted to 'tabletop' quality and still look impressive on the field of battle. Feel no shame about not having some 'contest winning' paint quality for your models. I personally never would have thought to mix blue and green to come up with such a scheme. From what I can see of the pictures, you've pulled off a deciently painted army that looks good on the tabletop. I like the modifications I was able to pick out, but I have to ask... what was used for the razorback turrets?


To see my army, or most of it to date, just hit the signature line below. It's a Yahoo site, so you'll probibly have to log on to view the albums and see the pictures.


The Holy Great Lion of Terra's Blessings upon Thee,





He quickly gathered that the battle was not going their way by the wreckage and the Shadow Scorpions cowering amongst them.....


I don't like this sentence. I can't see Space Marines "cowering" in regards to anything. Their faith in the Emperor and their belief in themselves and their battlebrothers should see them through any sort of conflict. Maybe something like "He quickly gathered that the battle was not going their way. He saw one of the squads hunkered down by the wreckage of their rhino, using it as cover."


With that one small point noted, I really like the battle report. I enjoyed the fact that it was story based, and I hope to contribute a similar report someday. I need to finish building and painting my army first.


I look forward to reading about and seeing more of your army.

Thanks for the corrections guys, the report was written as an improvisation without going back and seeing if it fitted together.


To see my army, or most of it to date, just hit the signature line below. It's a Yahoo site, so you'll probibly have to log on to view the albums and see the pictures.
Nice, (no log on required), I especially like the Damocles Command Rhino- is it a conversion? Would probably convert my Command Rhino to have satellite dishes, etc on if I wasn't bogged down with other projects.


I like the modifications I was able to pick out, but I have to ask... what was used for the razorback turrets?


I wasn't a fan of the new Razorback model or ''How to strap a Land Raider turret to your roof!''


It consists of to several 25mm bases glued together, the rhino cupola, the predator side sponsons and a piece of card glued between the sponsons. I'll try to get a close up, soon.


I don't like this sentence. I can't see Space Marines "cowering" in regards to anything.


Ah, then you've never met the Shadow Scorpions...

In truth, I'd just lost the game miserably (never try to out-mech a mech eldar list) and my mood reflected in the story, e.g. Corias wallowing in the mud rather than defiantly glaring at the Eldar like any SM should.



For three days they had waited in the cold, damp valley- the elements doing there best to wear down the Shadow Scorpions. Three days without sleep they watched and waited, scouring the skies for signs of the enemy as the Techmarine's did their work on the vehicles.


"Brother-Corias, we're approaching Kartongh firebase," crackled over the comm.net. Corias broke from his meditation, looking around the cramped confines of the Command Rhino.

"Enemy contact," he heard, screech over the comm.link, gunfire echoing in the background. The visual displays superimposed on his helmet located the source of the signal, his Beta Attack Bike squadron sent ahead to recon to position.


"Form battleline Zulu-Omega," Corias responded on an open link to his entire force. He would not be pressed into a suicidal rush again. The Command Rhino swurved, then ground to a halt. Corias lifted the top hatch, clambering to look out. He spotted red armoured figures ahead, near the forests, roars of anger mixed with the clash of chains and weapons.


The firebase was gutted, smoke billowing from it's parapets- curse those Eldar, they where too late. It convoy was quickly spotted, the flash of a Predator's lascannons piercing out in the cloud covered gloom.


"Fire at will," Corias commanded, instantly return flashes criss-crossed from his Razorbacks. A roar of turbines signalled the low-pass of his support Land Speeders to his left, swurving up over a hill and opening with devastating fire at targets beyond his sight.


Only a few Traitors, he realised, the Berserkers. They ran at his tanks with reckless abandon as bolter fire fell like rain upon them. The damned Predators lascannons hit home, igniting the fuel tanks of a Razorback to his right- fortunately it's occupants had disembarked moments before.


The looming form of Chaos Dreadnoughts smashed through the forests- to be gunned down in a hail of fire. They bought time for the Berserkers to close- one of their number collapsed to his knees, screaming with inhuman power. In a flash of blood and gore the Berserker exploded, a being of malevolent anger, huge and red stepping from the remnants. It's wings unfurled, still dripping blood- a Bloodthirster.


Lesser daemons followed in it's wake, flashing into existence out of nothing as the Berserkers growled in triumph.

Flashes of lascannons lashed out towards the beast, several scoring hits to be shrugged off with a growl. The Bloodthirster took to the sky, leaping behind a hill out of his sight- gunfire signalled his battle-brothers beyond where in trouble.


Now was the time to act, he realised.

"Take us to the trees ahead," he ordered, the Rhino lurching around and rumbling forward. Head first into the enemy Berserkers lurking behind that group of trees. A flash of light blinded him. He felt the Rhino screech to the side and flip on it's side. The smell of petrol and smoke filling his lungs as he slumped to the ground. His Command squad clambered free of the wreckage taking aim at the approaching daemons.


As Bloodhounds and Bloodletters closed for the kill a hail of fire from behind him smashed them back to the hell from which they spawned. Corias quickly regained his wits.

"With me, brothers," he bellowed, retrieving his Scorpion blade and stomping through the trees towards the blood-stained Berserkers.


He let fire with his bolt pistol, a hail of shots from his squad supporting- most pattered off their armour. The meltaguns were far more effective- searing two to smoking ash.


In they went, blade to blade with the servants of the Blood God, masters of close combat. Huge chain-axes swung down to decapitate him but he dodged their blows- Scorpion blade swirling in intricate figures of eight, slicing through limbs and heads.


In moments Brother-Sergeant Hurgo dispatched the last Berserker with a power fisted blow to the head. Many of the Command Squad lay dying amongst the carnage but this was not the time for aid.

Lascannon shots flashed frightening close to his head, the cursed Predator purred mere metres away on his left charging for it's killing shot. A quick glance to his right and the towering forms of Khorne Bloodletters marching toward him decided his actions.


He ran at a sprint towards the Predator, his Command Squad close behind. Meltagun fire merely melted paint and drew angry growls from the machine. Corias kept running, firing wildly at any opening with his bolt pistol. Sergeant Hurgo crunched into the side armour, mashing his power fist through into the vile inner workings. A spark and fire, they had moments to drop to the ground and reach scant cover before the Predator detonated.


Corias clambered to his feet in time to see the dreaded Bloodthirster leap down beside Beta Tactical Squad II. A storm of bolter fire and plasma bolts rained down and the giant beast could no longer resist- it's form breaking and cracking. It ignited from within, exploding with a blinding flash and a shockwave that knocked the Tactical Marines to the ground. It was gone.


With that the surviving Traitors retreated, leaving death and destruction behind.


It was a victory, but a phyrric one, he pondered. Turning to the smoking wreck of the firebase and the bloody remains of its occupants he knelt in respect to their sacrifice.


There could be no rest while traitors and xenos walked on Mocheskan,

''Brothers, gather our fallen and prepare to move out''.

Yup, the Damocles for the Shadow Hawks (sorry about the bad pics. It was an old camera.) is a conversion. The driver and both operators in the rear are speeder marines. The bank of screens nearest the rear exit is from some cheap toy from a dollar store, the gunner's lower torso and legs with supports are conversions as well. On the front interior to the left (in front of the gunner's feet when he's in the cupola) is a couple of bolters attached to the bulkhead for the gunner and driver should they need to bail out. weapons for the operators are on the rightside exterior, behind the ramp-hatch, in what I call the vehicle's 'armory'. The left side doors slide apart, and both exterior doors are hinged to allow them to open easily. The whole thing comes apart for ease of viewing, and the access door to the driver's compartment also was cut out and made to slide open as well. The Dish was made from another toy, with the use of Sentinel legs for supports and odd bits to add charactor as well as a Predator's turret power pack. Under the disc mounting for the dish is a set of manual controls made from a speeder's central devider section (the part between the two marines separating their seats).


I'm glad you liked it. My techmarine is concidering a new Damocles for my Crusading Lions army, and he swears it will be better. Most of the Shadow Hawks were purchased online from another player, and I've added to them over time. I've pretty much shelved this army in favor of expanding the new DIY chapter army, the Crusading Lions, instead. Perhaps, by the end of the year, I'll get around to expanding the Hawks again, or, Building a THIRD chapter force (I have a few ideas).


The lions used as vehicle crests are Ogre Hunter Belly Plates, and the lions on the ICs and Dreadnoughts are all from the WFBG. Knights Panthera, I think. Lions are the army theme, and thus the Bubonic Brown and Bestail Brown colors. The use of so much Bronze is due to the chapter conscripting from a bronze age world.


Thanks for the look and words of appreciation.



Very, very well written piece of work there, something to be proud of. My only things of notice was the cowering part, and this sentence against the Berzerkers.

'Huge chain-axes swung down to decapitate him but he dodged their blows- Scorpion blade swirling in intricate figures of eight, slicing through limbs and heads.'

I think you meant figure eights, because I don't think figures of eight reall makes sense, unless you mean like eight slashes ar lunges or parrys.

Thanks, guys.


Yeah, they where games in my local store, but against guys in the same club (i.e. regulars)- Flame On.


My first game was 1500pts against an all-Mech Eldar, everything moved 12" a turn, everything bar the Vypers was AV 12 with Pixie Tricks. I didn't stand a chance, my army was designed to close with an enemy, isolate a flank and charge in- Mech Eldar are designed to redeploy fast, whilst sending a hale of fire at my fragile tanks and keep out of combat...they did it better.


My second game was against a Khorne army at around 2000pts, in that situation I was the one with the advantage of mobility to redeploy and keep out of combat.


In both games it was fought tooth and nail, and bitterly close despite the Victory Points totals (bloody fast Eldar skimmer rushing objectives last turn).



Check out the Vindicator- it uses the old Vindicator side armour to bulk it out, a brilliant conversion that stops the Vindicator looking like another weedy Rhino....unfortunately it wasn't my brilliant idea- that credit goes to Lee (Blessed Knight) at my local store in Manchester, UK (unless he stole it from someone else, lol).


I'm certainly tempted to convert a Damocles having seen that one- I may even trick my regular opponents into playing against it- the rules are still downloadable from Forge right?



Excellent story, and writing skills! All my constructive criticism has already been said, lol. Amazing colour scheme, very unique! Excellent job on the tower shields!!! Any more fluff on your chapter; I've been reading the chapter traits debate you have started and can't wait to post my ideas, though barely any time, lol. I would appreciate any help on creating my homegrown rules for my DIY chapter based on the Dacians/Thracians, romanian culture. Thanks very much and keep up the excellent work. Awesome job as alsways. A man who isn't afraid to fight his own battles, lol!!!!


Bernhard Terroristos

My fluff has undergone many a rewrite but the basic jist has always remained the same.


Shadow Scorpions


Everyone knows of the 1st Tyrannic War, Hive Fleet Behemoth smashing into the UM's homeworld around 745.M41. What isn't remembered is a Deathwatch Kill-team that arrived with Battlefleet Ultima and having defeated the Tyranid fleet in a bloody naval battle- accompanied the UM's ships back to Macragge.


The 3rd UM's Battle Company was sent down to reclaim the Northern Polar Fortress, the sight of the now infamous Last Stand of the UM 1st Co- killed to a man.

The Kill-team led by Captain Simus Jeridian accompanied them.


Few would speak of the horrors they saw down there and many would not live to talk about it.


When Capt Fabian and the survivors of his 3rd Co where attacked by the Nids at the Termie grave deep below the planet- the Kill-team was there beside them.

Only Capt Jeridian and Brother Cranchess survived of the Kill-team.


In the immediate aftermath of Hive Fleet Behemoth, the Imperium was in turmoil. Many on the council of the High Lords of Terra believed Hive Fleet Behemoth was just the vanguard of a much larger forces yet to enter the galaxy-


Simus and Cranchess travelled to Terra to plead their case for a new founding of SM Chapters dedicated to combating this new and terrifying menace. Such a request did not seem absurd given the panic- such actions has drafting the entire human population into the IG (or at least the train and arm them) where batted about and argued amongst the High Lords.


After many weeks of discussion the High Lords interpreted the Emperor's wishes, as only the Emperor can decree a new founding of SM chapters.


A compromise was reached- only one Chapter would be founded to combat the Tyranids, they would specialise in hunting this new foe and lead any combined effort against them.


This Chapter became the Shadow Scorpions.


The Adeptus Mechanicus on Mars churned out weapons and armour, whilst gathering and repurifying Strike Cruisers and Battle Barges for the Shadow Scorpions.


Simus and Cranchess travelled to a feral world near to Terra where they began to recruit and train the first Shadow Scorpions.


They also travelled the length of the Imperium in search of Space Marines with experience fighting the Tyranid menace- the Ultramarines had suffered to many casualties to provide capable leaders for the new Chapter and they where the only ones to fight the Tyranid Hive Fleet. Genestealers, previously, fought to be indigenous to the moon of Ymarghl had been seen in the Tyranid swarms- and so those who had fought the Genestealer infestations of Space Hulks and other worlds where sought out.


These experienced leaders came from many Chapters- to leave their battle-brothers of many centuries, their Chapter their only home was a brave choice- but they knew their duty to the Emperor lay in raising a Chapter to face the coming onslaught.


After forty years gathering commanders, stockpiling weapons, ships and armour and training the recruits to full Battle Brothers- the Shadow Scorpions where finally founded and dispatched to the Eastern Fringe.



At this time they where under the close scrutiny of the Inquisition and the Administratum- many believed the Chapter to be unnecessary and looked for any fault to declare dis-armament.


The Shadow Scorpions trained in unorthodox Tyranid hunting techniques such as the Manus system, the Scorpion Commandoes and the Shadow Dropship stood ready for the expected hordes of Tyranids to smash into the Eastern Fringe..


No substantial reports of Nid's where filed for 250yrs- the Shadow Scorpions assigned to purge Ork infestations, and recapture rebellious worlds. Within a hundred years they soon fell out of favour with the Inquisition- being left to pursue their own wars- much like every other Chapter.


Only with the coming of Hive Fleet Kraken in 995.M41 was the Chapter looked to for guidance, did they employ their unique tactics and units against their destined nemesis.



This is just a brief overview from memory, forgive the abbreviations like Nid's. I'll answer any specific questions- my background is quite exhaustive and corrected to fit into 'official' fluff.


My traits where originally


'Suffer Not the Alien To Live (Tyranids)'- pretty obvious.

Cleanse & Purify- because it's good.

Apire to Glory- newish Chapter (250yrs old).


Having only played Nid's maybe twice since the Traits came out- including facing no Nid's at the UK GT Heat 2 having spent all those points on the Preferred Enemy ability. I became pretty disenchanted with SNTATL- especially as it made all my infantry cost more for no reason.


Also, I'm a sore loser and most of my opponents are serious tournament players- so the combination does wear away the 'I may have lost, but I lost in style' approach. I finally caved in and became the 'power gamer' that uses the Traits purely for advantage rather than background that I despised so much in my other thread on Chapter Traits.


I dropped SNTATL for See but don't Be Seen, or if my army is completely mounted (i.e. can't infiltrate) Never Despair. C&P and Aspire to Glory remained the same.


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