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these are my first minis that I put in here in B&C forum. I learned a lot of you guys and this is my

first work by which I can show my novice skills ^^. I hope you enjoy, I'm waiting for comments and criticizm.


DW Chaplain


DW Librarian




Termi with HF


Termi with AC


Painted Termi








Yes, I know, pics are a bit bloory.




++Oversized images changed to links++

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That dont seem like novice GS to me. Those robed angels that you have sculpted puts you a lot higher up in the hierarchy :rolleyes:


Very good models even if some of them got some rough GS (but dont listen too much on me, my GS skills is quite limited).


You can improve the painted terminator if you mix Bleached bone and Skull white 50/50 and use that colour on the edges. And finish with Skull White on the sharp corners and the very protruding areas thats on the the terminator. Makes the transition somewhat smoother.



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Hi very nice, i am also doing a similar project and was wondering how you got such a good cast of the crosius from asmodi.


My casts are not very good, but yours looks really nice and neat and sharpe. Do you use greenstuff as the mould too, i have been using milliput, thinking it would give sharper edges. Maybe i should be using greenstuff for the mould aswell as the cast.


If my assumption that those are casts is wrong, then i apologise and bow down to your gs skills, either way the details are fine copies.


Whats going on with the librarians hand though? cant quite make it out.

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Hi very nice, i am also doing a similar project and was wondering how you got such a good cast of the crosius from asmodi.


My casts are not very good, but yours looks really nice and neat and sharpe. Do you use greenstuff as the mould too, i have been using milliput, thinking it would give sharper edges. Maybe i should be using greenstuff for the mould aswell as the cast.


If my assumption that those are casts is wrong, then i apologise and bow down to your gs skills, either way the details are fine copies.


Whether the icons are casted or not is one thing, but this is not the place to ask for help on how to do green stuff casting.

Check out the rules! :lol:


Cheers, Moribund!

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You can improve the painted terminator if you mix Bleached bone and Skull white 50/50 and use that colour on the edges. And finish with Skull White on the sharp corners and the very protruding areas thats on the the terminator. Makes the transition somewhat smoother.


I will try that!


@ eggz: Concerning the Librarians hand, its a large Powerclaw, I use it as a forceweapon, its from the Abbadon mini.

You can see it better on this pic:




Here are a few more pics, especially from the right shoulder pads, for those who cannot afford the nasty FW shoulder icons:


Termi with AC, right side


Termi with HF, right side


Chaplain, front


@admins: sorry for those big images :lol:.



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