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Deathwatch Kill - Team M1A1

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So far swinth, i'd say you are doing quite well. I particularily like the long haired DA, however, i would try to highlight it up a little further to make it look like dirty blond. And the SW has to have red hair as far as i am concerned. Even if it's subdued.


I rather like the poses you have gotten thus far. But with so little colour on them as of yet, they're much too dark for my tastes. Work faster! :lol:



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Looking good.


As for the long-haired DA, I'd make his hair darker. His facial features, stance and hairstyle bear more than a passing resemblance to Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers.


Maybe even paint a small sunburst yellow 43 on the little flat panel on his backpack. ^_^

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Seems like Aragorn has joined WH40k... :drool:


Like the dynamic poses really! As well as the golden painted scripts on the DW shouldepards.


A great idea to use the plastic scout HB for a DW HB! May borow from that for next patch of DW...


Now get them painted so we can see the results!


P.S. Have to second Angrons_Chosen - where are the mentioned new FW =][= ? ^_^

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they look pretty good dude, like everyone else i particularly love that really nice idea of the scout heavy bolter :lol:

also like other people.... i think long hair on a DA seems somehow... off still he looks cool anyway. i recommend speaking to V about power weapons lol, he does some really nice ones.

still theyre looking good keep it up :D

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Good Stuff Swins. You've got some nice painting on the marines currently. Smooth and I'd like to see more man. Now its time for you to push your limits to produce something nicer than all of your other models.


I love the conversions, just unsure on the hair..everything else= great work


Push it.


Vtraxx Out

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