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The Moon Mourners (My chapter)


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Ok, I haven't made a chapter in a long long time since I shifted over to the Grey Knights but I have been inspired to start up my own chapter again and its a big idea and thought. Here goes nothing.


Chapter Colors: Dark Silver and Gore

Chapter Motto: There is nothing worse than failure.

Chapter Homeworld: Destroyed; crusading chapter.

Segmentum: Obscurus; dangerously close to the Eye of Terror

Chapter Master: Grand Master Kuriev

Chapter Judicator: Arcturus Xylos

Chief Librarian: Ptreiz

Founding: Unknown

Geneseed: Speculation revolves around Dark Angels

Traitor/Loyalist: Tenuous-at the moment loyalist; suspected of heresy and taint

Traits: Take the Fight to them, Suffer not the Alien to Live (Eldar)

Disadvantages: Eye to Eye, We Stand Alone


This part is a work in progress. What happened is this: The chapter once lived on a moon where the citizens worshipped the marines cause the marines protected them better than the faith in the emperor. Then one day, Biel Tan Eldar attacked and destroyed the moon over the course of less than one month (40 days according to that planets orbitals and such). The surviving members of the chapter became engines of hatred and sadness. a depression swooped through the entire chapter and upon the first night of the new year in the chapter, tears of sadness are shed for the dead citizens of their moon as some sort of national holiday known to them as "The Day of Mourning and Death".


The death of their homeworld, the chapter placed completely upon the Inquisition. Having begged for assisstance, the Inquisition had sent a single Inquisitor to aid them, along with a small company of Deathwatch. The fury within the hearts of the chapter overtook them. The Chapter Master seeing the small amount of men which had been ordered to help them, he sent away and demanded that the Inquisition pay in blood for all of its lost citizens which had worshippe these marines like gods.


since they never did pay back for the losses that the marines in this chapter suffered, they swore never to fight alongside the Inquisition or any form of Imperial army again. All members of the Inquisition demanded that the chapter be declared excommunicate traitorous, yet there was no evidence to support the facct that they were indeed traitors. Their loyalties were to the emperor and no one else but their chapter master. From then on, the chapter ceased to be the Angels of Doom and became the Moon Mourners.


Doctrines: Using fast shock troops to destroy enemies quickly and painlessly, in the same fashion as a Biel-Tan Swordwind army.


Organisation: Chaplains are Praetors (Masters of Sanctity) and Consuls (Reclusiarch). there is a large terminator company along with a massive amount of veteran warriors.


Need just a little bit more help though. Any suggestions? I was thinking that perhaps I may want to change the name, but I like moon mourners, just sounds really dumb.


input, comments, critiscm?

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Hmm. I don't like the idea of the Marines turning to the Inquisition to help defend their Homeworld (Homemoon? :P ) I would see the destruction of their home as one of the greatest shames to mark any Chapter - I don't think they'd turn to anyone to gain help, (even if they really needed it) just to save face. Crimson Fists, for example.

And the loss of their homeworld presents an even more ominous thread - just how will the Chapter rebuild? With their Apothecarion and Gene-Seed stores destroyed, they'd have a hard time rebuilding solely with their fleet-based assests (which are meant to get Marines from A to B, not to support recruitment, generally) That and their armoury would of gone up in plasma-fueled smoke, so there goes the Forge as well, so re-arming them would be hard. Of course, fleet-based Chapters can do this as they've had the time to acquire specialised vessels that fulfill this purpose, but your Chapter doesn't seem to me to be largely fleet-based.


Oh, and I think 'Angels Of Doom' are an existing GeeDub Chapter, although I'm probably wrong.


Yeah, the name 'Moon Mourners' sounds a bit cheesy to me, but it does have potential. Some suggestions are Tears of Luna, Selene Guard, Tides of Wrath.

Good start, now all that's left is refinement and expansion.

Hmm. I don't like the idea of the Marines turning to the Inquisition to help defend their Homeworld (Homemoon? :P ) I would see the destruction of their home as one of the greatest shames to mark any Chapter - I don't think they'd turn to anyone to gain help, (even if they really needed it) just to save face. Crimson Fists, for example.

And the loss of their homeworld presents an even more ominous thread - just how will the Chapter rebuild? With their Apothecarion and Gene-Seed stores destroyed, they'd have a hard time rebuilding solely with their fleet-based assests (which are meant to get Marines from A to B, not to support recruitment, generally) That and their armoury would of gone up in plasma-fueled smoke, so there goes the Forge as well, so re-arming them would be hard. Of course, fleet-based Chapters can do this as they've had the time to acquire specialised vessels that fulfill this purpose, but your Chapter doesn't seem to me to be largely fleet-based.


Oh, and I think 'Angels Of Doom' are an existing GeeDub Chapter, although I'm probably wrong.


Yeah, the name 'Moon Mourners' sounds a bit cheesy to me, but it does have potential. Some suggestions are Tears of Luna, Selene Guard, Tides of Wrath.

Good start, now all that's left is refinement and expansion.

True true. Although you must keep in mind that the chapter is right in front of the entire Biel-Tan craftworld without knowing it. When the Eldar go in and beat the crap out of them, they desperately need help.


On the note of the destruction of their homemoon was a pain in the arse for them. They lost a lot of their geneseeds (packed em up onto ships) & the apothecarion was a little more than two thirds destroyed, yet they still manage to survive.The chapter is about 500 marines strong. they have about one hundred extra genseeds left. Names I suppose could be Tears of Despair or something like that.


The chapter is almost like post WWI Germany. That is one way of putting it.

Updated fluff:


The once chapter of the Angels of Regret inhabitated the ancient backwater planet moon of Tebrios 9. The chapter was still in its infancy, but the citizens upon it loved their protectorate Space Marines. The people worshipped the marines which protected them like gods, even moreso than the Emperor. Some Inquisitors would go as far as say that that was the reason why it was destroyed. Recent files uncovered by the Ordo Xenos have revealed that a radical inquisitor had humored the suggestion to Biel-Tan Eldar to attack and destroy the infant chapter. Either way, the chapter was all but wiped out in a single night of bloodshed and destruction.


Upon the death of their homemoon, their souls bred incredible rage and hatred of the Imperium. Blaming the Ordo Xenos for the death of their beloved home, they broke all ties with Imperium in a heartbeat. Proof targetting a radical Xenos hunter was never found, yet that was the basis of their beliefs. Swearing to never work alongside the Imperium, yet swearing to aid the Emperor at any cost, they allied themselves to no one but their chapter master.


With more than half of their chapter dead, all that remained was the five hundred marines of the original genes. With the death of their Chief Librarian and their Chapter Master, a new Chapter Master was appointed from the Deathbed of their late lord and the new leader was completely against the Imperium. Targetting anything that he saw as a threat to the Emperor, on any side, he killed it.


More is to come.


As the hatred continued to swell within their veins, hearts and minds, they soon came to a grave realization. The geneseed of their chapter was terribly corrupted, their remaining progenoid glands diseased and corrupt. They were dying.


The news of their failing progenoid glands hit the entire Chapter like a warhammer, destroying all morale and hope of ever defeating the Biel-Tan Eldar. Taking to the seas of Space, a massive crusade began to hunt down and kill all men of the Inquisition for they blamed the Inquisition for the faults in their glands.


still more to come

I read through this and I think you have a good concept but I also believe there a few things that just dont mesh. Dasleah touched on most. I will get back to you later.



quite quite vague I'm afraid and thus its a little difficult to comprehend my errors in fluff. I shall try to correct by checking what Dasleah touched upon. So here is the new background



Once many aeons ago, the chapter now known as the Shadowsons, were a massive and prosperous chapter, acting as protectorates to the citizens which swore all loyalties to their space marines upon the moon. Unknown to the marines and the Imperium, the once Hellbringers were deathly close to a planet of exodites. After a mere ten thousand days spent in the region, their chapter had prospered incredibly boasting at least a thousand marines, perhaps more and all citizens acted as zealous PDF willing to die for their Space Marine protectors.


Despite the millions of Imperial citizens swearing all their loyalties to the marines of Terbrios 9's Moon, it was not enough. For reasons unknown, a single radical Inquisitor declared that the citizens of the moon had become heretics, their minds placing far more faith unto their protectorates and virtually nothing in the Emperor, going as far as to say that they were worshippers of Khorne, the Blood God. Without consent from the rest of his fellow Inquisitors, he launched a brutal and devastating assault upon the Hellbringers Chapter. Knowing this would be no simple task, Vahn Korda sent a false vox, reporting a space hulk filled with demons and all sorts of hell spawn within the nearby vicinity. When the large fleet of marines left the moon virtually defenseless, Vahn Korda, Inquisitor Lord attacked and annhilated its entire civilian population, the chapter's apothecarion and its geneseeds.


As the fleet returned to find their home in ruins, rage boiled in the heart of each and every Hellbringer in the fleet. Swearng revenge upon the Inquisition for this "treason", the present Chapter Master, whose name has been drowned in the sea of time, hunted down the Inquisitor and with his own hand, killed the radical which sought to destroy the chapter. Yet his wounds were grievous and his soul could not withstand the pain which fluctuated within him and died shortly thereafter. Falling unto a brooding depression, the chapter took to the seas of the void, swearing no loyalties to anyone save for their own brethren. Yet more knews of terror dwelled upon the chapter for they soon learned of the horrors which had lain hidden for many years; the black carapace was corrupted in each and every marine; their chapter was dying and is still unto this day, dying.


Upon the deathbed of the last chapter master, he appointed the new chapter master, a dark brooding figure of a man with a powerful mind and soul and hard as steel. Taking up the Sword of Shadows, the new Chapter Master declared that the Hellbringers were no more and that they were now the Shadowsons, hating all things living and dead. Neither chaos nor Imperium controls them. Nihilism controls the chapter and hatred looms over them like a massive plague, for they know, the end is nigh.


Yay nay?


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