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Diary of Painting Comp Prep

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Hello all!


Went into my local GW today and found they are having a painting competition. Categories include:


Forge World (anything with FW on it, will be split between Bitz and all Resin Models) - Entering my Termie Squad WIP - COMPLETED


40k Special Charatacter - Entering Xavier


Warhammer Boat - Entering a...erm boat (expect no pics) - COMPLETED


Kill Team - Entering Fire Drake Squad - COMPLETED


Path to Glory WarBand - Entering Nothing


Ok, so I've got 2 weeks to paint a 5 man Fire Drake Squad (estimated week and a half) and Xavier. The termie squad has one model left scheduled to finish tomorrow.


The fire drake squad has no progress. Needs to be built and painted.


Xavier needs to be stripped and re-painted. Probably gonna try NMM on him.


The Boat...well nothing on this as it is done and I can't post pics or updates here.


This thread will document my progress and aftermath.


Wish me luck!



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Hangin' in my spurs this time mates. :) An accident happened, my little cousin knocked the lysander model off the shelf, severing it from the base. Gauging out the armor and face full of chips. :(


I have one day left and I know a miracle will not happen. His armor is done, but the face is ground 0 as is everything else. His arms went to the oven cleaner and got stripped.


Alas mates, I'm callin' it a draw. He will not be done for the competition. :P Pity Xavier didn't arrive, I could have finished him then, trying to dos Lysander was to much of a stretch to paint in 3 days.


I'd never painted yellow before, so that was a big mistake...maybe I'll finish him in the future, but not this day. :(




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