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Xeno Deathwatch Killteam WIP

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Hi everyone!

To try and reinvigorate my interest in Marines, I'm going to make a Deathwatch Killteam. I'm going to make about 8 marines, and really go to town on the conversions - not the Deathwatch part, but the chapter of origin part (i.e. DA one in robes, Space wolf one really 'wolfy', Salamander one with dragon scales etc). Also, I'm going to convert the SW & DA ones so that when placed in a certain position they form a dual diorama.


There's 3 things I'd like some advice on though...


1) Can anyone think of 5 good chapters - range of conversion-wise.


2) Here's an early DA WIP (I'm still waiting on the Deathwatch bits


What do I do with the bolter arm? The deathwatch bolter is obviously sans bayonet, which will help, but if the sword arm is blocking, whats a natural positon for the gun arm? I'd like to have it firing across the body, but the arms I can find wont alow that


3) The base...

I've seen these painted in grey before, but I want to do this one in sand browns, like the Taros campaign. Any idea what Vallejo/citadel/foundry paint colours to use for this effect?


Thanks all!

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Dark angels guy with a rbode and a two handed sword and a plasma pistol on belt

Blood angels guy with lightning claws running

Space wolf guy with power axe and bolter running

Black templars guy with bolter

Ultra marines guy with power fist? :tu:


Just a couple of quick ideas...

Dark angels guy with a rbode and a two handed sword and a plasma pistol on belt

Blood angels guy with lightning claws running

Space wolf guy with power axe and bolter running

Black templars guy with bolter

Ultra marines guy with power fist? :tu:


Just a couple of quick ideas...


I'm actually thinking Space Wolves guy with lightening claws running, as I can get a nice dualing pose out of these parts, If I can get a nice pose out of the axe/gun combo I may go that way though, as the axe is the signature weapon of SW's.

I'm also thinking Salamander with Heavy Bolter, Flesh tearer with... something..., Templar with bolter (good idea!), Minotaurs with bolter, Iron Hands with bolter, and Red Scorpion sergeant.

Another Deathwatch Kill-Team! :lol:


Here's a few suggestions for conversion-friendly Chapters:

Imperial Fist - the metal veteran with archaic armour

Blood Angel and successors - the death company metal minis

Ultramarine - the extras on the captain and command sprues

Space Wolf - um, the SW sprue!

Black Templar - the BT sprue - or could also be an Imperial Paladin

Lamenter - lots of purity seals (and possibly bionics)

Dark Angel - robes (possibly a plasmagun) and there is a small DA icon on the captain sprue

White Scar - the metal minis with the Tulwar swords

Flesh Tearer - chain axe

Son of Medusa/Novamarine - Asmodai's sword arm has their chapter icon on it


Also check out the metal shoulder pads, as several of them have Chapter icons (Silver Skull, Warbringer, Skull Bearer...).

My Death Watch would be


SW Long fang with a heavy bolter all wolfyfied

Imperial Fist or Crismon fist guy with a power fist

Raven Guard with two lightning claws

Salimander with the scales and stuff

Iron Hand with the Bionic Upgrade

DA with robes and stuff

Blood Angel with CCW's

A very gothic Ultramarine



for the DA you have give him some robes...


uhh... thats my two cents...



oh and random but this be my 300th post.

The Bt should really be the Emperor's Champ model (okay, like mine); a slow walk towards the enemy with his flamer held diagonally across his chest....


'Look, I'm going to walk over to you and turn you into a bonfire. And you can't stop me.'


Suspensor HB and a flamer in the same squad is just plain :devil:


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