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++CHAPTER++ The Shadowsons (literally from the tongue of their original homeword; The Sons of Shadows). The original name of the chapter was the Angels of Despair.


++FOUNDING++ 13th Founding


++GENESEED++ Unknown; speculation revolve primarily around Dark Angel or Imperial Fists and Blood Angels. No up-to date evidence is available for all information on the chapter eis at least one hundred years old.


++GENESEED FLAWS++ Black Carapace has backfire meaning that the Chapter of the Shadowsons is slowly but surely dying.


++SYMBOL/COLOUR SCHEME++ Symbol is a Red Iron Cross. The colors of the Army are dark silver as a main and gore as a secondary. All marines in the chapter wear heavy capes which are often drab colors such as white or black.


++CHAPTER MASTER++ Arch Judicator Arcturus Ptreiz



++CHAPTER WARCRY++ None; the Chapter is silent in the art of war, making little to no sound in advancing and when in Close-Combat, screams come only from those defeated and dead.


++CHAPTER MOTTO++ Feed the fires of hatred for we have nothing to lose or gain.


++CHAPTER HOMEWORLD++ None; a moon orbitting the once planet of Tebrios 9. It was destroyed by the Radical Inquisitor Vahn Korda.


++CHAPTER ORGANIZATION++ Arch Judicator (Chapter Master), Judicator (Masters of Sanctity), Praetors (Reclusiarchs), Celebates (Terminator Squads), Veterans (Tactical Marines).


++COMBAT DOCTRINE++ Move in hard and fast. Total War through close-combat.


++CHAPTER STANDARD++ The Black Cross of Death, a massive Iron Cross atop the Crozius Arcanum of the Arch Judicator. This is the sign of the Arch Judicator (aka the Chapter Master) and made of the bones of Radical Inquisitor Vahn Korda.


++CHAPTER HISTORY++ File Corrupt...redirecting...

Throughout the history of the chapter, it had always had acted as protectorates for the citzens of the sole moon of Tebrios 9. For years they had protected it with their lives and the citizens of the moon loved the Marines, some said more than the Emperor. For years the Radical Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, Vahn Korda, eyed the chapter with a growing suspicion of heresy and extreme taint. Believing it citizens brainwashed to serve the marines w/out protest, even to go as far as defy the Emperor, he launched a brutal assault upon Tebrios 9's single moon.


PDF upon the planet surface refused to attack the Space Marines as they were loyal servants of the Emperor. Vahn Korda, caring not for the safety of civilians, destroyed both the moon and the planet in a gruesomely short amount of time. The zealous citizens who once lived in hopes that they too would become one of the guardians who protected them and swore loyalty unto them, were slaughtered in a single hour. Over four billion souls died that day and their screams are heard in the Empyrean at all times.


The Arch Judicator, furious at this random attack, hunted down the Radical who destroyed their base. In a brutal and vicious clash, the Arch Judicator and the Radical met and clashed. It was the Arch Judicator who reigned supreme, taking the skull of the Radical and forging for himself the Black Cross of Death, the Iron Cross of their Chapter. Taking to the void of space, he and his battle brothers came upon a dark discovery. Their black carapace implants were all failing and the chapter was dying. A swooping depression ate into the hearts of every Shadowson in the Chapter. The Apothecarion destroyed, their geneseeds destroyed and gone, their was nothing that the Chapter could do to restore itself.


A hatred so strong burns within their hearts, that they will never ally with any force. Seing themselves as loiyal to neither the Imperium or Chaos, they are Nihilists. None understand how they survive without the aid of the Imperium for their ways of transportation are incredibly slim and are easily noticed. Hating everyone and everything, killing anything that they set eyes upon, the Chapter is extremely dangerous and all who can must destroy this renegade faction as soon as possible.


TRAITS: "Take the Fight to Them", "No Mercy, No respite"

DRAWBACKS: "Eye to Eye", "We Stand Alone"


What do you guys think?

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The idea of a dying chapter due to geneseed is a cool idea, it adds tons of character and personality to what otherwise might be vanilla marines.


But a lethal malfunction through the black carapace seems unlikely, as the black carapace is not needed to weild power armor (for example, the Sisters of Battle or certain rogue traders). To the best of my knowledge, the black carapace is a vital component of the manuverability of the Mk.8 and the SM armor that predates it, but would not kill a marine. Not one genetic addition that the SM's have will implicitly kill them if removed. Mutated? Perhaps, look down the list of implants, pick one, and make it go haywire, since your doing the 13th founding, thats entirely possible. Maybe even the black carapace is eating into their tissue, but then they wouldn't be capable of fighting....hmmm....anyway.


But while looking at the 13th founding, and when your marines discovered their genetic flaw must of millenia apart, I would specifiy when the chapter's moon fortress was destroyed and when your chapter discovered its genetic flaws. I would imagine right after?


As for Radical Inquisitor Vahn Korda, I don't know that much of Imperial history outside of the Space Marines, so that seems A-Okay to me. Once again, a relative time ratio would be nice. Overall a nice start.



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The idea of a dying chapter due to geneseed is a cool idea, it adds tons of character and personality to what otherwise might be vanilla marines.


But a lethal malfunction through the black carapace seems unlikely, as the black carapace is not needed to weild power armor (for example, the Sisters of Battle or certain rogue traders). To the best of my knowledge, the black carapace is a vital component of the manuverability of the Mk.8 and the SM armor that predates it, but would not kill a marine. Not one genetic addition that the SM's have will implicitly kill them if removed. Mutated? Perhaps, look down the list of implants, pick one, and make it go haywire, since your doing the 13th founding, thats entirely possible. Maybe even the black carapace is eating into their tissue, but then they wouldn't be capable of fighting....hmmm....anyway.


But while looking at the 13th founding, and when your marines discovered their genetic flaw must of millenia apart, I would specifiy when the chapter's moon fortress was destroyed and when your chapter discovered its genetic flaws. I would imagine right after?


thou hast a point good. Anyways, the original plan was to have three implants screwed up; the Black Carapace, the Secondary Heart AND the Progenoid Glands. Seeing as how the timeline stuff is my weakest point, I would need some guidelines for that. Once again I will make amendments; since the reports of all the stuff the chapter has is really ancient, the chapter's founding will remain unknown.


The fortress is destroyed near the closure of the 40th Millenium, but no one knows how old the chapter is etc making for an eerie chapter. Also, these flaws were triggered by their depression and not from the start (more to add on). Now for the edits:


++CHAPTER++ The Shadowsons (literally from the tongue of their original homeword; The Sons of Shadows). The original name of the chapter was the Angels of Despair.


++FOUNDING++ Unknown; speculation revolves around the 13th Founding.


++GENESEED++ Unknown; speculation revolve primarily around Dark Angel or Imperial Fists and Blood Angels. No up-to date evidence is available for all information on the chapter is at least five hundred years old.


++GENESEED FLAWS++ Triggered by the massive depression sweeping through the chapter, the secondary heart implant, black carapace and progenoid glands are failing which will lead to the eventual death of the chapter.


++SYMBOL/COLOUR SCHEME++ Symbol is a Red Iron Cross. The colors of the Army are dark silver as a main and gore as a secondary. All marines in the chapter wear heavy capes which are often drab colors such as white or black.


++CHAPTER MASTER++ Arch Judicator Arcturus Ptreiz


++CHAPTER WARCRY++ None; the Chapter is silent in the art of war, making little to no sound in advancing and when in Close-Combat, screams come only from those defeated and dead.


++CHAPTER MOTTO++ Feed the fires of hatred for we have nothing to lose or gain.


++CHAPTER HOMEWORLD++ None; a moon orbitting the once planet of Tebrios 9. It was destroyed by the Radical Inquisitor Vahn Korda.


++CHAPTER ORGANIZATION++ Arch Judicator (Chapter Master), Judicator (Masters of Sanctity), Praetors (Reclusiarchs), Celebates (Terminator Squads), Veterans (Tactical Marines).


++COMBAT DOCTRINE++ Move in hard and fast. Total War through close-combat. Take the enemy down as fast as possible while completely demoralizing them.


++CHAPTER STANDARD++ The Black Cross of Death, a massive Iron Cross atop the Crozius Arcanum of the Arch Judicator. This is the sign of the Arch Judicator (aka the Chapter Master) and made of the bones of Radical Inquisitor Vahn Korda.


That's it for the revisions. 1000 point list is up and on its way.

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1000 point list:

Traits: Take the Fight to Them, No Mercy No Respite

Disadvantages: We Stand Alone


HQ: Praetor Nikolai Ulyanov (Reclusiarch)=200

Terminator Honours

(5) Command Squad

Company Champion w/ Terminator Honours



Elites: Assault Terminators=200

-2 Lightning Claws; 3 Thunderhammers + storm shields


Troops: 7x3 Shadowson Veterans (Tactical Marines):468

Furious Assault

Terminator Honors + Lightning Claws (pair)


Heavy Support: Predator Destructor=130

- Side Sponson Lascannons + Extra Armor



yay? nay? explique s'il vous plait

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The gene-seed is held in a void-shielded adamimite block, meaning that it is practicly indesructible, it can survive an exterminatus. If they can not get new recruit then your chapter will cease to exist, even the tratior legion have to replenish sometimes.

Technically, that is what was going to happen. After they figured out the chapter was dying, they figured, not worth it cause we're going to die. Its essentially a teenage angst thing and they don't care any more, except that all of the marines in the chapter are really freaking old (500+).


More information on the Battle Rites:


Judicators: Holding the same powers as a typical Chaplain of other chapters, they are also charged with the role of supporting or leading commander in a Space Marine Force. Judicators hold mroe power in that the amount of commanders within a Shadowsons army is limited and thus, Chaplains are viewed as ungodly powerful beings. They are the second highest rank within the chapter and there are only 21 (including the Arch Judicator) rumored to exist at the moment. Each one is at least 600 years old and all are walking archives of the Chapter's history.


Praetors: Praetors are equivilants of the rank of Reclusiarch. Also very often charged with taking command of Shadowson attack forces and are some of the insane of the chapter. Their prayers are often ones of darkness and hatred, calling massive shadows upon their enemies, wreaking havoc upon enemy thoughts and minds causing them to break down in terror, making them easy targets for other Space Marines.


Celibates: Similar to the tactical marines of other chapters, they were all drilled with close-combat orders. They are as deadly as Blood Angels in combat and strike harder than most. Caring very little for their safety in an almost suicidal manner, they wear long heavy cloaks similar to that of Black Templar Sword Brethran. All Celibates are veterans of war and close-combat, all at least 300 years of age.


Dreadnoughts: All remaining Dreadnoughts within the Chapter of Shadownsons are venerable and legendary pieces of machinery. The six Dreadnoughts that remain are almost never used, serving more as religious artefacts than warmachines. The only one known to be used for combat is that of the one which houses the First of the Arch Judicators whose age is rumored to be 2,000.

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++FOUNDING++ Unknown; speculation revolves around the 13th Founding.
Personally, I would go 21st (Cursed) Founding. This seems to be the style of chapter your going for. The Cursed Founding is where all the Chapters went wrong for some reason or other, while the Dark Founding is where the records where lost (or never created). The 21st Founding leaves you with about 5,000 years to play with upto the current date.


++GENESEED++ Unknown; speculation revolve primarily around Dark Angel or Imperial Fists and Blood Angels. No up-to date evidence is available for all information on the chapter is at least five hundred years old.

Seems like Cursed Founding again. Personally, I would remove all to actually chapters and instead having some like this -


Their Gene-seed is unknown, but their extended life span seems to lead to the Blood Angels, although they lack the Curse which seems to be inparent in other successors of the chapter. This could possibly mean the chapters gene-seed has been modified to contain strands of a more stable gene-seed, such as the Imperial Fist, to over come this issue.


++GENESEED FLAWS++ Triggered by the massive depression sweeping through the chapter, the secondary heart implant, black carapace and progenoid glands are failing which will lead to the eventual death of the chapter.
I'm not sure about it starting from a depression, why would a Marine get really depressed, he's a killing machine. Maybe say it's triggered by being wounded, thus once the Black Carapace has been punctured once, it deteriates and starts to kill the Marine (chemical breakdown leading to the release of harmful toxins?)


++CHAPTER WARCRY++ None; the Chapter is silent in the art of war, making little to no sound in advancing and when in Close-Combat, screams come only from those defeated and dead.

How do the dead scream? This does seem like your Marines scream in pain when they are defeated, and not the enemy (which I'm guessing is your intention). Maybe reword it to something like -


During combat, the only sounds to be heard are the screams of the enemy being slaughtered


++CHAPTER MOTTO++ Feed the fires of hatred for we have nothing to lose or gain.

I would drop the "and gain", it sounds much better that way.


Also, I prefer the old name "Angels of Despair", it sounds so much cooler :P



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Very well. Putting the suggestions from all of you dudes, I am compiling the final chunks of ideas into a large Inquisitorial Report.


As requested by the High Lords of Terra, I have compiled from a list of several Inquisitors (namely Vahn Korda, Etienne Oz and Edmund Kreuger) all the information of the renegade chapter of the Shadowsons. their loyalties claim to be towards none, neither Chaos nor Imperium, yet evidence supporting worship chaos gods in the form of extreme Nihilism.


++CHAPTER++ The Shadowsons (literally from the tongue of their original homeword; The Sons of Shadows). The original name of the chapter was the Angels of Despair.


++FOUNDING++ Unknown; speculation revolves around the 21th Founding for flaws in geneseeds.


++GENESEED++ Unknown; speculation revolve primarily Blood Angels and Imperial Fists (Ozi and Korda); lacking the Curse of Black Rage seems to go against Blood Angel Geneseed yet the chapter is just as brutal, if not more brutal for their minds are clear and allow them to choose which targets to engage. The Shadowsons also0 benefit from the same longevity as other Blood Angels, yet are nowhere near as volatile as the Blood Angels. Possible genesplicing involves Imperial Fists and Blood Angels (Kreuger).


++GENESEED FLAWS++ Triggered by some unknown phenomena sweeping through the chapter, the secondary heart implant, black carapace and progenoid glands are failing which will lead to the eventual death of the chapter. (Korda and Ozi)


++SYMBOL/COLOUR SCHEME++ Symbol is a Red Iron Cross. The colors of the Army are dark silver as a main and gore as a secondary. All marines in the chapter wear heavy capes which are often drab colors such as white or black.


++CHAPTER MASTER++ Arch Judicator Arcturus Ptreiz (Kreuger)


++CHAPTER WARCRY++ None; the Chapter is silent in the art of war, making little to no sound in advancing and when in Close-Combat, screams come only from those of the slaughtered enemies of the Shadowsons.


++CHAPTER MOTTO++ Feed the fires of hatred for we have nothing to lose.


++CHAPTER HOMEWORLD++ None; a moon orbitting the once planet of Tebrios 9. It was destroyed by the Radical Inquisitor Vahn Korda. (Korda)


++CHAPTER ORGANIZATION++ Arch Judicator (Chapter Master), Judicator (Masters of Sanctity), Praetors (Reclusiarchs), Celebates (Terminator Squads), Veterans (Tactical Marines).


++COMBAT DOCTRINE++ Move in hard and fast. Total War through close-combat. Take the enemy down as fast as possible while completely demoralizing them.


++CHAPTER STANDARD++ The Black Cross of Death, a massive Iron Cross atop the Crozius Arcanum of the Arch Judicator. This is the sign of the Arch Judicator (aka the Chapter Master) and made of the bones of Radical Inquisitor Vahn Korda.



Throughout the history of the chapter, it had always had acted as protectorates for the citzens of the sole moon of Tebrios 9. For years they had protected it with their lives and the citizens of the moon loved the Marines, some said more than the Emperor. For years the Radical Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, Vahn Korda, eyed the chapter with a growing suspicion of heresy and extreme taint. Believing it citizens brainwashed to serve the marines w/out protest, even to go as far as defy the Emperor, he launched a brutal assault upon Tebrios 9's single moon.


PDF upon the planet surface refused to attack the Space Marines as they were loyal servants of the Emperor, or so the PDF claimed (research showed that these PDF were indeed Storm Troopers brainwashed to serve the Shadowsons; Kreuger and Ozi). Vahn Korda, caring not for the safety of civilians, destroyed both the moon and the planet in a gruesomely short amount of time. The zealous citizens who once lived in hopes that they too would become one of the guardians who protected them and swore loyalty unto them, were slaughtered in a single hour. Over four billion souls died that day and their screams are heard in the Empyrean at all times.


Taking his acts to even more extremes, he transported to the service to destroy the geneseeds of the chapter. No one knkows if the geneseeds were destroyed or not as the information was never placed upon record.


The Arch Judicator, furious at this random attack, hunted down the Radical who destroyed their base. In a brutal and vicious clash, the Arch Judicator and the Radical met and clashed. It was the Arch Judicator who reigned supreme, taking the skull of the Radical and forging for himself the Black Cross of Death, the Iron Cross of their Chapter. Taking to the void of space, he and his battle brothers came upon a dark discovery. Their black carapace implants were all failing and the chapter was dying. If a weapon ever penetrated the black carapace implanet, toxic liquids and acids were burn their way into the bloodstream of the marine and eventually kill the marine. A swooping depression ate into the hearts of every Shadowson in the Chapter. The Apothecarion destroyed, their geneseeds destroyed and gone, their was nothing that the Chapter could do to restore itself.


A hatred so strong burns within their hearts, that they will never ally with any force. Seeing themselves as loiyal to neither the Imperium or Chaos, they are Nihilists. None understand how they survive without the aid of the Imperium for their ways of transportation are incredibly slim and are easily noticed. Hating everyone and everything, killing anything that they set eyes upon, the Chapter is extremely dangerous. Most recently, the two Ordo Malleus Inquisitors Edmund Kreuger and Etienne Oz have embarked on a journey to kill the chapter. Thus far, no sucess has been reported.

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The idea of a mutated black carapace is certainly interesting. Myself and a friend worked on a chapter with a mutated Black Carapace, the Martyrs of Elysius:


The Black Carapace has mutated in the entire chapter. In all marines, the Black Carapace operates as an interface between their bodies and their armour. In the Martyrs, the connection runs much deeper, allowing them to operate weapons and equipment with greater skill, and affording them enhanced senses.


In some of the Marines, however, the body and the black carapace begin to grow deeper into each other. The nervous system becomes disrupted, making them less sensitive to pain. It also enhances the connections to their armour, making them even faster in combat than usual.


The carapace continues to grow, however, turning from a simple connection organ to a nervous parasite. The mutation then attaches itself to the ossmodula, mutating and making their bones harden exponentially. It spreads up the spinal column and into the brain, making the marine and his armour one. Any attempt to remove the marine

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The idea of a mutated black carapace is certainly interesting. Myself and a friend worked on a chapter with a mutated Black Carapace, the Martyrs of Elysius:


The Black Carapace has mutated in the entire chapter. In all marines, the Black Carapace operates as an interface between their bodies and their armour. In the Martyrs, the connection runs much deeper, allowing them to operate weapons and equipment with greater skill, and affording them enhanced senses.


In some of the Marines, however, the body and the black carapace begin to grow deeper into each other. The nervous system becomes disrupted, making them less sensitive to pain. It also enhances the connections to their armour, making them even faster in combat than usual.


The carapace continues to grow, however, turning from a simple connection organ to a nervous parasite. The mutation then attaches itself to the ossmodula, mutating and making their bones harden exponentially. It spreads up the spinal column and into the brain, making the marine and his armour one. Any attempt to remove the marine

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Final Copy of stuffs:

As requested by the High Lords of Terra, I have compiled from a list of several Inquisitors (namely Vahn Korda, Etienne Oz and Edmund Kreuger) all the information of the renegade chapter of the Shadowsons. their loyalties claim to be towards none, neither Chaos nor Imperium, yet evidence supporting worship chaos gods in the form of extreme Nihilism.


++CHAPTER++ The Shadowsons (literally from the tongue of their original homeword; The Sons of Shadows). The original name of the chapter was the Angels of Despair.


++FOUNDING++ Unknown; speculation revolves around the 21th Founding for flaws in geneseeds.


++GENESEED++ Unknown; speculation revolve primarily Blood Angels and Imperial Fists (Oz and Korda); lacking the Curse of Black Rage seems to go against Blood Angel Geneseed yet the chapter is just as brutal, if not more brutal for their minds are clear and allow them to choose which targets to engage. The Shadowsons also0 benefit from the same longevity as other Blood Angels, yet are nowhere near as volatile as the Blood Angels. Possible genesplicing involves Imperial Fists and Blood Angels (Kreuger).


++GENESEED FLAWS++ Triggered by some unknown phenomena sweeping through the chapter, the ossmodula, black carapace and progenoid glands are failing which will lead to the eventual death of the chapter. (Korda and Oz) The Black Carapace Implant backfires in a perticularly strange way, starting off as a beneficial defect, allowing the Black Carapace to link the marines closer to their armor allowing for better strength and speed. However, this also numbs their pain sensors meaning they will suffer greater injuries due to lack of feeling. Eventually the ossmodula implant will eventually backfire causing the bones in the marine to harden completely and are intensely rigid.


++SYMBOL/COLOUR SCHEME++ Symbol is a Red Iron Cross. The colors of the Army are dark silver as a main and gore as a secondary. All marines in the chapter wear heavy capes which are often drab colors such as white or black.


++CHAPTER MASTER++ Arch Judicator Arcturus Ptreiz (Kreuger)


++CHAPTER WARCRY++ None; the Chapter is silent in the art of war, making little to no sound in advancing and when in Close-Combat, screams come only from those of the slaughtered enemies of the Shadowsons.


++CHAPTER MOTTO++ Feed the fires of hatred for we have nothing to lose.


++CHAPTER HOMEWORLD++ None; a moon orbitting the once planet of Tebrios 9. It was destroyed by the Radical Inquisitor Vahn Korda. (Korda, Oz and Kreuger)


++CHAPTER ORGANIZATION++ Arch Judicator (Chapter Master), Judicators (Masters of Sanctity), Praetors (Reclusiarchs), Celebates (Terminator Squads), Veterans (Tactical Marines).


++COMBAT DOCTRINE++ Move in hard and fast. Total War through close-combat. Take the enemy down as fast as possible while completely demoralizing them.


++CHAPTER STANDARD++ The Black Cross of Death, a massive Iron Cross atop the Crozius Arcanum of the Arch Judicator. This is the sign of the Arch Judicator (aka the Chapter Master) and made of the bones of Radical Inquisitor Vahn Korda.


++CHAPTER HISTORY++ File Corrupt...redirecting...

Throughout the early history of the chapter, it had always had acted as protectorates for the citzens of the sole moon of Tebrios 9 (located dangerously close to the Maelstrom). For years they had protected it with their lives and the citizens of the moon loved the Marines, some said more than the Emperor. For years the Radical Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, Vahn Korda, eyed the chapter with a growing suspicion of heresy and extreme taint. Believing it citizens brainwashed to serve the marines w/out protest, even to go as far as defy the Emperor, he launched a brutal assault upon Tebrios 9's single moon.


PDF upon the planet surface refused to attack the Space Marines as they were loyal servants of the Emperor, or so the PDF claimed (research showed that these PDF were indeed Storm Troopers brainwashed by the twisting powers of the Maelstrom; Kreuger and Oz). Vahn Korda, caring not for the safety of civilians, destroyed both the moon and the planet in a gruesomely short amount of time. The zealous citizens who once lived in hopes that they too would become one of the guardians who protected them and swore loyalty unto them, were slaughtered in a single hour. Over four billion souls died that day and their screams are heard in the Empyrean at all times.


Taking his acts to even more extremes, he transported to the surface to destroy the geneseeds of the chapter. No one knkows if the geneseeds were destroyed or not as the information was never placed upon record.


The Arch Judicator, furious at this random attack, hunted down the Radical who destroyed their base. In a brutal and vicious clash, the Arch Judicator and the Radical met and clashed. It was the Arch Judicator who reigned supreme, taking the skull of the Radical and forging for himself the Black Cross of Death, the Iron Cross of their Chapter. Taking to the void of space, he and his battle brothers came upon a dark discovery. Their black carapace implants were all failing, causing serious defects within the marines and the chapter was dying. If a weapon ever penetrated the black carapace implanet, toxic liquids and acids were burn their way into the bloodstream of the marine and eventually kill the marine. A swooping depression ate into the hearts of every Shadowson in the Chapter. The Apothecarion destroyed, their geneseeds destroyed and gone, their was nothing that the Chapter could do to restore itself.


A hatred so strong burns within their hearts, that they will never ally with any force. Seeing themselves as loyal to neither the Imperium or Chaos, they are Nihilists. None understand how they survive without the aid of the Imperium for their ways of transportation are incredibly slim and are easily noticed. Hating everyone and everything, killing anything that they set eyes upon, the Chapter is extremely dangerous. Most recently, the two Ordo Malleus Inquisitors Edmund Kreuger and Etienne Oz have embarked on a journey to kill the chapter. Thus far, no sucess has been reported and the whereabouts of the Conclave is also completely unknown.

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++GENESEED FLAWS++ Triggered by the massive depression sweeping through the chapter, the secondary heart implant, black carapace and progenoid glands are failing which will lead to the eventual death of the chapter.


I'm not sure about it starting from a depression, why would a Marine get really depressed, he's a killing machine. Maybe say it's triggered by being wounded, thus once the Black Carapace has been punctured once, it deteriates and starts to kill the Marine (chemical breakdown leading to the release of harmful toxins?)

The lamenters I believe suffered from a form of depression from their bad luck from there geneseed problems.

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++GENESEED FLAWS++ Triggered by the massive depression sweeping through the chapter, the secondary heart implant, black carapace and progenoid glands are failing which will lead to the eventual death of the chapter.


I'm not sure about it starting from a depression, why would a Marine get really depressed, he's a killing machine. Maybe say it's triggered by being wounded, thus once the Black Carapace has been punctured once, it deteriates and starts to kill the Marine (chemical breakdown leading to the release of harmful toxins?)

The lamenters I believe suffered from a form of depression from their bad luck from there geneseed problems.

Indeed they did, indeed they did. Hello there good NINmaestro, I'm new (I trust you remember me, thine bestest of friends). Please get off of the Nine Inch Nails and the Lesbian Elves. Anyways, the fluff is good. Nicely done old friend.

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