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Iron Knights

Feral Haggis

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i was looking through the 'how to pain space marines' book and i was scanning the chapters at the back of the book and one of the ones that jumped to my attention was the Iron Knights. So i did some research on them.

The only fluff i have found for them is what is in WD286(uk) which mentions them being on a self imposed penitent crusade and that they were bolstering the flagging defences of the howling griffons. It then said that their chaplains were performing all sorts of rites in order to keep the armour clean of plague filth and their sermons said that the chapter would have to be destroyed in order for them to leave.

There is also a brief bit in the WD312(UK) but other than these sources i have no info.


i was wondering if anyone else has any other fluff for them or if anyone else plays them, what sort of MO you use for them?

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I was at one stage quite interested in the Iron Knights as well, but could find no additional fluff on the web. This can draw us to one conclusion. The chapter was made by GW during the EOT campaign just for the heck of officially naming a "new" chapter that has seen no previous light, actually, I dont think it has ever actually officially exsisted so to speak until the EOT mention.


This was done with purpose however, as the mentioned just enough information to officially support that the chapter was envolved in EOT quite deeply then leaves it open for you the pick up the chapter and write its fluff as you see fit. It even throws in a mysterious plot line where the chapter had been on a self-imposed crusade just to make things interesting.


If you like the sounds of the chapter, then by all means, run with it and make it your own. Not only will it still be your own DIY, your own creation, but you will have official fluff supporting it. Have fun.

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The chapter was made by GW during the EOT campaign just for the heck of officially naming a "new" chapter that has seen no previous light,


isnt there something in the modelling article accompanying the Scouts IA article about them being the DIY of the guy who does the IA art?


i've never really been all that interested in them (tho i may take a crack at a few squads at some point) but i do LOVE their marking conventions


what i want to know is why was this booted from Index to Liber, whilst the Storm Giant thread wasnt.. :blush:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Weren't they made up by a peron who works for Games Workshop(rather like Keith Robertsons Sons of Orar) In the UK White Dwarf that has an article about scouts(I think 312)theres a bit where a couple of people paint the new scouts and 1 peron does Iron Knights and says 'they're my own chapter'. Perhaps you could try and get in touch
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