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Termie Squad Mortis LAST WIP!

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Since i am going to do the squad base with smoldering flames and flaming skulls what do you think about the individual bases having small smoldering fires on them and the odd skull? nothing too extraordinary but just a little something to finish them off. There wouldn't be alot of light for OSL either so I wouldn't have to worry about chaning the SENMM to include the light sources.



Also what about using typical stuffing to create smoke on the squad base, do you think it would look cheesy and ruint he effect of the whole piece?



Nicorex wrote;


What I really wonder about is if some of the judges really have the eye to distinguish all the nuances you guys can make happen with your painting. I have seen a few models that they judges winners, that I could have painted.


:D :P Some judges really know their stuff, thay will notice very subtle effects and background items such as the red wings from the original chapter. But unfortunately a lot of the judges are great people, just not great painters, and most of these subtler things will go way over their heads. In North America, I say go with very flashy NMM, it will gram anyone's attention. I've seen models with 3 horizon lines one on top of each other on the same gold plate win before...


Regarding the Conversion/posing, I've already made my comments in private a few months back. It is too late now so there is no point. But to be brutally honest Ja we will need to work on this a bit. It's not bad, it's just that it's not up to par with your excellent paintaing standard. You paint black, NMM, SENMM, I think your achilles' heel is conversions. I take more pride in my conversions than paintjobs, perhaps I can fill that Talent-stealotron mug a bit in Toronto with a few tips. Yet painting minis, to me, remains insight and hard work, not so much talent. TRy spending 200 hours on a model and see what comes out :wink:




Try spending 200 hours on a model and see what comes out :D





Well If its me.. you would probably get a Paternity suit and lead poisioning. I will leave it up You to figure out who gets what!



Seriously though, I have learned something about myself. I could probably pull a paint job as good as one of your or Remorses or DV8(after I learned the tecniqes [spelled way wrong] and practiced like a mad man) But I truely dont wish to exert that amount of energy and time on a single thing. One of the reasons I luv your guys work so much is you have the skill, tenacity and fortitude to spend 200 hours painting a single model. I am quite happy with the Good to Great quality tabletop paintjob I usally do.If I spend 200 hours painting an army, go look for my good twin cause he has kidnapped me and thrown me in a hole somewhere. The biggest joy for me in this hobby is really the conversions I make.

I still want you to keep up the amazing jobs you guys do, they truly are inspiring.

So with that said.. Go make me something truly kick @$$! That will force me to get off my lazy but and try and compete.


Well the big problem with me an conversion is my lack of experience do them. All told these are my 2nd to 6th minis I had ever truly converted (besides things like weapons swaps), so I hoping with a bit more experience and more advice from converting pros like Vince etc I can get better. It doesn't help the issue that I would much rather spend 20 hours painting a mini rather than 20 hours converting.

Well I will make you a deal. I will convert 2 armys. At my cost. Some army I want and some army you want.

They will both be very nice conversions, tons of cool stuff. I will then ship them both to you and you have to paint them both. and then send me back my army. Ohh yeah you have to eat all shipping cost's and paint/supplies. I will cover sculpting tools GS and any standerd bits.

That way we are both happy cause I like converting more than painting and you like painting more than converting.

Both full 1850 GT legal Armys.


I hate to be a real bore but I actually happen to to have studied a degree in fire thus flame temperature is NOT always hottest at its base it is if the mixture of fuel vapours in relation to air are in the correct proportions or "stoichiometry" (although highest temperatures are usually observed at slightly fuel rich mixtures) that you will get the hottest temperature thus the usually carbon molecules within a flame emit radiation in the visual spectrum of white (1000 degrees celcius) yellow (800 degrees celcius) and red (600 degrees celcius), roughly.


Other than that I think they are fantastic looking minis and good luck.

I hate to be a real bore but I actually happen to to have studied a degree in fire thus flame temperature is NOT always hottest at its base it is if the mixture of fuel vapours in relation to air are in the correct proportions or "stoichiometry" (although highest temperatures are usually observed at slightly fuel rich mixtures) that you will get the hottest temperature thus the usually carbon molecules within a flame emit radiation in the visual spectrum of white (1000 degrees celcius) yellow (800 degrees celcius) and red (600 degrees celcius), roughly.


Bovvered? NO!

WOW !!


It didn't sound like you did much, "just some re-edging",

But the difference is like night and day.

I don't know too much about NMM techniques, only that I'm too much of

a chicken to try them, and that yours look fantastic.


But your BLACKS are simply a work of art. EXTREMELY well done !!

In my opinion, I don't think you'll have any trouble getting an award

at Canada's Games Day. No problem whatsoever.

Just remember judging (and judges for that matter), are WEIRD !!

At times there seems to be no rhyme or reason for their decisions;

sometimes the best painted models don't win the awards they should,

other times it's a cool conversion, sometimes both - a cool conversion

with a cool paint job, sometimes it seems like something that wins

has neither..... :rolleyes: :jaw: ;)


So, all you can do is try to set yourself apart from the rest of the

entries by doing the best job YOU possibly can.

Don't worry about what anyone else is going to do,

as long as you're happy and satisfied that you've sweated the

details and exhausted every possibility, you should do OK.

And believe me, by the looks of your Black Armor alone, you

definitely got a winner on your hands !!!

Everything else (great SEMNN, superb bone-work, super-smooth

red to yellow transitions on the flames, nicely "weathered" black

and yellow stripes, not to mention great converted poses)

is "gravy".


Good luck.

I'm more than confident that you've got a winner on your hands.

Wow, that black armor really jumps out at you! most impressive, I share Antharxus's opinion (Hey bud!). Your models cater exactly to what the american judges have been looking for this year, no doubt it will be the same in Toronto. Don't ever count on a Demon, but don'T worry about the termies either :)



See ya in 2 weeks!



well over the next couple days I will be re highlighting and adding more contrast to the bone and fixing up the rest of the trompe l'oeil on the minis, then I have to worry about the display base and the banner... Phew I am defintely feeling the pressure. Maybe I should bring an emergency paint kit with me to Toronto just in case lol.


AS for the judges well, I hope they like 'em, if not, then well I have a kick ass squad of termies for my legion of the damned army lol.

Truly amazing. Im glad that someone else is doin LOD I've had a passion for them since i started. a LOD command squad is going to be my GDUK 2006 entry and this just drives me to make them something special.



PS your black really does rock. Could you do a tutourial.

Today I finished retouching the bone. I use wonder wash brown ink to give a bit more contrast and rehighlighted all the edges. I also redid the trompe l'oeil on the hazard lines. Next is to base them. I have the bases ready they just have to be painted then pinned.


here's the latest link


OKay here's today's update


I have almost completed the display base, I still have a little work on the OSL since I noticed that the AC needs some reflection on the bottom side of the cannon. Also I am not yet happy with the flames, I have to add some lighter orange wash to brighten the center up a bit.


The banner will be my next step, I have plans for what I am going to do, I just have to do it. I left it removable for now for this purpose.


So what do you think so far.






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