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Legio Daemonhammer


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A few shots of individual models








Squad WIP




The finished squad



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I really like these. They remind me of my Iron Warriors from the perspective that they are very clean. Some like to do the IW very grainy looking, a lot more wear on the iron, personally I prefer what you've done here.


Nice basework too. Adds a lot to the overall appearance. (Good use of Iron Hands bling as well) Nice job, keep it up. :rolleyes:

Thanks guys. ;)


My next project will be 3 Obliterators; but I must admit, the models have me a bit intimidated. :P





-Undercoat with black primer

-Basecoat with a mix of 50/50 Boltgun Metal and Chaos Black

-Highlight* with Boltgun Metal

-Highlight* further with a mix of Boltgun Metal and Mithril Silver

-The final highlight* is done by adding even more Mithril Silver to the previous mix

-Wash with a thin Chaos Black wash.

-Touch up those areas where the wash pooled and dried or where too much wash was applied





-Undercoat with black primer

-Basecoat with Shining Gold

-Wash with Brown Ink

-Highlight* with Burnished Gold


*Remember, highlights are mixed thin to facilitate application and reduce buildup. Highlights may require multiple coats -especially when using the gold colors. Consecutive highlights are painted in increasingly thinner bands of color.

Why are the Oblits not based on the rocky ground like the other models?

The basing is the same. I took advantage of the large area on 40mm rounds to add some larger fun bits, like the dead marine and skeleton, but to do this I had to decrease the amount of rock (proportionally) on the base. I assure you, when the Oblits are painted the bases will fit in nicely with the rest of the army. ^_^


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