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Terminator Comand Squad


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Okay Most of the GS work is now done. One or two little things and some smoothing is still needed.

These will be the last update's until paint though.


Lets start wil Scout Sarge Lennik and his dammdable cover(I dont think I have ever seen so much discusion over a minor conversion lol).






Okay you have to forgive my horrible sculpting skills on this. I was rally only trying for an outline of a Inquisitor in robes. The sculpting is to give me a basic refrence and size once I start painting it.

I think I can correct it and make it look cool once painted.



The rest of the squad.








And for those of you who missed it, pics of the squads from a distance and the reason I made them Hyperextended and outlandish poses.





And now the basic plan for the Dev squad Razorback with dozerblade and extra armor.



There they are Boys!

Comments and criticism always welcome.

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I love the guy behind the wall. The bricks are just sprues cut up right?


Good work



Yeah I cut up long straight sprue lenghts. then i cut a peice of plasticard in the approxomit shape of the wall I wanted then glues the brick bits on to the plasticard, trying to keep them spaced like you would with real bricks. I need to drill some bullet holes in the wall, and spread some fallen bricks around the back near the termis feet. but im willing to call the wall almost done now hehehe

If you want to know anything else let me know.

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these guys are amazingly done and awesome, i only have a few things bugging me about them, but the guy hiding behind the wall has a sword in his POWER fist the power fist is meant for crushing skulls not holding swords. and the other guy on the portion of chain link fence, he looks like he is about to leap somewhere....terminators certainly do not leap. overall they are awesome
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these guys are amazingly done and awesome, i only have a few things bugging me about them, but the guy hiding behind the wall has a sword in his POWER fist the power fist is meant for crushing skulls not holding swords. and the other guy on the portion of chain link fence, he looks like he is about to leap somewhere....terminators certainly do not leap. overall they are awesome


Ohhh man! Yes one termie is holding a knife, in my army list I am counting it as a chainfist. I fluff story behind it is that he is newly promoted to Terminator command from Veteran Scout Sargent, Since he is so newly promoted he still thinks like a scout, looking to sneak up and quietly kill his enemys.(all this is just cause I thought it was a neat looking conversion.

Okay the other trooper I guess you cant see he has one foot up on a box. In his hand is a length of razorwire. He has come up into an enemy razorwire trap and he is ripping it apart.

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