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Termie Squad Mortis LAST WIP!

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OKay so after being visibly shaken by the masterpiece that DV8 has created for the Canadian GD, I thought I would post my termie squad and see what you guys think and what you think I can do to improve.


Bear in mind I have to retouch ALL the bone and Flames and armor, since I was a little overzealous witht he dull cote and all the final highlights were washed out. So over the next few days I have to fix that. The commander will have a Banner with flaming skulls and such. They will be on a squad base with piles of smoldering flaming skulls. The eyes will be glowing once I redo the armor and trompe l'oeil on it.


Any C&C is welcome






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Just one thing, I think the guy without a helmet could really have a yellow or red glowing eye, rather than one that (seems) to have a normal eye, sorta go more with the unnatural theme of fire and flame the lotd have going for them. :tu: Othervise I think they look really good.



Very pretty models, but you're crunched for time so I'll concentrate on critique instead of praise.


The assault cannon termi's left shoulderpad (crux terminatus). The silver SE-NMM is not quite right to me. The cylindrical/spherical shape of the pad puts its main curve axis in the same line as the arm coming out of it. As such, the SE-NMM horizon line should be parallel to this axis a bit more, and not parallel to the ground. I suggest raising the horizon line a bit so it's above that crossbone.


The Captain's sword hilt looks chrome and not silver. Not sure if that is desired but it feels like it has more blue in it than the rest o the steel elsewhere on the squad. The underside of the sword, particarily the hilt part, shows a horizon line, but because of it's angle (clearly facing the earth) it shoul not reflect csky at all, it shoul all be earth reflection. The other side of the hilt(not visible on pic) probably has the same horizon line, but as it is clearly aiming towards the sky, no earth line should be visible (or perhaps a very thin one at the bottom).


My preference is for a taking the shade in teh bones one step darker for mnore contrast. Attracts more attention, and remember that your models won't look as good at the GD display, no one's models do, the lighting is just not great. Striving for good contrast goes a long way to attract the judge's eye.


Finally, my main problem: The flames. This may be because the GW iconography is represented that way, or that Legion of the Damned Marines are not good observants, but the flame colors are reversed from reality. The whottest part of the flame, at it's base, has colors that lean towards white. If you want to be realistic, yellow at the bottom and red at the tips. I don't know if the standard iconography is wrong (wouldn't be surprised), or probably you simply want a stronger presence of red on the models (valid excuse) but be sure to answer that question. I'm just a stubborn militant when it comes to reversed flames... :tu:


The Assault cannon is gorgeous and was a lot of work, it shows. Kudos.


As per your usual the black armor is most excellent. You'll have to teach it to me. What colors and how many layers did you use for that effect?


When all is said and done, this is a very solid entry, your strongest this year. It will make for a very worthy entry and I wouldn't be too worried about it. But if you want to work on it until the last minte, you've got my suggestions to add a little more realism in the mix.


Great job, you're almost there, push hard, now's the last stretch of the race! It's time for the sprint!




hehe I knew you would remark on the flames... were have I heard that before ;) As the iconography of the LotD is the reverse flames they will be staying, ALTHOUGH the real flames on the base will be done with true flames.


The bones will get more contrast no worries about that, I will be fixing that up today.


I will fix up all the Cruxes with the curved horizon lines, makes sense to me.


I am glad you comented on the hilt, as I really didn't think it looked right but couldn't put my finger on it, thanks for pointing out the flaw, I will change it to what you suggested.


I am in good shape for time I think 2 weeks and 4 weeks of work to do, I can push it I think :tu: Time to break out the caffiene and back rub.

Very pretty models, but you're crunched for time so I'll concentrate on critique instead of praise.




Not having any clue on the proper application of SE-NMM (or even NMM for that matter), I will differ to Bolt's genius on that.

So all I can do is praise your work.

I have to say they look mighty fine to me.

From what I have seen over the years very few people could pull a paint job like that out of their @$$e$ with a crowbar and the "Jaws of Life".


Unfortunatly for us Bolty is one of those people and Damm if he dosent blow the bell curve for the rest of us!



Anyway break a leg at GD!

Hmm, looking at Vallejo's site, it's near impossible to correlate those colours into GWs - looks like it's a mixing session if I want to replicate it! :tu:

it isn't take a look:


Vallejo-Nr. | Vallejo-Name | Citadel-Name


01 | Skull White | Skull White


02 | White Primer | Smelly Primer


03 | Pale Flesh | Pallid Flesh


04 | Elf Skintone | Elf Flesh


05 | Bald Moon Yellow | Bad Moon Yellow


06 | Sunblast Yellow | Sunburst Yellow


07 | Gold Yellow | Golden Yellow


08 | Orange Fire | Fiery Orange


09 | Hot Orange | Blazing Orange


10 | Bloody Red | Blood Red


11 | Gory Red | Red Gore


12 | Scar Red | Scab Red


13 | Squid Pink | Tentacle Pink


14 | Warlord Purple | Warlock Purple


15 | Hexed Lichen | Liche Purple


16 | Royal Purple | Imperial Purple


17 | Sick Blue | Nauseating Blue


18 | Stormy Blue | Storm Blue


19 | Night Blue | Midight Blue


20 | Imperial Blue | Regal Blue


21 | Magic Blue | Enchanted Blue


22 | Ultra,Marine Blue | Ultramarine Blue


23 | Electric Blue | Lightning Blue


24 | Falcon Turquoise | Hawk Turquoise


25 | Foul Green | Vile Green


26 | Jade Green | Jade Green


27 | Scurf Green | Scaly Green


28 | Dark Green | Dark Angels Green


29 | Sick Green | Snot Green


30 | Goblin Green | Goblin Green


31 | Camouflage Green | Camo Green


32 | Scorpy Green | Scorpion Green


33 | Livery Green | Bilious Green


34 | Bonewhite | Bleached Bone


35 | Dead Flesh | Rotting Flesh


36 | Bronze Flesh | Bronzed Flesh


37 | Filthy Brown | Bubonic Brown


38 | Scrofulous Brown | Vomit Brown


39 | Plague Brown | Leprous Brown


40 | Cobra Leather | Snakebite Leather


41 | Dwarf Skin | Dwarf Flesh


42 | Parasite Brown | Vermin Brown


43 | Beasty Brown | Bestial Brown


44 | Dark Fleshtone | Dark Flesh


45 | Charred Brown | Scorched Brown


46 | Ghost Grey | Ghostly Grey


47 | Wolf Grey | Space Wolves Grey


48 | Sombre Grey | Shadow Grey


49 | Stonewall Grey | Fortress Grey


50 | Cold Grey | Codex Grey


51 | Chaos Black | Chaos Black


52 | Mithril Silver | Mithril Silver


53 | Chainmail Silver | Chainmail


54 | Gunmetal Metal | Boltgun Metal


55 | Polished Gold | Burnished Gold


56 | Glorious Gold | Shining Gold


57 | Bright Bronze | Bright Bronze


58 | Brassy Brass | Brazen Brass


59 | Hammered Copper | Beaten Copper


60 | Tinny Tin | Tin Bitz

Thanks for having my back :tu: Vince is a friend irl and he knows that I know the he knows what he's talking about lol I take his advice on SENMM as law since I think he is the god of SENMM.


btw here's a shot of the side of the vet showing off his sword, someone on another fourm asked to see it.



he knows what he's talking about lol

I take his advice on SENMM as law

he is the god of SENMM.


I know thats why I hate him!


Im just teasing Bolty a bit. What I wouldnt give to be able to siphon off even 10% of his talent. Ohh and with his 10% and yours and 10% of DV8's I might actually Win a painting competion(that is if I have the 3 of you kidnapped before hand)!


Well back to the original topic, Like I said im no master at SE-NMM, but yours sure does look good to me.


What I really wonder about is if some of the judges really have the eye to distinguish all the nuances you guys can make happen with your painting. I have seen a few models that they judges winners, that I could have painted.

Yeah I am trying to figure out a device that I can just point at all the great painter's at the GD an press a button to zap thier talent into me. So far I got a coffee can with a sting duct taped on it with a big red button glued on the can... I think it should work.. right... If I were an ork it would work lol
@Nicrorex Gotcha, pistol grip added to the design


Kick Hynnie! Now that should Work wonders for you!




( hahaha Little does he know adding the pistol grip makes it a Talent Shooter not a sucker! He will be Talentless within hours of attending GD! MUUUHHHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Pluse now it can make a great Salad.)



Ohh BTW have you taken a peek at my newly built(but not cleaned or GS'ed or painted yet) Assault squad? Why dont you head over to "Assaulty Goodness" and check them out. Then tell me how Great they are!



first picture: looks good, I don't know how they will look on the bases but some poses look funny.


The first one with the 'gangster' stormbolter: the magazine looks awkward and unbalancing. It's big and hanging to much to the outside. Terminator miniatures have a strange balance and somehow spread out poses don't work with them. I don't know how it looks in real 3d as I just have tese pictures.


The assault cannon guy: the left arm with the power fist feels to open again. And the NMM reflection on the Crux looks black. That blurs to much with the armour in my opinion. But the black 'earth reflection' on the cable or whatever it is on the powerfist works (reflecting the armour).


Third one: pose looks funny but I don't know how it interacts with the base so I can't really comment on that.


Fourth one: Best post of all of them, it just looks like he's turned abit too much to his left. And the dark of the 'earth reflection' looks too black again (on the flamer barrel). The skull looks better when it's done like on the Assault Cannon. That way it looks a bit unbalancing for the weapon.


Fifth guy: I guess he's runningsomehow but there is not much to see of him so no comments.


I have to agree with Boltman on the flames regarding the rightienss but painted the wrong way they contrast better with the armour. otherwise the flames would just fade from black to the white and lose their form on the first read.


and nice wire technique. I do that too for painting. I just keep the wire very short so I can put the miniature on a pinvise for really good handling while painting. That doesn't work when the wire is too long. And later the wire can be cut a bit and act as a instant pin to the base.


I don't like the whole SENMM on the sword's guard. The whole area does lose its first read (baisc form) and you need to look what it going on. A simple normal NMM would have looked better. And as an extension: Then whole extreme chrome stuff on military parts (barrels, weapon guard) is something that I don't like that much in general. On the Crux Terminatus it's ok (and on other badges and similar things).


On the first picture the swords blade looks great. But on the second picture the highlight in the middle of the blade (the one on the vertical axis looks too thick). And all the other red parts on the second picture look like they could use some work. That goes for most of the black parts in the second picture too. It is probably the picture that makes all these things look strange in the second picture.


All the red chest eagles/wings: Reminds me of the Red Wings :D I would have used a bone colour to keep the stuff more unified with the other bone breast decoration.


The yellow/black warning stripes on the Heavy Flamer look really great. They don't look just pasted on. Makes them look like they are a part of it. Great done but in my opinion it doesn't fit with the whole Legion of the Damned theme of redecorating their armour with all death and flames but leaving some warning stripes on the Heavy Flamer.


I hope that doesn't sound to harsh but as it's for GD I thought better to be a bit direct than not saying what could be improved (from my point of view).

The more brutal the better. Harsh advice is never nice to read, but it is much better than not knowing what is wrong with the mini and finding out later people just didn't want to say anything to hurt your feelings lol.


I wanted to make the termies look dynamic, not the ponderous slow moving sluggish behemoths they are usually depicted as. Really in close combat do termies just throw straight punches because if you take the static way they look in most cases they wouldn't be able to hit the broad side of a barn in CC. With that said I have heard alot of people say they don't like the dynamic poses for the minis, but my retor to that is that they are actually fighting, not simply walking across the field hoping someone doesn't have a star cannon pointed at them. If you look at most rue to life fighting poses you will see how unbalanced the human form can get. Mind I doubt the judges will see it my way, but hey here's to hoping lol.


AS said I will change the SENMM on the sword guard to be more effective.


I think it is tha angle of the sword in the second pic that throws the iillusion off, irl it looks very convincing.


The red chest wings are a tribute to the Pheonix Hawkes, original chapter of the LotD


I thought the hazard lines would link the LotD with the fact that they were once regular marines and with the

trompe l'oeil on them it would show they have been through some wear and tear.


Of course there is alot in there that is my vision of what the LotD should look like and if the judges don't agree then pooh on them lol. If they do, then they will be my new best friends :D



*Ha the fool doesn't he know if I point the hollow end of the coffee can toward me... well I am pointing the hollow end toward me... yeah that's right snicker snicker... dammit 3 weeks of painting these termies has finally snapped my brain :cuss *


Too late Ja. It was broken long before these excellent Termies. I think the main concern as far as the judging goes, is will they recognise the trompe d'oeil on the model? From the pictures alone it's very difficult to tell that you didn't put a knife to them. I think that may be a big factor.


I agree with Vince though that the silver is too bluish. It almost looks like it's over the top and trying too hard to be metal. Weird comment, but I think you know what I mean. Overall though, with those touchups and the bases completed, I'm sure you'll have very little to worry about. Besides, I got your back with with the can of black Krylon if it's getting close. ;) :D


Great looking models and I really hope I can still make it to T.O. to see them in person. :tu:

While Boltman brings up an excellent point about reversing the flames for realism, I think it's more GW's original iconography/scheme that makes the prominent red work more than the prominent yellow. I'd leave them as is (as they look great as is...why mess with a good thing right?)


The black armor looks great, but I can't tell if those grey squiggly lines all over the armor are deliberate. Were you trying to achieve a sort of dirty/marbled effect?


Otherwise, great work, and I look forward to seeing you at GD. If you have a cell phone, PM me and I'll send you my number so you can contact me there. I'll be volunteering so I'll be there fairly early till fairly late.




The armor DID have trompe l'oeil on it, but after a few too many coats of dull cote all the detail vanished from them, so I have to go over and redo it all.... argh


I don't have a cell phone but I will be hanging out with Vince most of the day so if you find him you will most likely find me :)




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