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Searing (or Phantom) Dragons VDR Predator

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Holy Crap it's back up!...lol, ok lets get on to business shall we? For the past few months I've been working on a Tank..all cuz Owen @ GW Scarbz told me the Baal Pred on the wall was the last one, that's what started it all (well sorta..what really started it was the Siege Dreadnoughts) My brain was all in Siege mode.


I haven't finalized on the name yet but if I'm going with Searing Dragons it'll be a black body with Red Orange scheme, you'll see, if it's phantom dragons it's the complete negative... white (or light grey) with a dirty type blue.


Project Code name: "Prometheum" (Drake Pattern Predator)


This tank is essentially a VDR (if you can still make vdr) It's a spinoff of a Baal Predator, but for the Salamanders (yeh the Searing Dragons are gonna be a spin off chapter of Sallies) Instead of the power of a TL Assault Cannon it's a Co-axial Inferno Cannon (I dun care if it's practical it just looks cool w/ two barrels).


The only thing I really kept the same was ...the sponsons...that's it. Everything else had to change. I have two pages of photos on the progression of this project. There was heavy conversion on the body of the tank, check it out:


The Battle Barge - Project Code name Prometheum (the whole thing)


Drake Class Predator - for those who don't want to see the entire progress photo album


- Lou'e


++ EDIT ++ make that 3 pages... I added more photos cuz of the stuff I did today

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That is nice. I flat out love the Inferno Cannons on the turret - I take it one of the cupola's is a storm bolter, the second is an HK rig (which owes more than a little to FW's Tau turrets by the way :wacko: )?
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Yeh I suppose you could say it's the Imperial's reaction to the Tau Pillbox.. haha :wacko:


If you went into the later photos you'll see the Assault cannon pillbox hatch for the tank. I might remove the HKML on the side of the turret if I use the Missile Launcher Hatch as the HKML, dunno yet.

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Mmm, flamey death. And I love the AC cupola! :rolleyes: But I don't think the VDR rules are usable in 4th, and with the rumored death of chapter approved I don't see a revision coming anytime soon. It's a great conversion anyway, paint it up!


Maybe the "counts as" rule could help?;)

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Hey fellas, thanks for the comments. Alrite umm what did I do over the tear drop on the turret? I cut it flat, then I puttied the body of the imperial eagle I thought that was easy enough eh?


For the Fuel tank (when I first worked on the turret) I was wondering how big of a tank would u need to supply that flamage..cuz well... the turret alone wouldn't have enough flame right? So I started modifying the Body...and the conversion went even further..then I wasn't satisfied with a standard looking front plate... lol and Forgeworld didn't have an "Extra Armour" style front plate. Closest thing was the Vindicator front plate, and well.. it's got a big hole in it.. lol So i just fashioned a new one. :D


I just did a copy mould of the Sally logo I sculpted, hopefully it'll turn out nice when I start stamping them B)


I'm still thinking if I should go to the Toronto Gamesday 2006 this month or not, if I do, I'm gonna have to quickly paint this baby up (nicely of course) I'll see.


- Lou'e

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, update


I'm gonna enter it into gamesday @ the end of the month, I uploaded a few in progress photos. I changed the paintscheme and I finalized the Name. It will be "Searing Dragons" and the paintscheme is Tan & Red, to put it in simple terms. I'm still working on it and I'll post final photos later. Any and all comments are welcome.

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