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=][= New Moderators in Liber Astartes =][=

Aurelius Rex

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The observant amongst you will have noticed that we have not one, but two new moderators prowling the corridors of Liber Astartes; Severus6 and Moogoo the Great. Both bring a wealth of moderating experience and knowledge to the post, and let me be the first to welcome them both to this position. :D


As moderators arrive, so to they also depart. I have now stepped back from Liber Astartes to work on certain... secret projects (Ref: World Domination, Neural control) but I have enjoyed my time here greatly, and hold out a sneaking suspicion that I might be back one day. -_-




Aurelius. :)

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Let me be the second one to welcome the new (old) Mods, and say goodbye to Rex. You were the Mod in here when I started posting here (and over the several falls of the Wings of Death), and I am yet to see the <Muffled by Aurelius Rex> . Now your not telling people how to write their fluff, will you write yours? :D


Have Fun



I'm sorry to see you go, Rex. I regret I wasn't around on the B&C longer to know you better. ^_^


I had noticed Moogoo's new presence as moderator on the board, but Severus6 I hadn't noticed. So, welcome to both of them. I hope you enjoy your stay here. :)

Aurelius, it is certainly a shame to see you departing the hallowed halls of the Liber - I hope that the trip is a short one and we still see your face around. During your tenure, you've been everything a moderator should - you were dedicated to an extent that is hard for any of us to truly quantify. You spent your time (and your creativity) helping to spark the imaginations of others, to correct misunderstandings, to correct and clarify whilst remaining courteous. You were ever-patient, and your replies were always measured and well-constructed, helping to improve the work of the frater. The sheer effort you've put into the Liber is something that few will ever understand - but that I think we will all appreciate.


Whilst Liber is not the busiest - or most popular - forum on the B+C, it requires special attention from its' moderators, and you provided that attention in spades. You worked tirelessly, displaying an extraordinary amount of enthusiasm, energy and drive. You were devoted to the Liber and that shone throughout. It was clear you were a dedicated Liber-ite, and that was important. Your work has helped to make the Liber what it is - a landmark amongst the 40k community. A haven of intellignelty-written contributions that serve to enhance our appreciation for the rich, dark mythos that is the 40k universe.


Personally, you have helped me a tremendous amount during my work on the Castigators. It's something I've appreciated, and that sort of excellent advice is something I know hundreds of Frater can attest to receiving. So, this is an opportunity to say 'thank you'. It's a shame you're leaving, but I wish you the best of luck with your projects. Especially that 'world domination' lark.


To the new moderators, welcome. ^_^ I look forward to seeing you on the boards.



I'll try to keep it from getting too rowdy in here.

*yells at kids to get off of LA's lawn*

You know, the Chaos forum used to have a bar. We need one in here. :rolleyes:





/don't worry, I'm only insane two days a week. Playing a Tzeentch force'll do that to anyone.


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