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Iron Warriors

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ok well Iron Warriors are my first and favorite Warhammer 40000 army, i have never painted anything before these(excluding art class, but i cant draw/paint) but here they are.


the first 4 Iron Warriors were painted before i had joined Games Workshops "The Academy" program and the rest post will have pictures of models i painted after "the Academy" please not that they are not all finished i still have to paint guns, horns, bases, ink gold, etc. i want your HONEST opinion about how these look:


(all from same squad,excepty for Lascannon, modelled before i knew anything about Warhammer 40000)


1st Marine






2nd Marine






3rd Marine






4th Marine






okay these are before Games Workshop's "The Academy"(above)


now, after "The Academy" (below)


5th Marine






6th Marine





7th Marine






8th Marine






9th Marine







10th Marine






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they're looking good so far, the only think i'd say is to try and straighten out the ceveron (sp?) markings on the bolters, maybe make the black lines the same size as the yellow lines, other then that they are looking good


yeah i cant get them straight, does anyone have any tips, also i was told to try and leave black edges on the eyes, but its just really hard for me to do it ill keep practicing though, thanks for the feedback

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If these are your first models I have to say good job so far! They are for the most part neat.


Now to improve upon what looks like a solid foundation with a few easy techniques.


From what it looks like - the academy has taught you the drybrushing technique for metals - it is a good start that can be improved alot with the use of inks.


All you need is black and brown ink. mix them 50/50 and add alot of water- about 70/30 to the black/brown mix.


should look almost see through.


use this all over your model after you have painted the gold but before any other details that are not metal...


It should 'glaze' your model and not only smooth the drybrushing but also add depth to both your iron and brass. Once completely dry maybe add another glaze to just the iron parts.


The key is to keep the glaze watery and apply evenly - otherwise it could go patchy.


Hope thats some help...


One last bit of advice would be on the hazrard stripes. if your not comfortable at making them all even Id suggest leaving them of for the time being - just paint the guns black for now, and maybe go back later once you have been painting a little longer and worked out your 'style'.


That way youll probably fing you can pull it off not only better but easier too!


Keep at it



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thanks for the feedback guys,but also before i applied the gold i had drybrushed Boltgun Metal then used Black Ink over the entire model than another drybrush of Boltgun Metal for highlights, ill probably hold off on the Hazard Strips until i get better, i was thinking about getting masking tape(the blue kind that the painters use) and cutting them into small strips and taping them onto the black Bolter and then painting the parts that dont have tape on them with a few coats of Skull White then once their dried paint Sunburst Yellow or some other Yellow, but yeah thanks for the feedback
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Hmm, looks like the "academy" made you change from flat boltgun to boltgun drybrush. The overall looks of the academy models, tho not finished, look pretty good. All in all I think they are very decent first models, tho I think you should ask at GW for them to show you how to do washes. Your gold trims would look much nicer with an black/brown wash. If you wanna try, just mix black and some brown(bestial brown is ok, or some other reddish brown) and then thin it down with water, so that it is really thin, and then you just paint the stuff over the trims, and you get sorta "natural" shading on them. Keep us posted on your progress. ;)



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yeah i cant get them straight, does anyone have any tips, also i was told to try and leave black edges on the eyes,


try and invest in a 0.1mm black pen, I got mine from WH Smiths and the tip of the pen is thin enough to go around the edges of the eyes, I also use it to mark out the red and black lines on my Imperial Fists power fists. Well worth the investment if you can get hold of one

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alright time to go look for a 0.1mm pen, thanks for the feed back everyone, i will be Chestnut Inking the gold once the other 3 unfinished models are done, also does anyone have any tips for leaving black edges on the eyes with just paint, just in case i cant find any 0.1mm pens?
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For basic stuff like eyes, flesh, gems, etc... check out Dr. Fausts painting clinic. Lots of good beginner articles there under the "Clinic". (His stupid site isn't working in Firefox at the moment, if you use that...)


I'd also recommend a micron pen. I like the .2mm, but I don't use it for eyes - mostly blacklining and script.


Your first models are much better than my first models, and Iron Warriors are a good choice for a first army - very forgiving paint-wise. Gameplay-wise too, really <_<

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For basic stuff like eyes, flesh, gems, etc... check out Dr. Fausts painting clinic. Lots of good beginner articles there under the "Clinic". (His stupid site isn't working in Firefox at the moment, if you use that...)


I'd also recommend a micron pen. I like the .2mm, but I don't use it for eyes - mostly blacklining and script.


Your first models are much better than my first models, and Iron Warriors are a good choice for a first army - very forgiving paint-wise. Gameplay-wise too, really :wink:


thanks for the feed back everyone, also thanks for the link Fallen

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  • 2 weeks later...
sorry for the double post but just wanted to let everyone know ive added a brown/black ink wash today ill probably take pictures on sunday, going to Games Workshop tomorrow but, for some reason you can barely tell that i used a brown/black ink wash it got a little bit darker not too much but it did get darker, after i take pictures could you guys tell me if i should add another coat cause right now im not sure if i should add another coat or not
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Hey, they're looking awesome so far, I think better than my first models!


About the boltgun and making the lines straight, you can use small strips of tape cut with a ruler (to ensure the tape itself is straight!) and paste them at regular intervals wherever needed. Then paint all over the gun, or any other piece, with the lightest colour first, in this case yellow (its harder to go back from dark to light if you do it vice versa). Once it dries, strip off the tape and fill in the gaps with black, I've personally never tried it because I've had no need to but I've seen others use it to stunning effect!

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also does anyone have any tips for leaving black edges on the eyes with just paint, just in case i cant find any 0.1mm pens?



to be honest, a thin brush and a steady hand are the best. If you 'miss' the eveys, just paint ofver in black and try again, that is the best way to improve.


And sorry Chronophague, but using a pen is defineatly not how you will improve.





also, the gold looks a bit gloopy, perhaps try thining it dow, and then mixing it with a bit of brown, that makes the paint stick a lot easier.


I hape this post wasn't too negative...

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