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Veteran Squad Gurion for St. Damien's Wrath. First 5 of 9.


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In keeping with my biblical Israelite theme, I've done a minor (but effective, I feel) conversion to the power sword, making it resemble ancient Caanaanite swords.


All I have left is to finish the bases (did this squad backwards, since they went through a couple different versions, and were stripped and re-stripped a few times :tu:) and start on the last 3 marines and the sergeant, shown at the bottom primed.


Feedback is GREATLY appreciated :tu:.










+++ Edited due to picture size. Please check the forum rules concerning posting pics for more details. +++

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I like these. I expect that quite a few people won't like the style you've got going on, but I think it has a lot of charm and works well with the colours you've chosen. quite reminiscent of John Blanche, in a way.
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I like the overall look of these models, and the bone's came out well, although it needs a bit of tidying up, but thats nothing to worry about :tu:


I can't say I like the pose of the Sgt, however, not sure why :tu:

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That power sword is gorgeous. The poses are all really inspiring and dynamic too. The lightning claw wielding chap for example really does look like he's thrown his arms down, muscles still tensed, and roared at the enemy.
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The lightning claw wielding chap for example really does look like he's thrown his arms down, muscles still tensed, and roared at the enemy.


Either that, or he's pulled muscles just trying to bring both arms up to swipe at the enemy... :cuss


Seriously though, very nice stuff, and the powersword is ace!

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I like these. I expect that quite a few people won't like the style you've got going on, but I think it has a lot of charm and works well with the colours you've chosen. quite reminiscent of John Blanche, in a way.

I really love that style, but everytime I paint the colours come out to smooth and clean (not that I should be complaining :cuss ). Any ideas on how you can achieve that look? Also, and probably mostly, asking Ale0x, as you achieved this very nicely!


Cheers, Moribund.

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The painting looks great - a full army of those guys would look pretty awesome on the table. Your painting style is very Blanche-y, but I think it is very effective, far more interesting than many 'cleaner' schemes (I'm looking at you, Ultramarines).


I'm interested to know how you're going to emphasize the biblical Israelite scheme. Its a good idea and one I've had on and off myself, but I never figured out a convincing way to pull it off.




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Thanks for the comments, guys!


As for my style being Blance-y, thats a helluva compliment...Blanche is a god, and I can only be grateful that my style resembles his accidentally :blush:. The reason its a messy style is because, well...I'm messy :0. I'm TRYING to clean up my style but its hard for me. I have poor eyesight, for one thing, and I work VERY quickly, for another. Also, I've only been doing this for about 6 months now. I'm a noob :).


The tone of white that I'm using is achieved as follows:


1) Prime with Chaos Black spray primer.


2) Spray OVER that with GW Bleached Bone spray. It won't cover totally, and thats fine. You don't want it to be too thick.


3) Very lightly-diluted brown ink-wash over entire mini.


4) Paint over armor plates with straight bleached bone, 2-3 coats, leaving recesses and edges dark.


5) Highlight with 3:1 bleached bone to skull white, do the very brightest spots with straight skull white.


The fact that the initial spray of Bleached Bone doesn't cover all the black means that some of it ends up showing through (parts of the armor greaves, etc) and giving it a dirty-ish appearance. I'm happy with it, because its quick and easy and looks pretty damn good from a few feet away :P


As a note, my entire army doesn't use this scheme...this is a variation on my standard paint scheme, reserved for my Veteran squads (called "Castigators"...sorry Molotov, but I came up with that before I found your chapter :P) who accompany the Chaplains as a sort of honor guard. My standard scheme is this:




The Biblical Israelite theme is handled a few different ways. All of my characters, vehicles etc. have Hebrew names (Chaplains Samson & Maimonides; Sergeants Ehud, Gurion, Ephraim, Ahabim & Barak; Rhino "Ashkelon," Land Raider Crusader "Gehenna," Venerable Dreadnoughts "Methuselah" & "Solomon")


I plan to convert all the power swords in the army to resemble the one in this squad.


Samson, my Chaplain (ah screw it, I'll post a picture of him :P) has the jawbone of a donkey hanging from his belt :P.






Anyway yeah, thanks for the comments fellas. I'll be posting more stuff soon.

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Your models look very nice. Im not completely happy with the dirty style though. I guess adding a little more contrast by making one of the colours either darker or lighter would improve the overall look (especially from fruther away). Also you might try to decide for one material on each model and paint that "clean". This way the whole model might benefit, since the dirty parts will look like they are dirty by intention, not by accident. Take the shoulder pad edges for example.
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The Biblical Israelite theme is handled a few different ways. All of my characters, vehicles etc. have Hebrew names (Chaplains Samson & Maimonides; Sergeants Ehud, Gurion, Ephraim, Ahabim & Barak; Rhino "Ashkelon," Land Raider Crusader "Gehenna," Venerable Dreadnoughts "Methuselah" & "Solomon")


Mind if I help out a bit with this? Just a few points - I dont mean to nitpick, but just help the accuracy of your names.


- Maimonides isnt a hebrew name, (he was actually a Spaniard), so this name isnt particularly Hebrewish. He also lived around the 1100s.

- Ehud & Barak? Ehud Barak is a previous Israeli prime minister (and also one of the most highly decorated officers of the Israeli Defence Force).

-Ashkelon is a city (cool name tho).

- Gehenna - I'm not actually a hundred percent sure the source of this word (I've come across it before, especially in White Wolf games). Gehinom is the Hebrew name for Hell.


It might be cool to transliterate your names into their Hebrew pronounciations :

eg Samson becomes Shimshon.


A lot of common western names are derived from Hebrew. Heres a couple:


David (pronounced Dovid) - pretty much the greatest Jewish king

Micheal (pron. Mick'ai'el) - an arch-angel

Gabriel (pron. Gavri'el) - another arch-angel

Jonah (pron. Yon'ah) - a prophet

Zacharia (pron. Zekhari'ah) - a prophet

Reuben (pron. Re'u'vain) - one of Jacob's 12 sons and a name of one the tribes


Hope this is a bit helpful :wacko:


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I appreciate the help with names, but I'm aware of all the origins of my names :P. Maimonides is more of a reference; people don't think "spaniard" when they here it, yknow? Ashkelon is a city in ancient Caanaan, Gehenna comes from semitic and was a name derived from the valley "Gehinnom" that became nearly synonymous with hell.


I'm WELL aware of who Ehud Barak is, not sure why you chose to pick that out. Its intentional :P.


I'm not going for a completely accurate naming convention; just something along the lines of the other 40k lore...they use pseudo-Latin, people. :P


Creating IMPRESSIONS is more important. I'm mostly using Hebrew-derived names, but also mixing in general Semitic words and phrases from all over the middle-east.


As for the names you suggested, I appreciate them, but I'm trying to use names that aren't so widely used; every chapter has a Gabriel, etc. When I do Gabriel, it'll be a root form of it, etc. Samson is MEANT to be recognizable as Samson, since the character mirrors him in alot of ways.


Anyway, not trying to shoot down your help, but I have a very firm view of my fluff and names and whatnot. :P

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Samson is the chaplain I posted. See? Mule jaw hanging from his belt and he's standing on a ruined pillar :P I was gonna model long, flowing hair from his helmet...but it looks gay. So this will suffice. He's already become something of a legend at my gaming store for his badassness in close combat...he has many exploits to tell of. :P
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Samson is the chaplain I posted. See? Mule jaw hanging from his belt and he's standing on a ruined pillar :P I was gonna model long, flowing hair from his helmet...but it looks gay.


This made me laugh :D - I pictured a lumberjack-looking dude who washes his hair 3 times a day.

What about an alternative model with really dirty looking dreadlocks? it would match the long hair but maintain a more masculine impression.


Didnt mean to question your choice of names, some of them just appeared slightly random although pretty effective.

I also think Tiberius is a cool name (another town :) )


Gehonnim as a word has a pretty interesting history - its based on the name of the valley just outside the Old City section of Jerusalem - scripture describes it as a desolate place because idol worshippers practiced human sacrifice there. I can see how Gehenna is probably a shortened version.

If you wanted to create 'adversaries' in fluff or something for your army (I'm guessing some Chaos marines or something), one idea would be to use names of idols worshipped in Biblical Israel - Molech and Ba'al come to mind. many of Milton's fallen angel characters in Paradise Lost have names based on names of idols and Hebrew words, like Mammon and Beezlebub.


Again, not trying to derail your project, just thought some of this stuff could prove a bit useful.


Look forward to further updates :P


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