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Void Hunter Assault Speeder


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Okay so her is the deal. After scrapping my first attempt at another completly original(IE stolen from someone else) Speeder. I was forced to think up something new. With this one I think I captured the total essence of my Urban Assault fluff theme.

SInce the Void Hunters take an inordinate amout of causualtys from the Assautl squad and Fast attack units, they must replace these squads and troops at a higher rate, whitch is not always possible. So they are forced to improvise.


On to the pics. Remember still way way way WIP.










Yes that is a Servitor Mounted AC. He will end up on a platicard and GS base in his little compartment.

There will be some wires leading out of his right arm socket into a control box to his right.


Let me know what you all think!

Make sure SOME ONE uses the Drooling smiley darnit!


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I don't know... It just looks a little... wrong to me. I think it may be the size of the servitor compared to the speeder, him seeming a little small for his gun... but I just don't really find my self a fan of servitors. Oh, here's your smilely:drool: I looked again and the sevitor just seems too small for the gun, and maybe the cockit... it just seems like a grot riding a warbike...
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He-he-he. Great idea! I might have to yoink this. In fact, I think I shall. **YOINK**


I like the cabling on the side of the divider plate - a nice detail. I agree with Gyson though - perhaps swap the weapons around? The Heavy Bolter would certainly look more in keeping, scale-wise with a servitor.

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YEAH! I got my drool smiley!




Thanks for your suggestions guys. the srvitor will stay though, I like him he will look a bit bigger once his attachment base connecting him to the speeder is done.

Guess I better go work on it...

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Okay did a bunch of GS work so I thought you all might like to see.


First up is the drivers side, added a auspex head to fill out a blank area.



added a little detail to the back.



And now to the servitor gunner.





Just a quick fluffy thing. I was thinking the servitor is made from fallen marines, Thus they can still serve the Chapter even after debilitating wounds. All that was left of this marine was his torso and head.



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