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Not a lot of this, or maybe I havent been looking hard enough, But here is my latest terrain project:

(It looks far superior to the orginal smooth rectangle with slopy black paint slathered all over it)



from the right








top back




and the back





also theres this:




which is just a strange candle stand that works well as a bunker when my brother and I play.




The skull thing is a long rectangular candle with two skull candles melted painstakingly into it. The brick parts i carved out with flat head screw driver a couple days ago, then today i painted it with gray primer, and flicked on different values of gray from white to black.


I'm trying to figure out what to add to it to make it more useful than just blocking line of sight. My brother suggested putting stairs on either side, and I was going to do that then bore out a hole in each skull and fill it with blood. Well something that looks like blood i mean. After that maybe add some braziers (thats how you spell the fire thing not a bra right?). Or cut a chunk straight through it, I donno. Suggestions would be helpful, espically amusing ones. And if anyone would like to see my table, and the various other terrain projects I've been working on I could work some pictures out.

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The wall's made out of candles?! That's awesome, I've gotta find me some of those skulls...

Anywho, these are nice (not too keen on the bunker, though) but this thread should be melta'd.


This is a power-armor only forum, after all. How about a bunker built from a burnt out rhino?

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The wall's made out of candles?! That's awesome, I've gotta find me some of those skulls...

Anywho, these are nice (not too keen on the bunker, though) but this thread should be melta'd.


This is a power-armor only forum, after all. How about a bunker built from a burnt out rhino?


Well, power-armoured armies need terrain too, that wall just screams 'Khorne'. Maybe add some moss to break all the grey, and add an altar on top to make it an objective marker. I wouldn't bother with adding stairs, as gamewise they don't mean anything. Just make a few ladders out of cocktail sticks and you're good.


Not a huge fan of the bunker though...

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Hah, well, the bunker was just thrown in because I painted it along with the other thing, I didnt actually sculpt it or anything its just that when you play bunker assault, and want 4 bunkers, you have to do with what you got.


Thanks for the ideas though I had not considered making it dedicated to khorne thats a good idea and I think I'll go do that. In fact I think i may do something similar to the bunker, I was thinking about making the big holes pools of blood as well, but then we couldn't use it as a bunker anymore really, well at least his pure sisters probably wouldn't.


Man I didnt even think that it wasent power armour related, I just assumed because my power armoured chaos and my brothers sisters crawl all over it that it was close enough. And you know what assuming does.

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In fact I think i may do something similar to the bunker, I was thinking about making the big holes pools of blood as well, but then we couldn't use it as a bunker anymore really, well at least his pure sisters probably wouldn't.

Fill the holes with blood, add the occasional guardsman leftovers for details and splashes of color, add a sorcerer that's in the process of... well... processing guardsmen and you've got an objective for Witchhunters (kill the sorcerer) and Daemonhunters (stop the Daemon from being summoned). You can make it an icon that has the same saves as a bunker because of the protective spells the Sorcerer has cast.

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Alright heres a start to the previous 'bunker':











So its just a start and I'll be picking stuff off and rearranging things and adding a lot of chains and plates from the vehicle accessory spruce and junk. But there you have it!

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