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The Dark Exemplars


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[EDIT] Ohh found my old IA, and after some reading I remember why I liked it so much :blush:

[EDIT 2] Added some stuff (I.E the pic, the =][= note stuff and some other things in the Structure part.)

[EDIT 3] Changed some parts, and fleshed out/added some parts.


So here it is, with some slight changing :P


IA: The Dark Exemplars


Name: The Dark Exemplars,

Founding: [Error]

Gene-seed: Ultramarine,

Homeworld: Ferrastux,

Battle-cry: "Discipline and Perfection to the Death."

Location: Segmentum Solar,

Chapter Symbol: Stylised Fire,


Beliefs: The believes of the Dark Exemplars have been hard for many to understand but the only things so far that are clear to them are mostly the following: The Emperor is to be venerated through battle, and the other is that in the fight against their enemies all means necessary are to be used. The end justifies the means. But also there seems to be thoughts of that parts of the Imperium have become corrupted and twisted and the evil that hides there must be rooted out and this have been set to become one of the Chapters highest goals, and no one is above suspicion. The Chapter has also been notes for their almost insane devotion to perfection in strength and mind, as opposed to perfection in tactics like the Ultramarines their Gene-seed comes from.


History: The Dark Exemplars are a Chapter whose history is one of the most strange and shady known to the Imperium of Man. The Chapter is believed to have been created during the midst of the 35

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Beliefs: Besides a spelling mistake in the first paragprah (it should be beliefs), not that bad. I would like to know why they venerate the Emperor as divine, where most chapters only see him as a very brilliant human being. Why have they chosen this path? And does all means necessary include the sacrafice of human lives, be it voluntering for death or not?


As for your history, I feel that more reasoning is once more needed. You have a nice end point, but why is your chapter so secretive? Why do they refuse to work along side the Inquisition, or even put on a happy face when working with them? Is they some dark secret in their past? Why do they refuse to send in gene-seed? Why do they have fewer companies? Why do they not have a set limit on numbers? Not totally sure on the use of the Iron Hands and Ultramarines, is this campaign marked in their history? If not, maybe use two other chapters which have a similar fighting style (non-GW ones are best. Just say the

"The Inquisitions questioning of the Dark Exemplars loyalty have greatly increased since the Siege of Ferrastux incident in 667.M38. The Siege of Ferrastux incident saw the Dark Exemplars extremely weakened after a massive Word Bearer host attack which was followed by a massive attack by the Red Corsairs only 20 years later. What that happened as the Red Corsairs attacked is something which the Inquisitors and Adepts alike have declared utterly impossible. The massive Word Bearer host decimated the Dark Exemplars beyond any doubts, estimated to a mere 200 men, and the Chapter couldn't have been able to replace their losses even within 20 years, but still, the Dark Exemplars, fell upon the chaotic foes with more than 400 men and fought of the attack. Over the last millennia scholars and Inquisitors alike have debated over how this is possible but no one has been able to give a valid answer. All that is known is that the Dark Exemplars ever since the incident never have given out any more information about themselves or sent Gene-seed samples to the Adeptus Mechanicus on Holy Mars, and have drawn themselves together even more and become even more secretive. Several Inquisitors and Adepts have believed cloning to be involved but no one have been able to prove anything. It was not until in the early M39 that the Inquisition fully started to challenge the Chapter Master after that an Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor for several years had followed and witnessed the Chapter. The new recruits that failed the turning was simply executed instead of having the Chapter Apothecaries trying to save them and repair the damage by bionic implants and a brutal and horrible discipline had been enforced on the populace of the Homeworld, where anyone who broke it was executed."


If you are going to go this route I think you need to be prepared to explain a little more in depth as to the reasoning of why. One the Inquisition simply wont just go away,...if they have you in their sites then chances are they are not leaving until they get an answer. Cloning has a nice spin to it (the old Death Spectres background had this) but you might want to add something to it. Certain clones kept in stasis, others placed into the fore-front of battle before they ready, something along that line may help. Just a few thoughts.



If you are going to go this route I think you need to be prepared to explain a little more in depth as to the reasoning of why. One the Inquisition simply wont just go away,...if they have you in their sites then chances are they are not leaving until they get an answer. Cloning has a nice spin to it (the old Death Spectres background had this) but you might want to add something to it. Certain clones kept in stasis, others placed into the fore-front of battle before they ready, something along that line may help. Just a few thoughts.

The Marines in statis is exactly what I have in mind, but oh well, trying to type stuff like that down in the middle of the night is not a good idea :D


Ugh, still working on several part though :(

Hmmm,... I can see deep underground in the Fortress Monastary large areas designed for the preservation of Marines kept in stasis or some type of cryo-stasis. Vaults maybe,...cold and dark. Cloning chambers where only the most battle hardened warriors are grown. When they achive maturity, are properly trained, and ready, they are encapsulated into stasis until they are needed,...or maybe just tons of Scout/Initiates that are trained en masse and only the best are kept. A steady supply of stable, capable, and proven initiates. Maybe,...just a thought, hope it helps.



Hmmm,... I can see deep underground in the Fortress Monastary large areas designed for the preservation of Marines kept in stasis or some type of cryo-stasis. Vaults maybe,...cold and dark. Cloning chambers where only the most battle hardened warriors are grown. When they achive maturity, are properly trained, and ready, they are encapsulated into stasis until they are needed,...or maybe just tons of Scout/Initiates that are trained en masse and only the best are kept. A steady supply of stable, capable, and proven initiates. Maybe,...just a thought, hope it helps.



Perfect, most perfect :D exactly what I was trying to type down somehow ;)

As odd as it may seem, I keep tripping over two parts in this;


1. Vets,...Will you have normal Vet Squads or will you limit yourself to Vet SGT's. Reason being the whole massive turnover conundrum and the fact that the majority of them are clones. Will you have enough guys that will be considered (within your background of course) Vets?


2. Dreads,...I can either see where these guys would be greatly venerated or you simply wouldnt care about them at all. I am almost leaning towards the latter as these guys wouldnt view life and death as the same as they are clones, then again this could be nothing more than a useless tangent,...hmmmmm.



As odd as it may seem, I keep tripping over two parts in this;


1. Vets,...Will you have normal Vet Squads or will you limit yourself to Vet SGT's. Reason being the whole massive turnover conundrum and the fact that the majority of them are clones. Will you have enough guys that will be considered (within your background of course) Vets?


2. Dreads,...I can either see where these guys would be greatly venerated or you simply wouldnt care about them at all. I am almost leaning towards the latter as these guys wouldnt view life and death as the same as they are clones, then again this could be nothing more than a useless tangent,...hmmmmm.



1. No idea really, havn't though so much further into this,


2. For the moment I'm goin gto skip them more or less what so ever, along with most Vehicles too, although one and other Razorback might be present :)


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