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My W.I.P Entry


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Heil Brothers! I've just finish to assemble my next entry for the Legio Bolter & Chainsword. I've start the idea before the "big-crash" when the "contest" Mini-me was open. Actually I'm not so good with green stuff sculpting than a lot of brothers that sculpt their face for that contest, but I've want enter in that game at all cost so I've a brillant idea ;) When I play the bass with my band in some pubs I wear a Gasmask that I've buy from Germany (I love ebay) and I thinked "Why I can't sculpt a gasmask for my alter-'miniaturized'-ego? " and so I've made it. For a long time, during the crash I've abort this project but in this days I've see a lot of brothers post their B&C Marines and I've finish it..

And here you can see my Work in progress (as soon as possible I'll go to buy the black basecoat spray and I'll paint "myself" :D )


Here a pics of me with my GasMask




And then myself like a marine of the legio






It isn't very near to the original but anyway it can pass for my gasmask :D

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Thats some nice work!

Like the gas-mask, the torso, the base. - All together, whery unique.

Nice with the purity seals and name marker on the base to.


A few questions:

How did you build and paint that coroded metal effect on the floor?

Is the face on the base what used to be behind the gasmask?

Why would a Marine be wearing a gasmask anyway, and what is the story behind the cool but kinda creepy torso?


Looking forward to seeing it painted!

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Isn't that hot to wear?


Sometimes but not so hot as you can think I can wear it for hours when play


[-Danek-][-' date=Apr 29 2006, 02:25 AM' post='994614]

BTW,has anyone told you you bear a resemblance to Pycho Mantis of MGS fame? :lol:


:D Sometimes I've hear this thing eheheh truly I'am Psycho Manstis :P



A few questions:

How did you build and paint that coroded metal effect on the floor?

Is the face on the base what used to be behind the gasmask?

Why would a Marine be wearing a gasmask anyway, and what is the story behind the cool but kinda creepy torso?


for the base, I've made it with green stuff wasn't difficult just using a cutter blade for give the shape, than I've undercoated with black and drybrushed with boltgun and after with chainmail. When the metallic are dry I've washed with vallejo smoke ink and in some areas I've added a bit of orange, let dry and then wash with flesh wash. I've painted a tin black line beetween each rettangle and on the rivets. In the zone where I've put the orange I've re-painted with pure orange and water. The skull face on the base is just for decoration, a Marine don't need to wear a gasmask we all know that, it's just to be similar to myself and for the torso, well I hate the eagle and skull torso and the one of corvus armour (mk6 ?) I use only the one with the small skull on centre and the one with the big imperial eagle so I've start to convert some kind of torso a lot with a face on center and some with the necron like shape and the face just to give a cool look to my DIY chapter


Ps: someone can tell me what DIY stand for?

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A phrae that started with the mania for home improvement when the owner was too skilled or too tight to let the professionals at the job, so they do it themselves. Now basically, a phrase which covers everything.

I guess in 40k and Marine terms it's a chapter that a gamer has created, not one of GW's own pantheon. Your Clockwork Ravens, for example.

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Love all youre work Raz and i think that the mini looks fantastic love gas masks :huh:

kinda off topic but how far did you get into clockwork ravens while B&C was down i'd love to see more of them


Truly I've converted some of them and begin to construct a venerable dread and a Land Raider. The only one that I've painted was Damien XIII that you've already see. I've a lot of problems in my life during the forum's crash... I

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